>21 years
>nothing has changed
Is Windows 95 the greatest technological revolution in the history of mankind?
>21 years
>nothing has changed
Is Windows 95 the greatest technological revolution in the history of mankind?
Other urls found in this thread:
le epic 90's
you misspelled "macOS Sierra"
>Using Windows 2000/Me icons
>Is Windows 95 the greatest technological revolution in the history of mankind?
No. There's basically nothing in Windows 95 that another operating system hadn't already implemented.
If we're talking technology generally, then it might be the digital computer, or it might be the windmill, or something else that's now old hat but *really* changed the way things are done. If we're talking in computing terms... possibly the concept of Multics and subsequent advent of Unix, possibly the personal computer, possibly the mobile phone.
Windows was shit until XP. I skipped Vista and held on to XP until 7 was released. Never bothered with 8/8.1 either. 10 is OK on my tablet, but it doesn't have me convinced to switch from 7 on my desktop.
>implying 2000 was shit
Right now I'm currently dealing with the blue screen of death/stop code error.
>Is Windows 95 the greatest technological revolution in the history of mankind?
Fuck no. At least on Mac operating systems this shit doesn't happen. Linux has it's own problems. All operating systems are just shit for one reason or another.
Well fuck me user, completely forgot about 2000. Wasn't doing much/any computing at that time due to life circumstances. You're right though, that's when Microsoft started making decent improvements like PnP hardware support.
No music players atm can compare.
When you say "this shit", what do you mean?
>tfw used winamp up until last year
Never had a complete system malfunction with Macs but if I ever did have that problem Apple also made it easy to completely wipe the whole system with their recovery drive. Windows has all kinds of problems with their systems and their recovery drives.
>Is Windows 95 the greatest technological revolution in the history of marketing?
Fixed that for you.
Amiga was way ahead of Windows and MacIntosh, by nearly a decade.
>still use it today
Ah, right, that.
I have actually had that happen, but it was quite some time ago. Earlier versions of Mac OS X did have a few issues, but even at its worst still wasn't as bad as Windows.
>Right now I'm currently dealing with the blue screen of death/stop code error.
How does this even happen in 2017? Last time I got a BSOD was trying to get a stable 5GHz on air with my 6700k.
Just because Microsoft software is less shit than it was, doesn't mean it's not shit at all.
Yeah but ever since Windows 7 or so you shouldn't be getting random bluescreens.
horrible choice for a Windows Explorer icon
Why? It's accurate.
BTW I think W2K had the most beautiful icons ever, on any operating system.
Well, what changed purely from a functional approach? Nothing.
What changed purely from a technical approach?
>more advanced video games
>higher resolution video playback and editing
>somewhat higher resolution pictures and editing
>kinda more elaborate audio
>bigger storage and files
>wireless network interfaces
>web technologies now a bloated towering stack of shitty software that should have never passed the experimental stage
>"smartphones" being really "retardedphones", taking a desktop approach to mobile design, and born from designers and engineers that had never worked on embedded devices and had no fucking clue how to manage power supply and storage, keep the hardware design simple, make HMI a nice blend of hardware buttons and software features and not just a slab of glass with a touchscreen, or optimize shit, and now mostly consisting of supporting the aformentioned abysmal web technologies
Essentially nothing but bloat.
Windows 95 did everything we do today, just "simpler". All that should have evolved is the hardware made more powerful to support higher quality media, and fixes/revamps of already well-designed telecommunication technologies.
Who's to blame? Far-sighted teachers teaching far too much to start things over from scratch instead of trying to improve them and work with them, and being all like "waaaah C is outdated learn Fortran/Rust/Go/Ruby/ instead!!!" when it really is the absolute most complete language in existence with the most libraries that do FUCKING ANYTHING YOU WANT, eventually complemented with Cpp, Python or Lua for higher level concepts. Result is 99% of dev jobs consist of considering all available options before saying "fuck it let's code everything from scratch in !", and attempt to make poorly coded custom software implementing no known standard work together.
You can surely see that I am mad as fuck, and indeed I am. Computers aren't hard, but there's too many idiots and pajeets.
you still get them if your ram/vram is fucked
I've had bsods on win8.1 and win10
More than once
Is win7 the last of the pure OS?
