
Find one (1) flaw without resorting to "neckbeard"

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Why the 1 limit?
Pink shirt.

>Doesn't come with a footpedal for ergonomics

Too many pimples, face way to feminine, expression and posture makes you come off as scared/nervous/awkward


Emacs is a great text editor after you have put 4-8 hours into learning/configuring it.

If your a code monkey that wants something to work right out of the gate then I motion you to Sublime Text

banding in the sky, subject offcenter but not in a stylish way

probably a tranny

its............. so.... perfect

It's not vim.

>not written with lisp

I like vim better, I tried both, I actually started with emacs and was introduced to spacemacs later on... it was shit (the spacemacs) and then I decided to give vi improved another try, and it was pain in the ass for a whole month if not more, but once I got a hold on it... its been 10 years and I am not going back to emacs.

hey there qt

Vim is better

name one thing emacs can do and atom / vs code can't

not take up 8gb of memory when working on modest sized projects

What if vim were written in emacs lisp? (a real vim, not just an incomplete set of keybinds)

>he only spent 8 hours configuring emacs

emacs used to be considered the most bloated and memory consuming text editor. it sacrifices speed for being customisable
atom does the same, but it was made in the 2010s not 30 years ago

I'm not disputing that atom's a great text editor.
I just find it phenomenal that a text editor can take up so much memory.
I guess that's one trade-off from being a web application running in a chrome environment.

EMACS: Eight Megs And Constantly Swapping :^)


Emacs and atom both suffer from the quirk of not actually being a text editor.

Packages are in FTP format rather than directory download page.


10s to open so it doesn't suit my workflow

there was spacemacs 10y ago? nvm that; was there even github 10y ago?

Herpes infested homosexual that poses in pink shirts.


special snowflake that poses in moonrunes and tripcode

Who is this semen demon


>Find one (1) flaw
Emacs pedals

The very existence of these proves that it is not just a funny joke and the pain is real.


You just need to press ctrl with that soft part of your palm instead of your finger. It gets some getting used to but configuring emacs takes a lot longer anyway.

>you just need to grow an extra finger, no biggie

there are better OSs with good text editors

Where the fuck did I say that you aspie?

You can use your little finger too if you want.

>can't take a joke
>calls other people autistic

he's a qt.

Who is this sperm wyrm

you don't have to be a full on autist to use emacs.
the point of emacs is that is highly customizable, don't like the bindings? just rebind them to your liking.

also emacs has one of the best ((window)) management. I tried using vim standalone and buffers are trash and nearly unusable for running a shell. without tmux better stick to emacs.


too deep jaw but otherwise ok

maybe also some minor nose job

kinda tired looking face, quite deep facial lines for that age, looks like kid from working class family that had it rough

Emacs is an operating system retard