Why do people like C# so much?
I don't get it.
Why do people like C# so much?
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It's easy, practical and is well integrated with .Net. Its a quick and dirty way to make tools and software
C# is the new Delphi
I don't know much about it but isn't it a lot like Java? A lot of people seem to like that, so...
This pretty much. It just werks
It's a very well though out language that has C style syntax. It's hard to not like it. The only problem people have with it is the fact that most C# dev is done with .Net which is botnet.
On Windows it is the best tool for most jobs. Making a GUI app? C#. Windows service? C#. Command line program? C#. It is like Java so crazy easy to use without all the fuckery you get with Qt/C++. If you want multiplatform GUI then you want something else but if you are just going for Windows then c# is your best option.
It's Java except it doesn't have a decades-long history of failed expectations like Java has. Also it's pretty much the only fully-featured programming languange that works nicely with windows.
Actually C# is available for Linux GUI in form of Vala
I don't know of any other language than C# that will let you code native GUI for Windows, Mac, and Android from a shared interface.
New Delphi? More like New Dehli.
Would this be a good first real language to learn for someone who only knows html5? I'm open to really anything, but c# seems the most versatile for what I want to do.
Checkout WebApi and EntityFramework and create a simple CRUD web application. If you're on Windows then download Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
Can confirm, C# master race.
Wow Sup Forums actually has people who can't make a difference between language and runtime. Well guess what shitstains, every .Net blessed language can so it if C# can do it. That means for instance Visual Basic. Not sure if VB is master race to be honest
Java without Java
Yea, but VC++ is pretty much dead, VB isn't as nice as C-like syntax languages, I don't even know why F# is not something people use, but they don't (probably just because C# fits all needs).
>not using VB
This is why Sup Forums is shit
It would be more popular if it was called Visual Advanced. We are not a bunch of fucking scrubs to use something "basic"
using() {
using() {
using() {
using() {
using() {
using() {
C# in a netshell
You again. Didn't I tell you that your teacher - Pajeet - was wrong when he taught you that this was common syntax?
Only in India does this happen, ask for your money back.
>he doesn't split his code into separate modules
you don't get to criticize a language when you don't know how to use it properly
> best
You mean "easy" right?
Honestly on Windows it arguably is the best unless you need to get into low-level stuff (where C++ would be king) but for 99% of programs out there you don't that
I started learning C# because there's more jobs in my area than C/C++ ones, that was more than one year ago and so far so good. The language itself is very well designed, no dumb syntax or behavior, the library is thicc thanks to .NET. A really comfy language.
I think the only thing I miss is const parameters like we have in C or Sepples. I also don't like the unsafe keyword, but the good qualities of the language overcome this.
I don't even want to start talking about async or LINQ, they're GOAT.
Vala... i though pure/crossplatform c# was mono?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as C# is in fact an artifact of Microsofts .NET/Longhorn attempt,
that had the purpose of limiting crashes because of poor the C/++ memory management by programmers and intentionally crippling their ability to develop cross platform software.
Microsoft also tried to abused the good name of C/++ while basically implementing a worse Java with a "better" vm. What is kinda what Mozilla did with "java"script, where they got the idea.
The main reason is of course that their C++ Foundation Classes (MFC) and their embrace, extend, extinguish strategy didn't work.
Mostly because of the occurrence of GNU/Linux and the many cross platform libraries. So they tried and even more abusive build-for and use-our-platform or die strategy.
It collapsed before ever coming into the light in case of longhorn, but thats C#/.NET origin fundamentally.
Read the Vendor-locking section and related articles (especially the WinApi section) from the 2000s if you want a broader pciture:
Don't ever buy into Microsofts marketing shit. .NET Core/Standard will be intentionally crippled and not standardize
a GTK or QT abstraction layer to compete with Windows and hopefully go away in a few years for performance and lack of adoption reasons.
If you really still struggle with C++ memory management read up on the C++ 11-17 or try rust.
No, crossplatform C# is .NET Core.
Or, you know, use Java since C# has nothing to rely do with sepples.
But this is basically true. .NET core is still patented code, even if it is "Foss"
underrated post
>in form of Vala
Nice buzzwords
Vala is C
I like the syntax and design. In other words I like C# itself.
But I fucking hate the .NET framework. Developing in C# just feels like a huge bloated hassle to me. And I especially hate Visual Studio for the same reason.
It does almost everything right.
A great standard library, a great syntax with many useful features baked in and it's even improving a lot with every new release.
Compare that to crap like PHP that was broken by design, has basically only a retarded version of C++'s syntax, a laughably broken and inconsistent standard library that they can't fix because programs rely on the broken behavior and only takes baby steps every year because the PHP core devs have no common vision for their language and they refuse to replicate any of Facebook's attempts to fix and improve the language in Hack and vote against every RFC that attempts to improve the situation.
Vala generates C while having C# syntax.