Is the apple magic trackpad worth it?

is the apple magic trackpad worth it?

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>apple anything
>worth it
No. Not even for real designers who render shit like 3D rendering or photo/video editting they are the slowest most overpriced cucklover's computers ever manufactured.

i'm not talking about the computer you stupid shits

Trackpads are literally a crutch designed for the flat form factor of laptops and are literal bottom of the barrel trash. Why would you ever even consider that shit on a desktop when even a $1 mouse would be far superior?

>I don't know how to treat my stuff with care
Go back to your tardproof thinkpad you Neanderthal

>apple anything
>it is overpriced garbage


Old fat laptops had far superior cursor controls.

Alright retard
I bet you have never used a ball mouse. Its garbage. The apple trackpad, coupled with osx, is far superior to any other laptop trackpad. All the gesture commands are nice. For games a mouse is better.

Hard to tell, if you like using the trackpad on a Macbook and got OSX/Hackintosh, probably.

>t. mactoddler

>t. mactoddler that's never used a trackball, much less professional trackballs for engineering that are orders of magnitude more precise than any Apple garbage

Absolutely everything is better than Trackshit.

>t. mactod


>buyers regret level >9000
god why is g full of children?

>I bet you have never used a ball mouse. Its garbage.

I often wonder how the mind of a brainwashed appletard functions.

At how much they cost? no. I'm waiting for the 1st gen ones to go under $50 though.

That dude's pretty handsome. No homo.

>t. mactoddler

Acer Chromebook 14 called, you're a macfag.

I just ordered one off eBay for $89.

$129 is a bit steep.

Since getting a 4k monitor for my MBP '15, I wanted to pair my fullsized keyboard with a legit trackpad.

>t. mactoddler

How will mactoddlers ever recover?

can you kindly fuck off

they're breddy gud and I dunno why nobody else makes something like that. I know that MS and Logitech both tried but they both failed.

I've been thinking of buying one if I can get the drivers to work. Honestly, a good trackpad is great. I'd love to have a separate trackpad to use for gestures and general browsing in addition to a mouse. They're surprisingly convenient once you get used to them.

No, not really.

>is Apple [thing] worth it
The answer is universally no.

Can you kindly fuck off back to /r/apple?

Falling for such stupid bait. Have to be retarded or shills for apple competitors.