WhatsApp backdoor confirmed
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w-whaa???? h-how could this happen???????
oy vey
Just use something you know is insecure and treat it as such
Lol proprietary cucks
Yes but know it's proven, my favorite part is the quote from Facebook that it is “expected behaviour” , yep we expected it of you.
People need to realise that jews are evil...
Is any app secure?
I don't know, can you read the source code to tell?
Donald J. Trump would disagree vehemently with you.
As a matter of fact, the president elect thinks Jews are our greatest allies.
How can Jews be evil when the savior of the white race, the god emperor, loves them so much?
Care to explain this logical inconsistency?
It's like proving that VW makes cars. FB are well known for sucking NSA dick and spying on their users as part of their business model.
While WhatsApp was independent, there was a chance that they are somewhat secure but once Facebook bought them, they might've as well rename it to SpyApp.
It's not like even their tech illiterate users don't know, most simply don't care.
It seems it only affects some messages sent offline. Who the fuck chats offline.
Sorry but this. I hate what's app and cuckerburg as much as the next person but this hardly seems a vulnerability.
I'm stupid. Someone tldr explain pls.
This is the least surprising news about whatsapp that could possibly appear.
Imagine if you saw a news article saying it WASN'T backdoored- that'd be a fucking shock.
Water is wet, Hillary is corrupt, AMD will disappoint, and facebook owned shit is backdoored.
this closed source program is only botnet under this one specific circumstance, so its safe
Apple only
Someone didn't read the article.
Boelter said: “[Some] might say that this vulnerability could only be abused to snoop on ‘single’ targeted messages, not entire conversations. This is not true if you consider that the WhatsApp server can just forward messages without sending the ‘message was received by recipient’ notification (or the double tick), which users might not notice. Using the retransmission vulnerability, the WhatsApp server can then later get a transcript of the whole conversation, not just a single message.”
>It's like proving that VW makes cars.
Or Russia owns Trump, yes it's something everyone already believes but thanks to this week we now know how.
thanks CNN nobody gives a fuck about russia. Hillary was still 1000 times worse
You can't honestly be that stupid and still able to breath can you?
In dystopian 2016 America, you need to have some on your side if you want to win. You wouldn't want to end up like the Kennedy family, would you?
The Trump thing is more down to money, it's not like any dirt they have on him will have any effect on his fanboys, and whenever money is involved, there might be a higher bidder.
>predictable mix of neo-con and neo-lib with political experience and actual ideas that would work is worse than a blowhard with ego issues who has no idea about actual politics
>able to breath
And you're trying to call him stupid?
>Russia owns trump because the shit they were blackmailing him with is public now anyway
>Hillary was still 1000 times worse
You're the special kind of special, aren't you?
Political experience that consists of constant major scandals and catastrophic failures. Ideas such as saying whatever the polls say while doing whatever corporate donors say. They'd work for continuing the destruction of the middle class and dragging us into another cold war. Actual politics have been about dismantling democracy and creating authoritarian bureaucracy. You're a fascist pretending to be left wing.
>talk about Hillary
>mentions of left wing
She's firmly right from the center, just like every politician in Murica was for basically ever. Only LBJ, Roosevelt and maybe Carter would somewhat qualify for centrist.
Take the Trump/Clinton shit to Sup Forums you degenerate fuckwads.
A proprietary messaging application made by an an American megacorp has a backdoor?
\ (°O°)/ ??
Anyone here uses Signal or Wire? opinions on those?
Signal is recommended by muh Snowden but I've read negative comments.
Wire looks nice and has a client for Linux. But I think only the clients are open source, not the server. Should this be a major concern?
>And you're trying to call him stupid?
I am calling him stupid, no trying about it,
That's right, "they're" on "his" side.
>post your face when you didn't fall for the WhatsApp meme.
OwO what's this?
closed source software had a backdoor?
*sheaths model M* nuthin personal, kid
Her face always looks like she's taking a big shit or someone is busy bukake her face
Riot, Matrix, Tox,, Silence(SMS only)
Guess I'll have to find some other medium to deal drugs
Hillary was worse, she fucking murders people that gets in her way while telling you she loves niggers with that reptilian smile.
