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>Headphone purchase advice

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Zeos...good or just some faggot?

hey, Sup Forums, just wondering: is there a need to 'break in' new headphones? i saw a post a while back about leaving your headphones on overnight with some sort of classical music or white noise turned up to do this. is this just a sick prank or a meme?

King of /hpg/ and r/headphones.

take him as much as you take any other opinion
don't use him as a final measure

Are there any closed-back headphones which have a similar sound to the HD 518?

Zeos!!! Teach me how to fuck up soldering headphones! Teach me how to cook, even though you can't cook!!! Teach me how to be deaf!!!

Stop posting Zeos

at least the guy can put a good show

>user so upset zeos fucked his wife

stop dreaming zeo

right, you could never have a gf, let alone a wife :^)

Zeos go and stay go


Anyone have these?
What do you think of them?
I'm considering getting them alongside my DT 770 Pros. Only thing a bit worrying is the super low impedance, is that going to affect clearness of sound much or is it really not a big deal?

Don't worry about impedance, they sound just as a clean with 10+ ohm output amps as they do out out of a phone. Their only downfall are the qc issues, it's pretty common for the left cup to come loose and screwing it back isn't an easy task.

>poor Zeos' wife has to be careful in bed or she'll die, and the deaf mexilard won't hear her screams if he rolls on her

Definitely not good, can't say about faggotry but he sure doesn't know his shit. Avoid for everything audio related. If you don't get nausea from the stupid GoPro cam and fat hands swinging around, stick for the unboxing if you need to know what is included. That's about it.

Impedance does not correlate with how something sounds like. You can ignore the spec entirely.

Don't worry for low impedance, those headphones aren't going to sound clear anyways, no matter what you link them to.
DT770 are V-shaped, X2 are dark. I'm surprised by the amount of people that mistake these two different sound profiles.

These "sound profiles" are just extremely rough descriptions of the sound. Without understanding how to read a frequency response plot and tie that into how something sounds like, you can't really help much with words. So few people can listen and even less seem to be able to describe sound.

I'm surprised he's even still mentioned in these threads anymore, once he started getting more expensive headphones his channel became "NO THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER" with every single video

to my knowledge he doesn't have a wife, I haven't seen any of his videos in awhile

search for "the wife acceptance factor".

can anyone ID these phones?

Apple Beats: Retarded Skank Edition

i wanna id that cutie

Steelseries Siberia Elite

Don't do it. I couldn't even sleep, and it damaged my headphones permanently.

>i wanna id that cutie
me too user, me too.

thanks user!

It won't do anything so you might as well not do it at all.

that's good then, would have sucked if your new headphones broke months later when you couldn't return them anymore

I need a fucking long 3.5mm jack

USA, budget $100-300

Best setup for a pre-amp for active speakers and changing over to headphones using a button or switch? I don't want to unplug each time.

200 bucks or less


iPhone 7 Plus

>Type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
I want to wear them a decent amount

>Sound signature
Im preferring a rich sound. I listen to everything from pop to metal so it should be balanced aswell

>Past headphones

Apple earbuds
>okay for what they offered

Sennheiser Momentum
>pretty darn sweet too

Marshal Mid Bluetooth
> absolute trash (my first Bluetooth headphones) it sounded like listening through a aluminum can

Yo T50rp bro,
Hybrid Memory Foam pads are only $20 right now, think it's worth it for 1/2 the price of Alacantras?

HD 599 vs DT 770 vs DT 880 vs DT 990

Sorry if this is a too broad comparison.
I'm considering buying a pair of decent headphones. Here's the thing though, I'm completely new to the audiophile world. Because of that, I don't have an amp or DAC.
This is the first thing I will buy, my next purchase will be an amp or a DAC in the coming month. I will be using them only at home with my laptop, and I listen to all sort of music genres.

>Im preferring a rich sound
You're asking for the imposible, you won't find bluetooth anything that sounds good.

fill the form

Would there be any good upgrade from the ATH-M50x? For around the same price/a bit more.

thats stupid

It's not, learn how bluetooth works.

Shut up

>Over ear
>Open or closed (doesn't really matter if shit leaks, will be used indoors only)
>Something balanced that suits most musical genres
>none, a few shitty ones that don't deserve to be listed

no, it's not. bluetooth doesn't make audio sound anything specific. nothing in it strictly limit audio quality either. it's a wireless transfer protocol.

ID these? Some kind of AKG K7?? I'm thinking.

$AUD200 (staticice.com.au/)


Computer/tablet/phone. Wireless Bluetooth is ok.

>Type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Need something portable

>Sound signature

>Past headphones
Sennheiser PC 163D. They're ok.

HD600/HD650 or between those i would recommend the HD598 but only if you get it cheap no more than 120usd

Now these, I've never seen anything like.

