Says that video games are for children

>says that video games are for children
>proceeds to rice his desktop with cartoons

>if something isn't a photograph, it's for children

cartoons are a pure form of entertainment

games these days are pretty much as waste of time.

inb4 b&

Yes, they do. I lost my pass because of that.

>Implying that's what he's implying

Video games are for children now. Thats where the moneys at.

I enjoy a healthy mix of gaming and anime.
I simply choose not to proselytize about either one.

How is being a retarded manchildren?

>video games
>take literally hundred, sometimes thousands of hours of your time
>give you nothing in return
>many demand constant practice and attention, something a responsible adult with a job can't afford
>something only a manchild would do

>teaches you the intricacies of your operating system
>makes your desktop look cool
>enhances productivity with a one-time modification
>demands at most an hour if you're not retarded
>good way to make friends
>nothing manchildish about it

Reported for posting anime despite being a norman.
You lose your anime posting privilege when you kiss a girl.

what if ur a girl

It's illegal for girls to post anime.


wow that was rude of them


he deleted it him self. mods only delete images.


I wouldnt believe that even if SHE stuck her dick in my face.

What kind of cartoons?

>implying he's implying that that's what he's implying

>Makes your desktop look cool


>a retarded manchildren?

oh the ferrousing

>good way to make friends

enjoy having mentally disabled friends.

Desktop posters are, unfortunately, upstanding members of society.

>ITT defend my obsession with cartoons.

What about games that look like cartoons?

>Implying that I implied that he was implying about what the op was originally implying about.

What are you all trying to imply?

lol what a retard

my desktop background is the default color that remains when you start openbox-session

i'm not going to waste precious cpu cycles to choose some flamboyant background color

Anyone who cares enough about other people's hobbies to insult them, and has an urge to label various things like some butthurt femnazis or religious clerics;
obviously has a life malfunction or a past family issue which compels them to act like condescending douches towards their surroundings.

Such people should be treated with pity and ignored. Their opinions don't matter in the first place anyway as they have no influence on anyone's life.

This is why Trump won.

>implying he's implying he's implying that that's what he's implying

everyone is wrong except me


I only watch mature anime for mature adults such as myself.

i think you are right


>enhances productivity with a one-time modification
Theoretically. Practically ricers are just as wasteful with their time as gaymer faggots and the only excuse is that they learn a tiny bit more about computers.

>"Don't you dare criticizing that I am fucking my dog and collect used condoms!"

okay user, sorry

games are for children.

You're all manchildren

Most video games consumers are between 18 and 35.

they are mad because videogames are an example of software they would never be able to create
their most advanced project was fizzbuzz in python
