"Linux is free if your time is worthless". Is that quote still true? I think it is.
I tried a Gnome Debian live USB the other day to see the state it has now.
The mouse acceleration was insanely high and it required the terminal.
"Linux is free if your time is worthless". Is that quote still true? I think it is.
I tried a Gnome Debian live USB the other day to see the state it has now.
The mouse acceleration was insanely high and it required the terminal.
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For at least into the foreseeable 20 years, cs dropouts will always corrupt linux by making a shit-on-purpose distro. They don't have any form of job or responsibilities and have all the time to try to "convert" people and get them to use their dropout distro.
This is a game they play because they *want* people to download it, run into trouble, then flip shit and say linux is for losers. They think this makes them smart.
This is why you will keep seeing this meme that linux is hard to use and is only for losers, it's why you saw it after 2008 and why you will see it well into the future.
These kinds of fags will migrate to BSD eventually and you'll see the process cycle through again but nobody will care because linux is already free.
Everyone likes mouse acceleration, if you weren't such a special snowflake you wouldn't even notice, they don't put it in the gnome control settings because gnome is for retards and it would just confuse them.
Seems like you figured it out ok by yourself so why blog about it here?
The best thing that happened to linux lately was Android. It's sad that linux memesters don't respect it. It's exactly what Linux should be doing, using a powerful kernel as a core, but with great third party software on it.
The bane of Linux isn't the core, that's the least, it's the third party software support on the Desktop is shit.
Stupid wording. It wasn't the acceleration (that was off, only retards like it on, why would you think "everyone likes it", whatever). It was that the mouse while it was on 5700 DPI, there was no slower than "0 extra speed" on the GUI and one had to edit Xorg's conf to do it properly.
..for a few years now.
t. delusional BSD fag
install ubuntu/fedora/whatever
install whatever packages you need
drop in dotfiles
takes maaaaybe 30 minutes, then again i basically use tmux as a window manager so i'm not the pickiest
Don't think it ever was true.
Most people like it because they don't have ultra high DPI meme mice.
The drivers support slowing it down and you figured it out, but honestly its your own fault for buying that weird shit and expecting it to work normally.
The thing is that was only an example. That shit is going to need something to be manually done once in a while for months about months and forever. And even after you've done that you reach the real limitation of linux, that even if it were amazing on the core of the system (which isn't bad at all, true), the third party software is shit.
I've been using Linux for years in the past. I remember going from kernel 2.2 and 2.4 to 2.6 to see the range of how long I stayed. So this wasn't about seeing if it's possible for me to do it, but to see if there is more automation nowadays, and it's still the same old "I'm gonna need to manually edit 100 different things every week don't I" kind of thing.
But even after you do all that shit, the main problem remains (because at the core the OS is not bad at all), the third party software remains limited or crap.
>it required the terminal
oh say it ain't so
the spooky black window that you have to *gasp* type into
I'm so sorry you had to go through that, OP
maybe you should join a support group made for people who ocassionally had to use the keyboard to do something
clearly, you suffer from PTSD and are eligible for government assistance
no one should EVER need to TYPE anything
it's 2017 for God's sake
and you still have to use the KEYBOARD to TELL YOUR COMPUTER TO DO SOMETHING
there ought to be a law against allowing such tragedies to occur
hopefully congress has a way to write up that law without the keyboard
again I'm so sorry that you had to go through the absolute torment of having to type things every once in a while into your computer
how brave you are to talk about your trials and tribulations of using a desktop environment that doesn't have an option to change the setting with the mouse
how terrible it must be, knowing that you could have gotten one that does, if only that didn't require typing
This quote based on video editing as that dude edited some on his linux rig.
>the spooky black window that you have to *gasp* type into
>I'm so sorry you had to go through that
I'm willing to bet everything I have you kid has less time on the terminal than I had when I started on kernel 2.2 and reached up to about 3.0 non-stop.
This wasn't about to see if I can use linux, but to see the extend of automation that it might have reached, or not.
>great third party software
A.k.a. Linux forks that you have to pay for
I think xinput and xset are super easy to use compared to the shit you get in Windows.
To each his own I guess.
Why the fuck not. That's the real problem of linux. See Android, on its core it's 100% linux but someone put it in front of companies and said "here, this is your OS now" and they gave it amazing hardware.
There's a saying in the business, Software sells Hardware, not the other way around.
That software ain't just the OS.
>amazing hardware
Too bad that there's no software on Android powerful enough to utilize it.
your experience is with Gnome Debian, have you tried other DE's
I've read that mint has a setting in its control panel for mouse acceleration
Linux really is just a kernel, so if you're thinking about automation you should be looking at desktop environments, not the kernel
The support of third parties on software on Android is multiple times better than on desktop versions of linux.
The fact they are minimalistic is irrelevant.
They would not be if it was the Desktop.