I think Windows 3.11 for Workgroups was a pretty decent piece of kit from Microsoft. Windows 95 with it's service pack was alright and Win98 SE was okay too. Not as great though. Dealing with IRQ conflicts and other shit was common. Win2k was a huge step in the right direction. XP was a pretty solid release. WinME/Vista/Win8/Win10 are examples of too big to fail and most companies would've nearly gone out of business.
Agree with you there.
Man, look at that Computer icon. Fuck all this flat shit we got today. This has so much depth but it doesn't look childish. Truly professional.
who /comfy/ here?
Like me
>wasting limited vertical space on a task bar
Shiggy diggy etc.
>taskbar on the right
>not using a 40" monitor
you have no space wherever u put ur micropenis bar
I got another monitor on the left and it's akward to have a taskbar in middle of them. It's on left side on my laptop.
>changing stuff because some autist on Sup Forums told you to
that's a valid reason but how do you emergency close your porn windows when your parents are busting into your room?
he saves anime, the fuck do you expect?
anime website
I usually put it to the right but since it autohide, I keep it down for scrolling.
>something else that's now old hat but *really* changed the way things are done
Writing, and then the printing press. Both immediately preceded absolutely insane leaps in human achievement.
The internet will probably be remembered alongside those two as well.
Basically anything that drastically improves our ability to store and disseminate information tends to cause rapid, significant improvement society-wide.
There's a "hide all open windows" button in the bottom of your taskbar.
>>"smartphones" being really "retardedphones", taking a desktop approach to mobile design, and born from designers and engineers that had never worked on embedded devices and had no fucking clue how to manage power supply and storage, keep the hardware design simple, make HMI a nice blend of hardware buttons and software features and not just a slab of glass with a touchscreen, or optimize shit, and now mostly consisting of supporting the aformentioned abysmal web technologies
i remember that many games for psp were able to directly control cpu speed to save power, like even to 66mhz.
btw have you ever work on embedded. if so, then what is it like?
What's My Briefcase?
>The Windows Briefcase synchronizes files and folders within itself with those in any other folder, even on a removable writable media or the network. It is intended for users with portable media or multiple computers.
Hardware issue. Check your RAM and drivers.
thats not windows 95
>10 years
>nothing has changed
Is iphone the greatest technological revolution in the history of mankind?
>btw have you ever work on embedded. if so, then what is it like?
Yes. It's like knowing what the fuck you're doing.
There's a piece of hardware, with different chips on it, you know how each of them work, you know what they do, you know what they don't do, you know how to send them data and how they respond. Then you start making software, you start with a functional approach of what it does, but then you feed back into its design the limitations of the hardware, hence what it can afford to do. You start with the broad strokes, mostly time constraints if there are so you can be sure everything runs fast enough, then memory constraints so that everything fits and if it doesn't you rely on different structures and procedural techniques to store it in a smarter way. You don't have blind threads running until they're done, or shared memory you wait to access, you synchronize all that, running like a clock, and rely on cooperative multitasking rather than preemptive. You make something that isn't just a piece of code that compiles and runs, but something that works in harmony with the hardware.
And then you see PC developers and wonder why they're not doing the same thing. Well they don't have as much constraints as you do, they don't need to make as much efforts, but then they don't make any effort at all. If it doesn't work, just add more CPUs and RAM, but there's zero optimization. There used to be a time when PC devs were good, because embedded devices are merely old computer architectures made smaller and more efficient, thus embeddable. Now there's next to no difference, we just put a big battery on a modern computer architecture, and now there's no good PC dev anymore, and no one knows what "embedded" even means. Well it still exists, but is limited to cars, boats, planes, and some niche, critical industries mostly, everything else is just "duct tape an ipad on it and we'll make an app", but so much is lost in the process.
>There's basically nothing in Windows 95 that another operating system hadn't already implemented
This, it's all just le Windows 95 on my Gateway 2000 was the dawn of home computing meme.
Windows key + M minimizes all your windows
Fuck no, been there, used that, hated that.
