American internet

>American internet

>non-American """""""""""""sovereignty"""""""""""""

>Any American internet that isn't Verizon.

Seriously, ever since I moved and had a choice to get Verizon Fios... I've been a pretty happy customer. The router has all of the settings I need without third-party software, even setting up DMZ's and it has a nice firewall. The connection is fast and stable.

No complaints from my plex clients. Shit's cash.

yup, Verizon FiOS is based as fuck.

Frontier FiOS however... God help you.

pic related, FiOS

Shut up Aussie, we know your internet will never get better.

>freedom to choose from but one option

american freedom

You sure you compressed that jpg enough? Don't want to waste too much of that data cap, do we?

I literally see nothing wrong with my Time Warner ("Spectrum"). Cheap, speedy enough (you really need more than 50mbps down?), never goes out. I could upgrade the speed to 100mbps for like $10 more monthly but I don't need it.

>everyday americans on Sup Forums talk about something called """net neutrality"""
>google what the heck is it
>actually american ISPs still have datacaps and traffic-type restrictions like in 90-s
my face when this happened is displayed on a related low-resolution bitmap jaypeg image

Some shitty ISPs do, FiOS as mentioned by others isn't cucked in the same manner
150/150mbps, no data caps, no throttling, etc.

Hell I even get 1-2ms ping to CS servers.

1) datacaps and net neutrality are unrelated
2) datacaps are a new trend, we never had them
3) datacaps are a necessary evil at some point (with 4K streaming and such) to provide good speed to lots of people. Datacaps will go up as tech progresses.

Worked at Frontier tech support about 8 months ago. They're all bad.

It's amazing how all 3 points are absolute bullshit.

(1) is definitely not bullshit. Net neutrality refers strictly to ISPs treating all traffic equally, regardless of protocol or upstream client. Data caps are an orthogonal issue.

What he said his right but the post he replied mentioned
>traffic-type restrictions like in 90-s
which is definitely what net neutrality is designed to prevent.

I've had Verizon FiOS for 8 years, never had any issues. The only real issues I've ever had were during massive blizzards or similar events.
When I upgraded from 50/50 to 150/150 they gave me a free upgrade to the quantum gateway router.
When I moved they forgot to ask for that router back, so when I got setup at my new house with the same 150/150 service, they said I didn't have to rent another one and the one I had wasn't tied to my account so I could just keep using it for free. So now I have a free 802.11AC 800mbps router with my 150/150 service that I only pay $65 a month for.

So from my experience, Verizon FiOS is great. I've heard the horror stories about Frontier FiOS however.

>datacaps are a necessary evil


Once the cable is laid, the bandwidth is there, regardless of the time of day or external factors.

You can use up that bandwidth through too much traffic, but once the traffic dies down, you still have that much bandwidth at your disposal.

So explain how the fuck 1tb per month cap makes ANY sense and benefits ANYONE?

I can download 3TB a month at the hours of 1am-5am every night, and no one would ever notice a speed decrease, because i'm using the bandwidth at a time when no one else is.

Yet according to your data caps I've gone 3x over my allotted data and somehow i've affected people because of this?

Fuck off, I can get behind congestion times, give someone a 1TB a month cap during 6pm-midnight. But from 1am-5pm it's unlimited use. That fucking makes sense because primetime traffic is the only REAL issue when you have everyone and their brother trying to watch netflix or youtube at 8pm and suddenly no one can watch anything because there is actual congestion.

Yes, you could set up differential off-peak usage limits and such but that would make the limitations more relevant to the typical user vs. the rare whale such as yourself. It's needlessly complicated just to satisfy a very small userbase. A typical user can just pretend the 2TB cap doesn't exist because they will never get there.

Plus they can always do cap limit payment plans so you can pay more if you want to be a whale.

>so you can pay more if you want to be a whale.
That's bullshit though, I ALREADY pay them.

My payment should go towards infrastructure improvements, not JUST quarterly profits.

If the pipe is getting a bit clogged, LAY SOME MORE FUCKING PIPE.

Not to mention, it's artificial anyway, it's pretty rare, at least around here, to see network congestion caused by too many people downloading shit. In the highly populated areas, most ISPs have upgraded their backbone to fiber with massive bandwidth.

Also your excuse of it's easier for the consumer to understand is bullshit, they just want to charge people more instead of doing it fairly and letting people know to save big downloads for off peak hours instead of whenever the fuck they feel like.

If your ACTUAL issue is you're hitting congestion during peak use hours, then limit use during those fucking hours, don't pretend it actually does something the rest of the time when it doesn't, it's just another way to double charge people for shit they're already paying for.

Transferring data costs almost NOTHING once the backbone is paid for. Which my monthly payments for the past 5+ years, has clearly done. The ISPs pay less than $0.01 per GB of data they transmit. Why the fuck should I be limited to $1 worth of data for my $75 a month?

>datacaps are a necessary evil
This is what the Americans actually believe


>Living in UK
>Can choose from 30+ providers
Feel sorry for amerifats

>Can choose from 30+ providers
>none of them offer good service

Come on now, you can't leave out the juicy bits.

Unless you live in a few select areas, or London.

You get fucked by ISPs in the UK. Don't lie to the burgers.

1) Money is needed to lay the pipes, thus profit is needed.
2) Like I said earlier. Limiting use during peak hours is detrimental to the typical user. Limiting total use is only detrimental to the whale. Whales will use less overall (at all hours) and thus alleviate congestion. But knowing how buttmad whales like yourself can get you will probably make sure to use maximum bandwidth during peak hours just to "get back" at the ISPs.
3) >Transferring data costs almost NOTHING once the backbone is paid for
Ever hear of return on investment? They need to make sure they're delivering a quality product to everyone as well.

But go ahead and start your own ISP company. If you ever get congested just >lel lay more pipe guise

I know for a fact my ISP has seen quarterly profits for pretty much every quarter of every year I have been a customer.

It's not sustainable and if they were reinvesting my money the way they should be, this wouldnt be an issue, and oh no, maybe one quarter they might actually lose money because they're investing in their future.

But nah, instead of investing in actual improvements, lets create artificial barriers so we can charge people even more to continue to not provide infrastructure improvements.

It's not like these new data caps are going away now that we've let them happen. In 5 years when they finally do upgrade the infrastructure, do you think they'll invest a lot of money and future proof it? Fuck no, bare minimum upgrade from the lowest bidder and continue to milk those customers who do go over their data cap despite the fact 4k video is becoming far more common, video games are getting larger and larger, more and more devices in your house connect to the internet every day, etc.

Fuck you cuck, you're the problem.