>a 240gb ssd costs 1/4 of my month salary
Such life in Russia
>a 240gb ssd costs 1/4 of my month salary
Such life in Russia
Find me something better. Till then...
Then get a smaller one, or a better job, or move out to a non shit country, Ivan.
At least you don't have niggers there.
я чyвcтвyю тeбя бpaт
нeмoй лягyшкa плaкaт
idi hui communist :^)
>tfw working 2 days a week at a restaurant
>a 240GiB SSD is 1/10 of my monthly salary
UK isn't so bad
you don't need it..
>what are snow niggers
they're worse cause they hide amongst the crowds easier.
>Having a salaried job
What kind of a Russian are you? You're supposed to be running a botnet and/or conducting industrial espionage.
/r9k/ is that way. What do you expect from us? Find a better job, programmer in Moscow can score > $2K per month.
for what exactly you need that extra performance?
Im still runing hard drive 5,400 RPM and have 0 problems
funny, my ex lives in Whitechapel. and no, she does not wear a burka.
>implying everyone in russian needs to work as programmer
Post: a retard
Funny (:
Not for web browsing, that's for sure.
But opening programs is way faster with an SSD.
Learn Russian, then use it
Only cold startups, otherwise it's negligible.
If they want to make some money, probably yes.
An SSD won't run your meme-farm any faster.
Save your money, anyway, Ivan. After what you cunts pulled this past year, chances are life in your Soviet shithole is about to get far worse than the most diseased vodka nigger living on the street has ever had nightmares about.
>on our way to 2018
>being brainwashed by amerilards
>having the president of the second most powerful country on the earth as their bitch
>it will somehow make life worse
in brazil it costs 1/2 of my month salary.
>this is what americucks believe
you do realize you're the whole world's laughing stock?
Hang on bro. Trump is coming in 7 more days king nigger and his Clinton handlers will be gone.
How many elections can you rig with so many storage space?
t. libcuck Sup Forums agitator
I could buy a 240GB every day and still have money for food.
Not even well paid just don't live in a shithole country :)
congrats dude :)
i know right, thanks. Feels good knowing just by being born my quality of life is significantly higher than almost everyone in human history.
> a 240 gb ssd is > 1/2 of a days pay for me.
Feels good mang
>240gb ssd
sounds like an hour of work for me
>installing fiber optics internet costs twice as much as the house I live in
>100 Mbit up/down would cost twice my monthly salary
Such is life in Austria
At least I could buy 25 240GB SSDs with my monthly salary if I had any use for them
Its roughly 60 usd for 240GB SSD. In UK dollar, thats 50 sterling + 20% VAT = 60.
60*(2 days * 4.3 week) ~= 516 / m
60/516 = 8.6.
You don't pay for your rent/food/electricity/utilities?
Also PS4 is 1800$ in Brazil.
You live in Russia!!!! Just ransomeware everyone that doesn't live in Russia. You'll be fine.
>not hacking and scamming everything
just bought 2tb 960 pro
Кoдить нayчиcь, быдлo тyпoe.
One does not need that much space. Ubuntu takes only about 6 gigabytes and has anything integrated you'll ever need.
>240gb SSD costs 1/2 of my day's pay delivering pizza
Such is life in Canada.
i play video games
Find me good 240GB SSD for £60 and im buying it right now.
Only children play video games. Also there are no more games for computer, just for xbox
don't post gimi
UK cucks don't have Amazon? Woah, I pity the third worlders like yourself.
>wastes time playing vidya
We do, but last month prices went up and now 240GB costs £80
Oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти
Чтo этoт пapeнь cкaзaл.
Overwatch is the ultimate cancer to the Internet
>not being a csgo pro player
Lol you couldn't find any could you
What part made it clear to you that I was poor?
>t. manchild
I've seen maybe 7 black people in 2016. I'm quite surprised. That seems like a huge number for literally the middle of Siberia.
They were all dudes, tho. Have yet to see a black woman.
>tfw 1/64ths
I just searched, 240GB SSD are selling for 63ish UK dollars.
Are you guys retarded or something?
Maybe if anyone in your country could figure out how to make SSDs you wouldn't have to pay so much for them.
They're from Rwanda or somethig, usually students.
OП Пидop.
Elbrus-based PC costs $2,5K. I think it's the opposite.
2ch.so pls go and never come back.
>americans can afford 24 SSDs off their salary
>regular thinkpad threads about choosing between $150 and $160 5-year-old computers
it's a third of monthly salary here. stfu
That's possible. They didn't look like students to me, but what do I know.
>tfw russian with a thinkpad
>Elbrus-based PC costs $2,5K. I think it's the opposite.
How much do they have to pay to non-russian companies for licencing the innumerable patents required to make everything though? Or do you guys not need to respect foreign patents?
Chink 240Gb ssd will cost you 1/6 of moth salary.
Still an improvement.
I think, it has no foreign licensed technologies and firmware. Elbrus architecture is developed in Russia, silicon is made in Taiwan, PCBs and other components are other from China or local too.
wow i make enough to buy 1.5 of those in a day and i don't even have a great paying job. just above poverty.
wtf is up with how global economies work.
>I can buy a gtx 1070 in a little over 1 days work
A job in the construction field isn't a meme guys, I get paid $40 an hour for easy work. Literally no one wants to become a carpenter or some shit and they all want to be doctors and actors.
Talking about Samsung 850 - 100 euros?
Should have studied at school to get a better job that would yield higher than average salary. Otherwise it's same shit in eastern EU, especially if you take into account the cost of living (pay more for fuel, heating in winter, electricity than Russians).
What's that in actual money?
Can I become a part-time carpenter assistant without education?
Hardmode: in EU?
Idk, try to become a full fledged carpenter and try to come here, you are guaranteed a job. Pay is good, free workout basically, and hours are felxible.
I am too comitted to my degree which is on par become a doctor by the duration of studies (classical musician) to swith for another.
Carpentry is cool desu
Oh well, everyone wants to become a doctor.
That's because being a doctor pays well over $100/h easily. Do you know how much doctors make? Average rate is somewhere around 200-300K/y.
Actors, even more.
Meanwhile, carpenter working 40 hours a week, making $40/h every week for a year only makes about $84K/y.
You'd need to work 3 years to get equal to a doctor's average year. Doctors average around 60 hours a week tho.
Nigga, you jelly? I'm taking engineering for school but I'm also working carpentry. I'm only 20, making 40 an hour. I'm getting 60 an hour when I'm gonna be 25 and when I become construction manager + engineering major, I'll be getting paid 100 an hour. My older brother basically did same thing I did and now he is making 200k a year at age 35....
>being doctor in Russia
Basically, if you are a foreigner and want to be successful in America, be a carpenter. Just by taking a look at my state's job openings, construction related jobs are in high demand and there is a severe shortage