USA should be run by Islam
Trump is just a meme, Sup Forums likes him because he's the best candidate not because he's hitler.
It's just so hard to convince druggies to try different things
I deleted that app when fb bought it. No ragrets.
When did Sup Forums become a liberal cesspool?
>tech illiterate users
>people with social lives
there, fixed it, and there is a difference between a universaly made assumption and a fact btw
They DID unlock the iphone though
Does Stallman ever get tired of being right?
Aren't all those (((freedom of speech activists))) the same that say you should be thrown in jail if you say nigger?
Where are all of the retarded third worlders who use this piece of shit now?
I don't think anyone uses signal or wire.
What's the open-source alternative?
Why are internet virgins so obsessed with privacy?
I mean, I dont like that it has a backdoor, but its not really a big deal. Everyone I know uses this and it does everything I need for free so I will keep using it.
Not like I have something to hide
Does anyone in the US even use that service? I've never heard anyone talk about and I got no idea what it does.
Apple iMessage doesn't have this problem
>not doing your own research and just memeing
Would you feel comfortable with your government installing cameras in your home? No? Why not? You've got nothing to hide, right? You haven't done anything bad, right? Then why do you expect privacy in your own home?
Its not really the same thing.
Like I said, I dont like that it has a back door but its not a big deal. Its free and does everything I need.
But it is the same thing, it's the concept of wanting privacy but having nothing bad to hide. Everyone expects it in their own homes, but then people pretend to not care about it online.
Perhaps you don't care that someone can potentially see your strings of text out of context, you're careful what you say online, after all. But what if that string of context has a face? What if they have a database that cross references everything you've posted online? What if they have a neat little profile put together of you, almost like a dating site, pieced together by all the information you thought you were keeping private, from all the places you visit to what you look like naked. Over time, what they know about you becomes more and more like a video display showing a live feed of the camera inside your home, perhaps fragmented, but enough to get a clear picture of who you are and what you do.
Would you behave differently in your home, knowing that there are cameras in every single place, watching your every move? I'd bet money that you would.
Thanks for that link.
Frankly, I can see why they're doing it. Otherwise it wouldn't just werk when some normie changes the phone.
Still, they should at least provide a switch in the settings.
But then the people who would switch to the secure mode are also the people who are better off with an open source alternative. (Like Signal, but Signal sucks for other reasons.)
Yeah, at the very least it should be an option. And like you said, there's a lot of issues with other clients. The biggest factor would be how many people you talk to who use Whatsapp. People don't like installing a messaging app just to talk to one person.
>Read article
>It's not a backdoor, but a retarded setting.
SO you turn on key-change notifications, and you can ensure nothing you read is compromised. If your friends aren't retarded they will do the same.
Not necessarily. Read
Well... Facebook bought it for billions of dollars.
>Billions of dollars
Do... You think they bought it just to be nice? They're looking to profit.
(You) are the product.
I'm not saying it's true, but for fuck sake don't act surprised when one of the biggest companies to not respect privacy is exposed for not respecting privacy.
Dam, just image what Facebook is going to do with the Oculus Rift that it also bought.
Fucking jews, man.
when i installed messenger on my phone it secretly tried randomly to install whatsapp without my permission
thank god my permission manager could intercept this garbage
removed all that facebook shit from my phone
Signal Private Messenger
everyone knew, so what?
only retards would believe an app OWNED BY FACEBOOK would have proper encryption.
Well, that's why people were so disgusted that Occulus sold out.
Here is a some counterpoint goodness.
Please disregard this post and continue to believe the fantastic journalistic endeavors of (((The Guardian))).
>anything closed source
ayy lmao
> billions of dollar
> power of facebook
> most powerful board of directors on earth
Are you REALLY, REALLY fucking gonna believe that WhatsApp is secure????
On FUCKING Sup Forums?
Are you FUCKING kidding me now?
This ain't some tinfoil kind of shit.
