Why dont GPU manufacturers sell cards without coolers?

I dont understand why GPU manufacturers dont have an option to buy cards without coolers. For someone looking to overclock or change the stock cooler, the total cost of the cooler on the gpu could be used towards the cooler you wanted. This would also help bring a bigger market towards 3rd party GPU coolers.


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Because one universal cooler won't fit all without having to use multiple slots. Also vrm temperature would be shit.

Nobody is making a card for the 0.001% of people who would actually want that. It's a dumb idea.

Because some retard is gonna run it without a cooler.
Manufacturers also would like their product to work as intended with their cooler.
Same reason CPUs always come with a cooler.
Same reasons cars come with tires
Same reason your Capri Sun comes with a straw

>Same reason CPUs always come with a cooler.
but they don't

>redesigning motherboards just to add space for an aftermarket gpu cooler

why would the motherboard have to be redesigned?

Thats what I'm saying though. If card makers went for a more universal style of cooling, the aftermarket crowd could see more demand, and thus better aftermarket cooling. There would still be options to buy the card with their cooler, but at least the option would be there for people who wanted to take advantage of it.

>trusting retards

That would severely restrict the freedom to customize the pcb and each product identity will become blurred. They are operating a business, not a charity.

Universal solutions already exist and you are ultimately trying to argue over saving potentially $20~$30 for a whole lot of headaches for everyone.

Pretty sure NVIDIA/AMD explicitly don't allow this.
They have terms for what you can/can't do, a while back the original Titan X wasn't allowed to ship out with a non-reference cooler. MSI got a 780Ti Lightning card pulled because they were running it at too high of a clock speed and NVIDIA didn't like it. Part of this is why the Titan X Pascal is only available from NVIDIA's site.

Show me a single non-server CPU in an OEM box that is sold without a cooler.

Also one last anecdote from a person who works in GPU tech support:
People buying cards with preinstalled water blocks and running it attached to nothing (not realizing you need to plug it in to a water cooling loop) is surprisingly often. If I were the head of marketing, I wouldn't put that much faith in the customer. It doesn't matter how many warning labels you put in a box. People will always fuck it up.

You're retarded if you buy box CPUs



the entire K line past a point

>I dont understand why GPU manufacturers aren't selling units that will burn out in a matter of weeks

This must be new. Last time I bought a boxed CPU was like 6 years ago.

The enthusiast line (X series) hasn't shipped with heatsinks since X58.

Extreme Edition?
I recently bought a used in box 975, came with a fancy heatsink

You think that's bad?

I can't even find aftermarket liquid cooling for my X-Fi soundcard.

>i7 975
>x58 chipset CPU
read my post again

And I just confirmed what you wrote by saying what I bought.

no one wants to install a cooler on bare silicon, easy to fuck up
no one wants to install an air cooler on silicon
the people who would waterblock the shit are sub 1% of the market and would cost the oem more to ship it bare then ship it with a cooler.

Jimmy Minecraft's mom would buy it because it was cheaper but her special boy deserves the best gpu there is and just throw it in the case as is and then try and sue the manufacturer because it caused their house to burn down.

the 5k series intels including my 5820k

I despise shit like this. When I pay for hardware I much prefer to have full control over it. Like with phones that have bootlockers that can't be cracked or god forbid the thing can't even be rooted. I made a thread earlier about their voltage specifications being a problem with pascal because even the absolute cheapest gtx 1060/1070/1080 can hit the max overclock so there is no performance benefit from buying the better custom cards outside of sometimes a more solid sustained boost.

Because the GPU Die chipset isn't protected by a heat spreader like CPUs are, so retards would buy this coolerless version and slap one aftermarker cooler and crush the Die.

It would be a warranty nightmare.

why they even bother when richfags that will buy only their most premium sku's won't even flich about tossing their super high end heatsinks in the trash after paying a hefty price for presumably better voltage regs?

>Show me a single non-server CPU in an OEM
No OEM CPU's include heatsink/fan. That's part of what makes it OEM.

Retail include usually includes heatsink and fan.

The better question would be why AMD third party manufactuers doesn't make an "Anniversary Edition" of each card with red PCB and transparent red coloured coolers

All components should be plain green PCBs with no "design" on the packaging whatsoever,
and everything should come in brown recycled boxes with simple labels.

Why shoul they?


Extremely niche market that will just buy the card with the cooler and take it off anyway.