>mfw people say "modulo" instead of just "mod"
Mfw people say "modulo" instead of just "mod"
That's the name of the operation, bro.
Yeah , I think you need to activate it on yourself
>mfw people say please instead of pls
This is how retarded you sound
>tfw ppl say integer instead of int
>tfw ppl say people instead of people
>mfw people say string instead of str
>mfw people say character instead of char
>when they pronounce it 'care'
>when people spell out their social security number instead of passing a const pointer
>when people say Hertz instead of Hz
>trap card
>when people copy around a pointer and do a bunch of indirect lookups instead of just copying a small struct
>mfw people say "GNU/Linux" instead of just "GNU"
>mfw people say "my girlfriend" instead of "kill me please, my life sucks"
>people say program when they mean app
Literally wtf is a program?
I usually pronounce it like the fish
>"the 64gb phone has double the performance of the 32gb version"
Literally saw this in a serious provider ad yesterday in a German magazine.
It literally does have double the performance.
storage space provides a function, storing media in some form, such as music or video files. 64gb is double 32gb of storage, the function of the storage space, which is double the performance of 32gb.
whether or not the term "performance" SHOULD be used, it's valid. lrn2eng
Yeah they totally didn't do that to trick normies into thinking it was faster.
But ok.. you win.
Have a pic of my cats.
please pet them
Cool katze
Right.You say "3 subtraction 2 equality 1"
Not "3 minus 2 equals 1"
I promise.
Here's the one on the left grown up. The other pic was pretty old.
And the one in behind.