I feel like I've seen similar headphones before, but I don't think they had the same headband

It does degrade the quality due to compression, bandwith and the bitrate. The protocol was never designed for stuff like audio. Sure there's ways to improve it with special codecs and wider bandwith but that's not something the available solutions use because they're aimed towards normies with nigger ears by dr dre who listen to poorly mastered music with low bitrate.

looks like the hm5

$AUD~500, can go up if it's worth it


I need a headphone amp, my Matrix M-Series HPA2 died

Can I get something to combine both my headphone amp and audio interface? I'd like to just hit a button and switch between headphones/speakers out

Thanks doods

Anyone upgrade from Monoprice 8323's to something else and find the upgrade totally worth it?

that's not his wife

Yeah, I bought 250ohm dt990s and a dac/amp and was completely blown away. Didn't want to take them off my head

They got a divorce because he got caught meeting up with a trap, and sucking the trap off

that sound like something he would do

Can anyone recommend a decent fiio amp for a dt 880 250 ohms (a fiio, because it's one of the few brands that can ship to my country easily)

Best budget headphones coming through.

I wish the pads didn't feel like old socks though.

For $50 it's hard to see how I could have done better.

posted the wrong image user, you had one job

BestBuy has Beats by Dr. Dre for $200, usually around $350, so now's a good time to buy.

fuck off tyll

it's chinkshit plus requires velour pads. that means it will cost you double the price.

they're only 20$ on aliexpress user

>it's chinkshit plus requires velour pads. that means it will cost you double the price.

>What are K240 Pads
You really are retarded.

tally up the prices you shithead. quality pads are as expensive as that chinkshit.

and the best part: it has no fucking resale value since it's shit.

You forgot the build quality, cheap shit usually ends up costing more, hope he enjoys buying the same garbage over and over as it keeps breaking.

very true. that chinkshit is built to cost and it will probably fall part after few months of daily use. and the warranty is non-existent.

I don't really understand why people buy that cheap non-brand-name shit. you're quite literally throwing your money away.

if you can't afford something decent, save the money instead and endure that shitty pair of IEMs that you've been wearing for an extra month and then buy the good shit.


It's on its way boiiiiiiiiiiiz.

Sturdy build and quite comfy with light/loose clamp as far as body goes, soundwise they had to much boomy bass for me so I got turned straight away, work from a phone also.

Koss PortaPros suck

get off this website

Come on thats the best you have for me?
I shouldn't expect much from someone with shit taste

668B/SR850, 669/SR950, Hi2050

are JVC HARK any good?? and what is the difference between the 700 and 900 models.

Shit taste

I'd like to hear the bass, thank you.

You don't have to look very far to find better headphones. They're good for the price, but it's not hard to find more expensive, better headphones.

Does any user have a pair of Sennheiser HD 559s? How do they compare to the Philips SHP9500s' and which one should I buy?

what audio software should i use to do virtual surround? i want to turn my cans into some 7.1 surround sound gaming memes

it is most certainly a meme

It depends on the headphone, it is a meme usually but it does make a difference for certain models. Though it doesn't take 200 hours or whatever the fuck autists believe but from a few minutes to a few hours top.


In my experience, some headphones do and some don't. My AKG K702 were very bright when I first got them but after breaking them it, sounded a bit warmer. I don't think you need to go as far as running pink noise or sweeping sine waves or whatever though them, as they will break in with natural listening as seen with some of my friend's cans.

stop posting.

Looking for a V shaped headphone to pair with my hd600 w/ o2odac, looking at the argon and x2. Which one would be better and does anyome else have any other suggestions? Listen to hip hop mainly and live in a dorm with my own room.

Shouldn't happen if you're volume was a bit above listening. Defective cans or too loud?

How are the sennheiser cx 686g? and are the bose soundsport much superior, worth twice the price?

Its earbuds but
I purchased a pair of jaybird bluebuds x
The left side didnt work so i contacted logitech about it (owner of jaybird) and within 2 weeks i recieved a pair of jaybird freedom f5's free of charge
For $80 i recieved a $150 pair of earbuds.
While ik there are likely better options, im happier with these than any other earbuds ive owned. Whats Sup Forums think

X2 aren't V-shaped. Get Beyerdynamics DT880 600 Ohm.

>X2 aren't V-shaped
then what are they and why does so many people say they are
I swear, I've heard people say the x2's are everything from near neutral to slightly v shaped to bass cannons

X2 are M shaped, they have no subbass, a fat bump in the midbass that makes them sound boomy, no midrange and then a treble spike.

If you want V-shaped get the DT990, the DT880 are unicorn shaped, they're pretty flat up to the treble region where they have a spike.

I'm not that guy who originally brought up the x2's, but the 990's would probably be too v shaped for me. I want a bass cannon but too much treble is bad to me. I was thinking maybe the vmoda m100's

I would say look into some used TH-X00s or wait for Massdrop to sell them again, personally.

sorry for the spoonfeeding, but do you happen to know where I can find one of those used?

head-fi, possibly ebay, hifishark may reveal some listings elsewhere

all right man, I'll see what those sites bring up. thanks bro!

are refurbished headphones worth it