How so crucial part of the OS can be completely fucked up, Sup Forums?
>inb4 using Windows
yeah, whatever smartass
How so crucial part of the OS can be completely fucked up, Sup Forums?
>inb4 using Windows
yeah, whatever smartass
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use this
>tfw when i have to stop wuauserv from services or it'll take 25% cpu without ever progressing
MS doesn't give a shit about windows because no one pays for it.
That's why it's a shitty OS. Switch to Linux and uncuck your self.
Here for you, idiots
>Switch to Linux
but user, I already did. I'm using Debian on my home PC ever since Windows 10 released. Can't switch to Linux on work PCs though.
I usually fuck this up if I disable services to make it faster. It turns out not all services are useless. Some are required for rare jobs like updating.
This is one thing I don't miss from Windows. That, and the endless "update has failed, rolling back changes" reboot cycle.
This is a fresh install, literally just installed it and now I'm trying to get it updated.
I'm about to lose my shit. I'll try what and posted.
I agree, the update mechanism of Windows is complete shit. On Arch it takes only a few seconds.
You need to update the update client itself for this to work.
I've gone through this shit so many times it's not even funny.
It's never going to find those updates, so just restart your computer now.
Then go to and then get the latest Windows update client.
After that you can get to finally updating your system.
I usually fix the issue after I google about it (helps if it has an error code). Windows is so popular there's always another idiot already having an answer on a microsoft forum.
Also get Windows 10. Forget the memesters. It's perfectly fine in terms of privacy, or at least no worse than other versions, if you aren't a retard and just disable all the (anti)privacy options when you first install it (or even later).
>helps if it has an error code
it doesn't, it just checks for updates forever. I've already established that I need to update the update client just like says. It's still really fucked up that I need to spend my time Google what broke and fixing it because Windows Update shat itself again. It's the most broken part of any OS that I can think of.
Nice one. 10 rupeees for you.
>trusting windows update
It's the truth though. The whole meme against it is privacy. If you aren't a sperg and customize it with turning off all those obvious options (and even some services if you want to go further) it's not unsafer than other windows, and better too.
privacy concerns is only one of many problems Windows 10 has.
bs. it works perfectly here. And besides, whatever vices it may have it's the latest version, we are forced to use it to have an update on the latest APIs like DirectX.
Let alone people get fooled by the marketing and think "10" is a completely different piece of software.
Since Vista it's all incremental updates, just like on linux, even vista drivers still work on 10.
did adwcleaner find anything op?
why are you trying to meme me into Windows 10 so hard? I'm happy with Windows 7, I don't need any new APIs or features that 10 has. If I upgraded I'd have to mess with disabling "telemetry" and fixing all the broken shit while gaining literally nothing.
no, as I said this is a fresh install from genuine CD on a brand new hard drive.
>why bother asking google when i can shitpost on /g another stupid fucking question some other stupid fucking faggot has asked about 10thousand times already
>trying to meme me
It's not my fault reality memes you.
Disable Windows Update and use Simplix's pack
Installs much faster after Convenience Rollup.
Submit'd prematurely.
Faster as in went from looking for installed updates for almost half an hour to maybe 5 minutes max.
Does these come with telemetry updates ?
Wsus offline just recently added an option to download telemetryless rollup.
Link, please? Can't find anything.
The program itself?
As for Simplix's pack, no. It only contains important and necessaries ones.
>using Windows
because normies will use windows no matter how shitty it gets so MS has no incentive to improve it in any significant manner
Bullshit, they even monitor keystrokes. You will never be secure on Win10 unless it is enterprise.