do you guys keep it nice and chilly for your computers or are you monsters?
CPU temperature thread
it just dropped
by not having shitty hardware
I don't.
I guess it's not fair unless i put some load on it
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
I sure do senpai
>tfw temp little higher than usual just got done playing Minecraft
should I repaste?
this computer has never had it's paste changed. It's literally just a stock Core 2 Duo SFF desktop with the HDD changed and a floppy drive installed.
Are you feeling bad, user?
>It's literally just a stock Core 2 Duo SFF desktop with the HDD changed and a floppy drive installed.
(i'm recompiling the openjdk, because the lazy debian maintainers can't even fix the font rendering even when the patch is available)
Odd, my font rendering looks right.
it's a known problem with "stock" openjdk, it ignores fontconfig settings for LCD filtering and it makes subpixel rendering fonts to render without the filtering and it looks odd and distracting.
I only have a 212 evo, so I think I got lucky with the chip.
At 4.8ghz, it only gets up to 75c on Prime95.
now with idle temps
(notice the color fringes, this is without patching)
I'm using openjdk 8 from backports
but it might be the same for me, i sit quite far from my monitor
i hate to hear my fans, so i prefer when they are not spinning.
forgot pic
these fans are at the lowest level
the controls in speedfan don't do anything
Is it 2008 again?
Srsly tho.speedfan stats can be unreliable af.
>(notice the color fringes, this is without patching)
Can you post screenshot after patch?
your ram has temp sensors? damn dude
>Can you post screenshot after patch?
pretty cool
unlike other anons on some boards, I (usually) deliver
(i had to patch the patch, application preference should override the default one and the patch wasn't doing it)
ECC pulled out of a server.
Thank you for reply.
I also noticed horrible font rendering in NetBeans, and changed this line in netbeans-8.1/etc/netbeans.conf to:
netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Dswing.aatext=false"
Looks better than default setting.
Depends on your mobo. If you've got a good chipset monitoring all the temps, it's rock solid. Older motherboards and many laptops aren't accurate, often having few sensors, and sometimes the RPM monitor displays insane speeds.
Adding this argument slightly changes font rendering too:
I can't decide which one looks better.
Not really a concern of mine