Is your girlfriend good with computers and stuff?

Is your girlfriend good with computers and stuff?


My ex was a mactard, if that gives you an idea.

Come to think of it my the previous one to her was a mactard as well.

>Having a gf
>having friends
>Having social contact at all.

Why are all the girls on black mediocre. I see hotter women in Walmart. What the fuck.

My gf thought that the nonfunctional laptop display models at Target were just normal laptops with stickers on the screen

My gf restarted the computer because she forget to unmount a usb drive on Windows

Yes shes a full stack web dev
Knows alot of nosql

>shes a full stack web dev
I bet she's ugly as sin too

no, and I just formatted her mbp (long story), she won't try linux so I actually have to buy and OS X CD

Why the mask, friend.


macOS can be installed from the web for years now.

My wife handles all the tier one calls I get. I'm more willing to help friends provided they ask her first.

It's amazing how much reboot/resolve she gets...

No she dont care about comptuta

guess you like bimbos then :^)

People with gf's aren't good w computers

Not on Australian Internet it can't.

you're kinda right my friend...

atleast we have someone to fuck though.

Reported for advertising

I'm not your friend, guy.

There's more to life than sticking your dick in a hole

>implying mammals dont need to mate....

say that again when you lose your virginity fampai.

Having a dick stuck in your hole?

The hot ones make enough to not need the nigger fucking bonus (yes, that's actually a thing)

>using trailing periods...

pic related it's you

I wish i had some indian food right now :^(

when will pajeets get back to the kitchen?


>contributing to the death of humanity
your children will do a fine job of eating earth's finite resources, purely to reproduce themselves.

Well id rather see white humans with parents around than runaway tyrones little minions fucking shit up.

gf has a W series Lenovo, gaymer, plays with Kali etc
Previous gfs were all tech illiterate

>mfw I came home to her wearing Gunnar glasses
>mfw Apple user gfs have all been more fit and sexual
>mfw I have no face but it's sad

My hands are great with computers :^)

No my girlfriend is a computer

I don't have one and never will.

>implying I have a girlfriend

>implying OP was asking your stupid ass

Is your wife's son also good with computers

What is a girlfriend?

Ex was able to do most basic shit herself but stuff like repairs and advanced software shit she needed me to do it.

No but I made her switch from iPhone to One Plus One when it first came out and now she loathes iOS.
Women shouldn't be around technology except for instagramming and shit like that.

She only exists on my computer.
So I guess she'd be pretty good with machines.

>not using internet recovery
Is she seriously still on Snow Leopard? Get help.

variable "girlfriend" is not defined

No, but I'm determined to teach her

but I'm a femanon

No. Zero common sense, clicks on fucking everything, also no understanding of how an OS works or directory structure, at all. As she fucked up the screen of her Samsung notebook she is currently using my old Latitude with Manjaro i3. Surprisingly no fuck ups, yet.

She's great! She uses GNU/Linux daily, writes LaTeX like a pro, even wrote a small ANSI C program to compute something related to electrons! She's my dream come true. We wrote Python scripts together and she lurks Sup Forums with me.

>Have gf
>Go away on 10 day holiday with her
>Return home
>My thinkpad T420 is gone
>She pulls out a new X1 carbon
>"surprise user! :)"
>"i got all your stuff from your old one moved to the new one"

that was a real struggle to not bash her skull in