We are not talking about microwaves eavesdropping and capturing you and shit.
It's something OBVIOUS that made into the news.
>it would require significant collaboration with Facebook to be able to snoop on and intercept someone's encrypted messages, something the company is extremely unlikely to do
Facebook is good, just don't pay any attention that one of the board members owns Palantir
That really is not the problem.
Facebook's spying/data mining is the issue here.
Imagine how much data they can gather, how much they can improve their advertising. How fucking subtle they can be with ads...
The list is endless. It's a goldmine for FB.
I am just surprised why people bought one.
What point does facebook have in complying with the US government?
You guys always talk about how big corps are just ready and willing to bend over for daddy NSA, but you always fail to explain why this is profitable for them in anyway.
Try not to just spout of dank jew memes and the like. Try to, god forbid, form a rational argument for once.
Is the law you fucking imbecile.
You cannot trust any US based company with your information.
This is why Lavabit is dead
You don't have a choice. Also, the status quo is profitable for facebook. Some people don't understand the deep psychological effects it has on people, as can clearly be demonstrated by their own research on a/b testing feeds to make people feel certain ways.
The problem is that people think they are just being shared all of the things that their family and friends are sharing as well as the stuff they have been signed up for but it is a careful crafting of a narrative for the purpose of maintaining whatever facebook wants to.
facebook wouldn't be as huge as it is if it didn't comply with the us government, hell it would probably been shut down entirely till now
>comparing a """free""" product to a retail product
You kids are astoundingly dumb sometimes.
>I lack reading comprehension: the post
There are tons of example of non-free retail products that still require you to have DRM spyware or similar data mining software running in your PC.
For an smart-ass you are the one who is astoundingly dumb.
You can just fuck right off, faggot.
Gizmodo linked to a tweet from Frederic Jacobs, who also cited , which is the main issue here. Fred is arguing semantics, you dolt, not that there isn't an issue. You're just as bad as people who latched on to the guardian's take without fully understanding the topic.
>Ctrl + f
>0 results found
Congratulations at linking the article on warrant-less subpoenas. Wow, what a revelation!
Of course, that's not what this is about, at all. In fact, it isn't what the past 4-5 years in cloud security have been about either. No one is arguing whether the US Gov can get the "information" from these corps. What they are arguing is that these corps are putting backdoors in, which is not defined ANYWHERE. All they have to do is hand over relevant data, with the ability to decrypt IF THEY HAVE IT. This is not what the article is about, though. It is about the company purposefully weakening the encryption mechanism at the request of the government.
Which, once again, is not actually defined in a law. So why is it profitable for said companies to do this?
Are you fucking kidding me? He mentions that exact "vulnerability" in the fucking article I linked.
Are you retarded or something?
Why would I care about his views on animals or homosexuality.
>Sup Forums shit
Just don't even respond.
>Why would a company not be willing to take on the US intelligence agencies
Gee I wonder why.
You fail to understand this is not about fucking profitability, this is about the existence of facebook itself.
Your counter argument was a slashdot article claiming the issue was rebutted by Fred, when in fact he was arguing the semantics of a backdoor. He even links to the fucking article that posted:
Jesus christ, use your brain for once.
Good, all jew-ware should be blocked
>this is about the existence of facebook itself
God damn, you guys can't seriously believe this.
I'm not going to point out where he talks about it if you aren't even going to bother reading it at all.
Just purge yourself.
>gets BTFO
>I'm not going to post a counter argument because I'm retarded and don't have one
Thanks for playing, bye.
>can't even respond correctly
>thinks he has some sort of "high ground"
I'd tell you everyone is laughing at you, but at this point, they are probably just weeping for you.
Later :^)
I tried to get my friends to use tox, signal or telegram, but they wouldnt listen
Seems like this weird Biocoded thing I came across. Some random dude in Slovenia that claims USED BY INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, MILITARY AND POLICE FORCES. Has like 20 likes on Facebook.
I pointed out the facts, you conceded with no counter argument (because there isn't one). It's not my fault you have poor reading comprehension and start posting links before understanding what the content is conveying.