How do I fall for the vps meme?
I just want a vpn that lets me post on Sup Forums.
How do I fall for the vps meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
From what I know, you need to pay for one, so you can get access to domains and such that Sup Forums has not blacklisted. All the public proxies and VPNs I've tried don't work because they use public proxies that Sup Forums has blacklisted in their database.
You can always contact your ISP and ask them to change your IP for you.
My ISP blocks Sup Forums.
Besides I'm not looking to evade bans. I can do that by power cycling the modem.
I want to get a vpn that isn't blacklisted on Sup Forums so I can still post in case my ISP gets more aggressive with its blocking.
Get a vps, ssh with the -D flag to make a local socks proxy tunneled over SSH
It's a 1 step process fucktard, we need an entry test for this board or blocking Windows user agents
>digital ocean
>install openvpn
I think Sup Forums pass lets you get around the VPN blacklist? In which case it'd be cheaper and far less hassle to get that and use Opera's freebie.
Aside from that, if you use a VPS for VPN then you're stuck with one IP address, the VPS company will throw you under the bus if you're caught using it for piracy, it has no real privacy advantage etc.
>4chin pass
I wonder how easy it is for the CIA niggers to track someone with a Sup Forums pass, even if you pay with buttcoin and use a vpn
I imagine it'd get you around the casual mass snooping. They'd have to want to zero in on you specifically, and I imagine they have bigger fish to fry than going after anything that's posted on 4chin.
what country are you from ?
>actually needing a vpn to torrent or do stuff
>not just for fun
>living in a shit country
shittiest speed encountered
1. get vps, install ssh
2. ssh user@server -D8000
3. set browser to use socks5 proxy at localhost:8000
4. ???
>I think Sup Forums pass lets you get around the VPN blacklist?
That's correct.
I might even have been the one (or one of the ones) who made that happen.
>be me
>be in China
>buy Sup Forums pass
>use vpn because youtube etc
>post on Sup Forums without turning off vpn
>sometimes temp b& for vpn on some boards (but not all)
>one day...
>perma b& because vpn
>appeal b&
>appeal b&
>never b& for vpn again
It seems that a Sup Forums pass allows vpns now, including private ones. I use a mix of commercial and vps vpns, works fine.
Do I also need to install anything on the vps (other than sshd) or will it work out of the box?
It's slow, many apps cant use socks and it can be blocked by isp or state.
Install shadowsocks (port 443, salsa20, one-time-auth, udp-relay)
Install openvpn (udp, tap, tls-auth, auth none, cipher none, lzo none).
you will also need libcap2-bin, fail2ban, dnsmasq, resolvconf, linux-igd
On ios/android use
On pc use openvpn over shadowsocks. You will need a openvpn client which can run custom scripts before and after connection. E.g Viscosity.
>openvpn over shadowsocks
Why layer them?
I assume you're layering them, if you meant to prefer openvpn then that's a bad idea, openvpn is easily identified at the packet level, it's often (but not always) blocked or throttled here.
> I just want a vpn that lets me post on Sup Forums.
They're all banned. Buy a Sup Forums pass or back off.
VPN providers might be blocked
but the whole thread is about VPS proxy's
and you are a retard
>Why layer them?
Shadowsocks have handshake and packet size obfuscation, fast encryption algorithms like salsa20. But it is socks proxy and it have tcp-over-tcp problem.
Openvpn is quite the opposite. It is easily detected by dpi, but it is good at networking (layer2 virtual network and udp).
So combining them together we get a layer2 vpn which uses udp and cant de detected by packet or session inspection.
It also helps a bit with multicore performance, especially on non aes-ni capable hardware.
>VPS proxy
I'm not the retarded user, just correcting something that you may or may not believe...
Sup Forums, under some circumstances that I don't understand, detects a private VPS running a VPN and gives you a b&.
It might involve mod intervention, I only know that it happened to me once. I wasn't ban evading when it happened, as far as I know, the only reason for the ban was that I was using a private vpn on a server I own.
just sshd
>So combining them together we get a layer2 vpn which uses udp and cant de detected by packet or session inspection.
Aah, cool.
Are there canned solutions for setting them up?
Either client or server side.
then what am I posting from right now? :^)
I've done this last year and it worked fine
>detects a private VPS running a VPN
It is posible to detect vpn by checking packet mtu, reverse DNS lookup or comparing ping time (from server to client ip and from client browser to server). But i'm pretty sure none of that is used on Sup Forums. They probably just manually banned ip ranges of some popular vps providers.
There is lots of shadowsocks and openvpn guides. Pairing them together is much less complicated then setting them up. I can upload my configs and scripts if it will help.
> is about VPS proxy's
VPN is VPN, doensn't matter if you buy it preconfigured or set up it yourself.
>I can upload my configs and scripts if it will help.
Sure, if it's not too much trouble then I'd appreciate it.
I'm running Mint18 on client and Ubuntu 16.04 on server. I assume that's pretty standard.
lately, GFW has been kicking my arse, saving a file takes 30 seconds, reloading a webpage to test it takes 5 minutes. Got to rethink my networking a bit before I sedoku.
Well this config is for Osx/Viscosity and Jessie but it should not be that different.
Thanks user, I should be able to build something with that as a base.
Daily reminder that VPSs are not safe enough for VPNs
I always see faggots saying "oh don't buy a VPN service just get a cheap VPS instead" as if traffic correlation doesn't exist in this timeline.
If you want to be safe, get a VPN with the most popular provider you can find, don't use a VPN where the only person connecting to it is yourself unless you're an idiot.
If you're just looking to avoid copyright claims a VPS/dedi would probably be good enough though, just make sure you don't go with a shit provider (such as OVH) that gives up access records without a subpoena.
Dont use
Both are blocked and I use ExpressVPN for my Tor Habits (DNM) PIA sucks can't resolve DNS when connected to VPN
This. Sup Forums Pass bypasses the blacklist issue
The only 2 I know are blocked
>Daily reminder that VPSs are not safe enough for VPNs
If we're not hoarding CP or plotting revolution then they're pretty much good enough.
I really just want to access international websites and read gmail, nothing that would get me v&.
Anyone working for foreign intelligence needs better solutions and anyone seriously plotting to overthrow a government should stay the fuck off the internet anyway.
>If we're not hoarding CP or plotting revolution then they're pretty much good enough.
Eh I'd say more than those, remember this is the planet where a single innocent google search can get you flagged, and where countries can legally log everything you do on the internet for years at a time.
Leaked NSA filters even showed them flagging people just for visiting Linux-related sites, so I wouldn't say having good OPSEC is just for pedos and revolutionaries.
>I really just want to access international websites and read gmail, nothing that would get me v&.
Which is another reason using a VPN provider would be best, the one I'm using has servers in like 25 different countries, beats having a single server in one country.
the difference between a self hosted solution and a service provided by a well known provider makes a world of a difference you retard
if you are to stupid to get a VPS with an IP thats not in a blocked range its your own problem dont act like you know anything before you understand the basic
btw your a fucking mouth breathing retard for stating this in such absolute fashion like it was a fact