How do they get away with releasing computers with 2-core processors in 2017? (at a horrendous price nontheless)

How do they get away with releasing computers with 2-core processors in 2017? (at a horrendous price nontheless)

Because they sell fashion accesories to poor people who use them to pretend they're not 10K deep in credit card debt and live paycheck to paycheck.

People like eating shit.

>implying the core count is the problem

Most people don't need more than two cores. Most quad core and higher processors are sold to "gamer" manchildren, or installed in Android smartphones, where they're required to process background data collection without drastically impeding performance on the front end.

see core count isn't the only problem, things like VP9 hardware decoding are missing too.

>Mac Pros come with up to 12 cores
>cant afford it so Ill just start another thread insulting my betters

>3 year old hardware

that must seem like a long time when youre 12

Because less cores with more frequency is more stable, and i don't have to be an Applefag to tell you this.

Why do you think people are begging for Graphene or any solution that increases core performance?
Because wasting performance on dumb as fuck programmers who can't properly set up their software for multiple cores,
who won't do it,
and wasting performance on precisely the management software required to manage multiple cores,
can go eat a dick.

But muh gaymur shit is better for the new $70 chase game that everybody is playing that in 2 weeks literally nobody will be playing.

I don't know. Why don't you ask Lenovo, Dell, HP, and Asus?

Yes you do have to be an applefag to tell him that since only an applefag is that retarded

>They surprisingly work well, even on a 2013 MacBook Pro I can still render videos pretty well with After effects and stuff with Photoshop.

And usually, having a C2D laptop lets you have longer battery life, since the TDP is lowered all around.

>and wasting performance on precisely the management software required to manage multiple cores,

>wasting performance on dumb as fuck programmers who can't properly set up their software for multiple cores, who won't do it,
and wasting performance on precisely the management software required to manage multiple cores,
>>Yes you do have to be an applefag to tell him that since only an applefag is that retarded

Dividing tasks per core does require additional standalone active software management upon the main software dumbo.


First of all the OS manages that
And second you have a multi core CPU anyway, managing 2 or 4 cores don't make much of a difference

First of all, the OS alone doesn't manage that.
The software itself also requires modification to manage multi-core.
Second of all, adding cores means adding more steps and lowering response in calculation.
Now the computer has to additionally think when dividing tasks and also opens a wider range of error potential.

This muh coars nonsense needs to end.

The fact that they're underpowered for the price is indisputable, but the quantity of cores in isolation is not the issue.

No it fucking doesn't you've never understood how multithreaded programming works let alone multiprocessor programming and finally the kernel does manage all of that unless you're using some bizarre user-mode threading library which are no longer in use since every modern kernel supports threads

>muh Pentium
>muh Celeron
>muh i3

You don't really need more than 2 cores unless you are gaming oder rendering shit

I agree with you in horrendous price though


go home Hans


80% laptops are dual cores and are good for anything except gaymurs

Thanks for debunking the quad core meme Sup Forums. I'll be getting a new dual core cpu soon.

because their software is optimized for their very specific hardware, and therefore can run better on slower specs.

bullshit marketing. it has been proven that the same software runs faster with the same hardware under linux than osx.

>le ad hominem xddd
macfags always surprise me

By creating a world class Operating system to utilize those Processors 100x better than windows ever could

This. Mac os is the most refined operating system on the market. Why is Sup Forums against refinement? ios refined. mac os refined.


Even my atom tablet is a quad core.
How can applel even compete?!

because they're a bunch of neet losers who circle jerk about running linux and running a Desktop that doesn't even have window buttons. Theyre stuck in 1991

Of course that's true, but because they can get away with shitteir hardware to make the appearance of their OS run fast, they do, and cant

Its like a light weight car going as fast as a V8 with a smaller engine.

the average consumer is a fucking retard, and likely doesn't even know what
even fucking means. remember that.

thats the problem with this board, regardless of what, discussion is always engaging and at generally at least moderately entertaining until this guy has to come along. go be assmad somewhere else cuck

Even then dual core with HT seems to do ok for me in modern games.

i7 7500u dual core with HT, ddr4, and a 960m and if i turn the video settings down the cpu still keeps me over 60fps on Bf1.

Is needing quad core a myth?

