Time to leave github.
Time to leave github
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If you're offended by that, the time to leave GitHub was long ago.
Why? What's triggering you gayboi?
gitgud.io friendo
Bitbucket for real men.
Top Kek
I just was dealign with this
Can't tell if you are pissed about the horrible servers or if you are triggered by the rainbow unicorn.
We want a efficient and NEUTRAL service, not some garbage run by mentally instable shitheads who can't spend even one day without showing to the world they sexual orientation or some useless shit like that.
Github has been compromised for years, it's 2017, why aren't you hosting your own Gitlab instance already?
This is stealth saying that their shit is fucked because special snowflakes are on their HRT periods.
You're the one getting triggered by literally nothing. Keeping people like you away is github doing it's job well if you ask me.
Are you triggered because they run Unicorn as a HTTP server?
Also, github has been shit for years.
Bitbucket is where it's at, or host your own Gogs/Gitlab.
>tfw using patrician words all over my code
>tfw putting harmful code in my bash scripts
>tfw people all over github throw some kys at me and my mom on a daily basis
>tfw some fagmods at Github closed my accounts a couple of times due to reports from faglords who got offended
>tfw currently on my 6th acc
I won't stop using Github until I get ip ban, feels so fucking good to get some love form people over the internet.
You have to be pretty retarded to use github for any serious project, they haven't done anything good in the last 5 years and managing your code is still an hassle in glorious 2018-1.
Self-hosting or bitbucket are the patrician choice.
That's just a unicorn with a rainbow mane. Stop sperging out over meaningless shit.
Isn't this the AOKP logo?
>getting literally triggered
Sensitive baby, do you need a safe space? Are you literally shaking right now?
you're so edgy and cool dude
>t-they put a unicorn rainbow on an error page!!!! this is literally worse than stalin!!! LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN, I HAVE TO POST THIS DEGENERACY TO Sup Forums, SO PROBLEMATIC
This is exactly why I want /mlp/ to be allowed on all boards. It repels Normies like OP.
That's what you deserve for being a pussy and c/p code you don't own/know/read
so edgy
so cool
I also run kali linux
Furry shit probably. Although I wouldn't leave github because of this
I got one too
barney fag is 4chans goldstein
>being this inept
That logo is from the ruby http server module
GitHub is trash
Host your own server fgt
Huh. I always associated it with AOKP.
Me too fellow pajeet
hory shet my webcam is haxxord
>mfw the people who laugh at SJWs for getting triggered by an eggplant are the same exact people who get triggered by a unicorn
Lol im SUCH A NERD because i watch a show for little GIRLS XDDDD
>he doesn't watch care bears marathons
Why do feminists always call others "babies"?
Use gitlab you dumbfuck.
severely underrated
>this picture
I'm buying a MAGA hat to wear on Inauguration day.
Because Feminists are pedophiles?
>getting triggered by unicorns/horses/rainbows
>orgmode logo
Problem bro?
They not so rare the rare ones are the ponycorns never seen one