Switch to Linux they said

>switch to Linux they said...
>the OS won't harass you to restart for updates they said...

Meanwhile this shit keeps appearing every 5 minutes on the foreground every day.
At least Windows (7) just showed a small popup and you could tell it to fuckoff for hours at a time. It also just happened like every couple months or something, not every single time you use the OS

Why is Sup Forums always so wrong about everything?

You don't know what you're doing and it's kinda funny to watch. I actually laughed out loud a little bit while reading your post.

>he can't think for himself

What a weak faggot

You see that button to the left, called settings?

you can like... change your settings there.

On most distributions of GNU/Linux, this doesn't happen by default. On distributions that do perform regular update checks by default (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.), you can quite easily disable that behavior in your settings (see the "Settings..." button on the prompt in your picture).

Red Hat shills on damage control

Another shill

You don't even have anything open you asshole. You're literally shitposting on Sup Forums and doing no work. Just restart your fucking computer.

Or turn off the notice and live in ignorance. Maybe install Debian stable instead, it's perfect for you.

Except you literally can't.

Those are the repo settings.

OP I hope ur trolling because if not, ur embarrassing yourself

Found your problem nigger faggot

>install Debian stable
fucking kek

>"ur dumb op xd"
>"OP is trolling lol"
>"install arch, ubuntu is for le niggers xd"


> Cant

Go to startup applications application. Uncheck the one about updates. Restart if youre too retarded to kill the programs. It will never happen again. Enjoy ignorance and never updating your computer because youre scared of using the command line.

Arch is not a freetard distro, dumbshit wintoddler

debian is fucking bait and switch. wifi works on the live but after install it's missing needed firmware. I get that they have a philosophy of freedom, but they should be consistent in how they execute that philosophy

>Go to startup applications application. Uncheck the one about updates
But I want automatic updates

freedom of what? of staring at your computer for 5 hours figuring out wifi, another 10 hours to make the GPU work properly and another 20 hours on random tweaks around the system?
Or just using Windows where everything just works and you can spend all that time with friends, family or making money... because that's real freedom.

Linux is not free you dumb cucks.

If you got low quality windows shills in a tech board it becomes a serious problem.

>mfw retards like this guy thought my troll thread was some kind of Microsoft propaganda

Yeah sure, pajeet.



Switch to suse. It's fucking incredible.

It gives you the ability to configure the warnings as you wish in the fucking notification.
Windows 7 you need to go through like 10 menus (if you know where to look for it, more if you don't) to do the same thing.
And i wont even talk about how bad windows 10 is.

this guy
so if you don't want to restart your computer because of updates, you need to disable and not have updates. So clever, did you actually mean that? what happens when you want the upgrades and you don't want to restart? what happened to every single faggot that said that you didn't need to restart after updates when using linux?

yeah so can you on Windows X

>windows 7
>couple of powershell lines to disable updates
>windows 10
>couple of powershell lines to disable updates
>being fucking clueless about it and ranting over and over and not providing a valid method to avoid restarts on his alledgely god tier OS.

I've been told that Linux don't need to restart to apply updates, even kernel. Did I got tricked?

>Claims to have free packages by default only, has more free packages than any other distro
>not freetard
mmm yes

>disable updates
room temperature IQ confirmed

You were memed hard, friendo. W10's package manager doesn't have this problem.

Install ksplice

>W10's package manager doesn't have this problem.
Because it doesn't exist

first of all, you are using shit distro, second, you are probably scared of terminal, third, you are faggot and get the hell out of here

>i was only pretending the thread

Updating is done via a command.

This command is set to run by default every time the computer boots so that the user can not have to worry about running the command all the time.

When the kernel has been updated the computer must restart before it can be used.

You can disable the automatic updates or simply not restart your computer after updates.

This is far different than Windows updates and you know it

Unless you're updating the kernel, you can simply restart the service in question after updating it to use the updated version, there's no need to restart the entire computer. For upgrading the kernel without restarting, you need to use a tool like ksplice.

You fell for the NSA/systemd maymay.

So tired of that meme

They included that because Winbabbies would become deeply confused and troubled when the OS would update but not force a reboot. It's just a placebo so they would feel secure that updates really were applied.