Sup Forums
How come you guys don't have some type of bootcamp/training/etc for us newshits?
I can't be the only one who would love to learn from you guys. Some of us can't just RTFM and know what the fuck is up.
Sup Forums
How come you guys don't have some type of bootcamp/training/etc for us newshits?
I can't be the only one who would love to learn from you guys. Some of us can't just RTFM and know what the fuck is up.
>Some of us can't just RTFM and know what the fuck is up.
That's because you're retarded.
The Sup Forums bootcamp
>install gentoo
>congrats that's the end of the Sup Forums codeacademy please make cheques payable to Terry A. Davis and pick up complimentary TempleOS diskette on way out
Read these books 90mins a day
Come back in 2 years
RTFM. We had to, so you have to as well.
Man I can read something over and over again but it just doesn't click until I see it in action.
That's why you enter the code/instructions as you go.
When you read a programming book it's interactive you don't just flip the pages enter in all the programs and do the exercises, like magic you will get it
A group called (I)nstitite of (S)oftware (I)nnovation and (S)ciences recruits in Telegram chat channels with a camp, they have a black flag with some old Lisp code on it
Huh, I'm going to have to look into that. Hopefully you're being syrias and not pulling my leg.
>Some of us can't just RTFM
Everyone said the sticky would be useless. I didn't believe them.
What about this thread has anything to do with the sticky?
Oh shit, alright yeah. Thanks for clearing that up user.
Jesus fuck, the boot camp for every Sup Forums board is the sticky if there is one and lurk moar. You can read the sticky and start lurking or go back to facebook.
Read the fucking wiki
>gentoo maymay
>upgrade guide
>search catalog
The fuck are you talking about nigger?
Oh, so you read the sticky? Now start lurking ass hat.
How the fuck does that address what I've been asking about?
The longer you lurk this board, you'll see that tutorial shit and links to learning resources are posted everyday. You just have to have some god damn initiative and learn it yourself. You also don't have to come to this fucking website to learn anything. This isnt a place to learn it's a place to discuss.
Now stop posting, and go read a book or something.
That's right, because the smarphone general and headhphone generals are really enriching.
>daily programming thread
>hey guys I'm doing enterprise-level shit, thoughts?
Yep seems really welcoming
LURK MOAR is the fucking bootcamp. We all did, and so can you. If you don't understand something after lurking, try /wsr/, saucing sfw, tech support and anime recs are the main reason the board was created
>how can i fall for memes harder?
It's not supposed to be welcoming you braindead mouth breather. It's a board for discussion not teaching. People who know about shit talk about shit. Nobody feels fucking obligated to include you if you can't keep up, and they shouldn't. Quit feeling sorry for yourself because you don't know shit, you have nobody to blame but yourself for your own lack of knowledge.
You have two (2) options. Lurk, or Leave. If you leave, you'll probably learn a lot faster. If that really is your goal.
if its bait its good bait
So it's a secret club, I get it.