>Because less cores with more frequency is more stable

Are you dense or something?
Install openBSD on your brain faggot, you won't be able to use your eyes nor your hands but it doesn't seems that they serve a purpose anyways.

Because iOS isn't utter shit (well, as far as optimization goes)

Isn't it even possible to play GTAV at 60fps on the latest pentium?
quad-corefags need to gtfo of this board

>quad-corefags need to gtfo of this board
But this isn't

that's why I said they need to GTFO
Sup Forums can circlejerk over battlestation specs all they want
real technology is exploiting a cheap processor to make it like an expensive processor

You are beyond retarded

>t. Sup Forumstoddler

You're only further proving your retardation.


>implying linking to irrelevant threads will somehow make you less retarded

Most 13 inch laptops have 2 cores, actually, show me a 13 inch laptop with 4 cores.


>muh cores
>muh specs
>muh powurrrrr
cancer get the fuck OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT



So are you actually going to reply at some point or are you just going to keep shitposting?

I'm not the one who's only argument is
>>Hurr, durr, ur a retard

Wait, does this user think that Intel sells 20+ core Xeons to "gaymurrs" ?

Yesterday I saw an user saying it would be acceptable to put a USB A port on a smart phone. Today I see this. Maybe Sup Forums really is going downhill...

You're right, you're the one whose entire argument is
>cancer get the fuck OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT durrr go back 2 le Sup Forums xD

their are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that don't know their numerical prefixes

>lacking the skill to fully utilize a dual core processor
>can only put together an ATX rig because everything fits together like legos
>wastes money buying the latest intel i7(c) processor to play minecraft on
>real men do all their work on dual core laptops
>can't come up with an argument other than "lel retard shuddup"

a slot of schools were cancelled today due to an impending ice storm in the there is likely an atypical amount of middle school kids on the board. They dont teach anything in school, so thus they dont know numerical prefixes etc

>all of these blatantly false assumptions

Yeah, you can tell there's a lot of uneraged b&s on right now
These are the kind of people that end up getting a mac to do their CS degree

post screenfetch


Help me Sup Forums

After owning nothing but androids I want to get the iPhone SE, simply because it's the best looking phone I've ever seen. Is it true iPhones are more stable and smooth? Or is it all a meme? I distinctly hate all of apple's other products, including the other iPhones. However when I see the SE I get a tech-boner for whatever reason.

Am I losing it?

$ screenfetch -s
It's not that hard
So I can see your epic quadcore setup

>no headphones

I didn't ask how, I asked why. Christ, you're dumber than a fucking rock.

>So I can see your epic quadcore setup
>reading comprehension

This is an 18+ website, you fucking mongoloid. I know you want to see it, I'm asking why.

>>So I can see your epic quadcore setup
>>reading comprehension

SE has a headphone jack.
iPhones aren't inherently smoother than Android. The SE has good specs so it'll be smooth, but an Android phone with the same hardware would be just as good.

>an Android phone with the same hardware would be just as good
Like hell it would.

sorry, I didn't read
the SE looks like a kickass phone if it doesn't get completely fucked by the next iOS update


it wont, the SE is is 95% will be a long while before that cant handle OS updates

I have an S6, it's not all that smooth and I barely even use it. After using the SE in the store it blew me away with how smooth it was.

I also really like small tech, I think it's part of the reason the SE appeals to me. Along with the fact it looks absolutely fucking amazing.

This guy is right

I want to see the setup a vtoddler uses

Well given I've never been to Sup Forums and don't even have a graphics card made in this decade, you're asking the wrong guy.

>>>So I can see your epic quadcore setup
>>>reading comprehension
orchid 4500

So it's not completely insane to invest into it, right? I actually had a dream about owning it.

>I want to see a vtoddlers setup
>I don't post on Sup Forums
user, you sure are trying to rip on my reading comprehension a lot considering how illiterate you are.

>great screens
>great real life perfomance (having an optiised OS helps a lot)
>great design
That's not to say ((you)) should buy one, but it isn't hard to understand why it sells.

I really am curious though
I only see stuff from /tpg/

So go google some screenfetch screenshots

No its a pretty damn good phone

Thanks for providing me justification to buy it. The only thing that's stopping me is the price, why is apple shit so fucking expensive?



shows the product in use, meanwhile shows why he bought iShit in the first place: showing it off at starbucks, who cares about the performance.