Name one (1) reason to use Arch over another distro.
I'll wait.
Name one (1) reason to use Arch over another distro
im comfy in mint kde
Not trolling, it's the most Just Werks distro you'll find.
That's the actual reason Arch users us it.
Source: use Arch
AUR isn't really anything special or unique though. SUSE has a bulid service you can use, Ubuntu has PPAs, etc
Literal malware injector.
I like to build up instead of trim down. Keeps things minimal. Nothing that I dont't need installed.
The distro at its core is reliable and simple; if you mess it up it is your fault. Also it has one of the most active communities in Linux and easily the best wiki. I don't even use if for the record, but I understand why someone would.
I like Debian. Packaging is better. Also, the majority of people don't want the complexity or the annoyances of Arch.
Literally the main mantra of Arch is KISS
it's 3 times faster
The OBS and the PPA technology is not really better than Arch Build System (ABS).
>I'm too new to read a pkgbuild file
Not necessarily
Arch has the latest and the greatest packages, bugs and bugfixes and it has the AUR.
AUR is going to be deprecated in favour of Appimages probably
Why do you say the packaging is better?
It just werks
The OS fades in the background leaving you with the pure Unix curve, which makes it great for learning how a computer works. I'm not sure whether it would work for everyone tho
thats a cute Wiesel user
No thanks, I can do "./config && make && make install" by myself.
>keep it simple, stupid
>forces you into configuring everything manually, even stuff that's irrelevant and could/should be automated instead
Kek. But surely you learned a lot about Unix by manually partitioning your drives and setting your locale.
Windows 10 > *
Xorg coupled with poor driver support, the entire experience with Linux is screen tearing, jitters and error messages. Games running at sub-par quality and fps.
Fuck that noise, just use the latest OS with DirectX for maximum comfy videos and vidya.
Wrong board, fagman.
Arch is the dumbest fucking distro ever made. I have not seen any professional or casual users running Arch outside of the Sup Forums desktop threads.
Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Debian, Mint and Fedora are actually popular and used by a normies as well as power users.
Arch does not even exist in the server market.
you sure showed him. xorg is trash which is why Linux sucks on desktops.
You gave up looser.
this doesnt know what AUR does
Arch doesn't have LTS releases.
>poor driver support
What the fuck are you talking about and why should I give a shit to begin with?