Don't teach me the basics. Not only I have tried several graphical environments. I have spend time browsing on Lynx or Links.
this is one thing that really sucks. you can only change acceleration from the uis not the actual speed.
>The support of third parties on software on Android is multiple times better than on desktop versions of linux.
That's just plain false. Even considering the bare essentials, there isn't even a truly good browser, a good file manager or even a all around solid set of automation tools (Tasker only gets you that far).
your post seemed to imply that you were under the impression that the Linux kernel developers are at all responsible for the GNOME desktop development, which is obviously wrong
you're asking about Linux but complaining about GNOME
also most search results are about acceleration speed.
Nah, that's an Xorg-wide problem. Mouse speed is not fully controllable from the UIs for some reason. Not sure if the kernel is also involved but I doubt it.
everything that can be done from a terminal can be done from a GUI, even if that GUI is just the front end of a bash script
really your complaints are valid but should be more directed towards the DE's which don't have options for everything, would probably be more effective
No, that's a problem that needs an xorg conf edit and xorg restart, so saying "I can edit it in gui" is bullshit, the whole gui has to not exist at all for it to restart.
Except you are 100% wrong.
Here is an extremely simple example of why you are ignorant.
that's wonky, hopefully Wayland fixes that
still, you could edit in GUI but not have it take effect until an xorg restart
>search can't be done in a GUI
Act like a smug prick all you want, the fact of the matter is that the terminal can really intimidate people and take up a lot of time. In linux if you want to download something or update something, you'll probably have to go through the terminal and type in the code. In windows, you don't have to do that, you just click a couple of times and your done.
>the terminal can really intimidate people
a lot of people have weird fears that don't make sense
>and take up a lot of time
even hunt-and-peck typers can get "sudo apt install packagename" typed in under 30 seconds
even if that's still soo scary that you can't even fathom typing,
>if you want to download something
right click in the browser & "save as"
or just click the link in most cases
>or update something
click "mark all upgrades" in synaptic package manager, click "upgrade," click "ok"
The 2 most common gripes of the committed wintard.
1.Linux is free if your time is worthless.
2.Linux won't run muh favorite gaymes.
Or put another way....
1. Can't waste valuable time.
2. Must play manchild games.
Or put another way.
1. Hurrrrr durrrrrr derp.
2. I am an enormous retard.
Windows can run bash now.
It's OK to admit the terminal is awesome.
Update you're talking points, Pajeet.
All systems require some adjustments.
People who use gnome probably either don't change the mouse acceleration or they find out how.
The surprising thing is that I have seen people complain about the lack of mouse acceleration GUI options in gnome several times on this board, yet nobody took the time to implement it even though it would take very little time.
obligatory proper unix desktop info.
>and if I can't?
why wouldn't you be able to
yes, you get your computer to do something by *command*ing it to do something
or you can use GIMP to resize
this isn't rocket surgery
My Ubuntu MATE worked right out of the box. Nothing I had to tweak, a lot of things I wanted to tweak. I actually like the way the mouse feels compared to Windows.
On most gnu/linux DE you can take that command and put it into a config file, which allows you to use that command from anywhere.
Eg for dolphin, you would write something like
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Action scaleImage]
Name=Resize to 1080p
Exec=convert %f[x1080] %f_scaled.png
Each piece is very easy to read and if you scale images a lot, it is very useful to do it this way.
Now if you want to do something more complex, you do it the same way.
The documentation will always be "use this command" because it instantly gives you information about how to run the application as well as something you can test as well.
All you have to know is how to run applications.
You missed the whole GUI point...
If you have to learn how to script to make a service like this you've already failed as a desktop.
>learn how to script
Nope, just copy what he wrote and put that where it goes. I don't use Dolphin so I don't know where that is.
You don't have to learn anything if you don't want to.
But, Apple is Unix.
anything that uses regex is extremely user unfriendly. do you really think that everyone wants to spend weeks learning what all those special symbol combinations mean?
>In windows, you don't have to do that, you just click a couple of times and your done.
Even that is too hard for people, that's why Microsoft now forces updates without even asking. Hard to not act like a smug prick when there is such a discrepancy between intelligence.
Learn regex once, save time for the rest of your life
you're not japanese
Not to mention 99% of the time this happens.
>Bing search some app.
>Install some shitware bundled version from some predatory malware host.
>Computer is taken over by mining garbage and your browser and a bunch of shit is replaced with ad injecting shit, computer slows to a crawl.
VS something like... "emerge google-chrome" Guess that "code" isn't too hard after all.
May come as a surprise to you but I hate Japanese people, I just like anime.
But Sawako is Japanese.
>it required the terminal.
Fuck off brainlet just fucking DIE already. You and your kind is the main reason why everything around me is so shit. DIE DIE DIE STUPID FUCKER MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE
2D > 3DPD