Stop being a fake nostalgia fag like those dumb asses digging back the 8bit pixelized shit we 90s kid hated.
Even with WinXP/2k they have their own share of horrific issues.
95 is probably still the greatest leap in /usability/ in windows, technologically it wasn't all that great, NT4 which came out soon after was a much better system, coupling the technologically better NT base with the usability/interface of 95
>And then you see PC developers and wonder why they're not doing the same thing.
Perhaps because they write code that's meant to be hardware-agnostic. You can't optimize your code for specific hardware if you don't know what it's going to be run on/want it to run on everything. Why would you even need to wonder why they aren't doing it?
>tfw the API on windows is so fucked that the awesome NT kernel has to do retarded things to make the API happy
I'm not saying it's unauthentic, I'm saying it's a horrible choice
also moricons.dll has a better MS-DOS icon
hmmm I don't like it with this background.
>talking shit on Fortran
It was never a meme language
how to do this please respond
I would do that too if the taskbar didn't get so damn large when you put it on the side, even with tiny icons
Classic theme and MS Sans Serif
I'm still holding on to Windows XP.
Best blue ever?
>The year of the birth of our lord and saviour + 2017
>not hiding the taskbar
>classic theme
superior taste
That's true, but you don't only optimize something with hardware in mind, you also optimize something because it's slower than it should be, or uses more memory than it should.
Kinda like you have your software memorize some information in RAM where it becomes easier and faster to access than querying/regrouping/generating all the information again everytime you need it, and then you delete that information to free the space when you no longer need it, and you don't need to know how memory is handled internally to do that. Or how you try to do as many things as you can on a single framework rather than stacking them, especially when that single framework already does everything you need. Some would argue it's not "optimization", it's more like "good sense" and "the logical thing to do", but then many PC devs have no good sense and suck at logic.
>not using the best classic shell theme to ever exist
It's still not quite perfect on Windows 7 though. Life will never be the same.
now we have to deal with clunky shit like win10 that has like 2 different UIs for the control panel and shit
anyone who uses win10 is a fucking idiot, btw, but you all know that
Certainly. It's that perfect shade of blue that is neither too purple nor cyan, bright enough to be visible, dark enough not to hurt your eyes and make white text perfectly readable.
brb patenting this blue
I used to have a mixture of that shade of blue with OP's shade of green, looked very nice
Rip in penis windows 59
And on Linux?
Vista had like some kind of giant conspiracy against it. I've never seen the media shit on an OS like they did on Vista.
By the end of Vista's lifespan, it was very nearly as good as 7. They patched practically everything wrong with it. Can't say the same for ME or 8.
>classic theme
>microsoft sans serif
>antialiasing off
>changed icons in some dlls
>customized squared australis tabs addon on firefox
lol it's 2017 guy, not 2007. What are you doing this for? At least upgrade to 7.
Too late, it's free software now.
Also ignore the fact that I'm on a shitbox, this is just an old computer I brought in to my workplace for myself.
>GeForce 210
Reminds me of my old gaming PC when I was a young teen, had a GeForce 2 in it. Couldn't afford the GeForce 4, lol. Still worlds better than the Voodoo card I had before that.
On Linux I used TDE earlier and XFCE with Chicago95 lately. It's not like they are good enough, but I'm not much into ricing.
I suppose FVWM95 would be nice but it's abandoned.
Only this is a current production low-end card. I had to put one in since I was originally using this junker as a headless.
No. That was Windows Xp.
Why am I masturbating while reading a thread about old computers?
If you're wearing knee high socks, I just want you to know you're not alone sister.
>windows 2000 screenshot
what did he mean
>still doesn't autohide the taskbar
>in 2017
Autohide is annoying as fuck
How so?
Damn, I need this now.
I feel dirty looking at this
im not sure you tried at all
>antialiasing off
>just a shitty NeXTSTEP clone
>which is a shitty unix
>how to get this look?
>do this
It's a marketing success, resulting from the only serious GUI usability studies Microsoft ever did. Don't make it a technological prowess.
Mac OS 8-9 were crashy as fuck.
It fucks with fullscreened windows, it also triggers my autism