Well looks like I'm retarded and bought a motherboard (Asus Z170e) that needs to be flashed before it'll even work with...

Well looks like I'm retarded and bought a motherboard (Asus Z170e) that needs to be flashed before it'll even work with my new cpu (7600k). Coming from AMD life (so I'm used to stuff not working) but I'm stuck without an older chip. What are the chances somewhere like Best Buy will flash the bios for me with their own older cpu despite not having bought the parts from them?

Chances that they will do it are 0 but you can buy a chip and then return it next or the same day.

>then return it next or the same day.
with a 15% restocking fee!
fucking aids i tell you hwut.
there's probably STILL am3+ motherboards which need an athlong or phenom II to flash before being able to put faildozer/vishera chip in them.

15% of $50 ain't that bad though, might end up just doing this with a g3900 or something

Different user here
I have the same problem, just bought older CPU and I have 14 days to return it for free (in czech republic).

My x99 board has a feature usb bios flash feature. Doesn't even need a cpu.

Why the fuck doesn't it support it in the first place if it's pin compatible? Whats wrong with motherboard producers lol

>2015 generation mobo not compatible out of the box with a 2017 generation CPU
>it's the mobo manufacturer's fault!

Given that Kaby Lake is just OCed Skylake it should be possible to at least update the UEFI/BIOS.

>its normal for pin compatible processors to not be supported on pin compatible boards

Why not return the mobo

>tfw Asus Signature boards look like Repulic of Gaymen

Decided to just fucking buy a z270 and return this shit, I give up

>Intel makes changes to Kaby which render it incompatible with old bios Z170 despite being basically the same thing as Skylake
>it's somehow the mb manufacturer's fault for not predicting the changes ahead of time and not shipping their motherboards with bios for CPU generations that don't exist yet

Is this real life? Are you demented?

>pin compatible
>cpu compatible
>probably the same microcode
>still cant boot

I mean you are typing this from something right.

You assemble your PC and simply stick in an USB into the mobo.

Go to EZ Flash and simply flash it.

I thought these Asus motherboard with EZ-Flash 2 supports flashing BIOS without having a CPU installed? Yours support EZ-Flash 3, so
maybe it's different. Try googling for it user! IIRC you just put the BIOS into a fat32 USB, plug it in, [do something Mobo specific here], and you're done.

>probably the same microcode

From my laptop, asshat

That is what you will need to do.

I have a Z170 Gigabyte Motherboard
I just put an i5 7600k in it.

It worked once I put an i5 6400 in and installed the bios update.
then I put the Kaby Lake cpu back in and it worked.

So what prevents you from putting the bios on a flash drive and flashing it, you fucking retard?
Also the EZ flash 3 is so retard proof you can just plug in an ethernet cable and it does everything else by itself. Christ.

If his problem was the same as mine it will boot loop indefinitely. It will never detect a usb flash drive and it will never enter the bios. it wont even take a monitor out of sleep.


Seems to be, the flash isn't working.

I think my brother has one I can use, so I'll give it a shot.

This OP.

Updating the bios on my Maximus VIII Ranger was the easiest bios update I've ever done.

Stop being a retard.

Already attempted.

Go to your local computer shop and ask them

So you're not even able to get booted into the BIOS at all right now, even without a USB drive plugged in?

A motherboard wont post to get to bios without a cpu. That short delay before the bios option comes up is a system check to make sure all the components are in place.

You don't have any friends with a CPU you could borrow for an hour or so? They'd probably have to remove and re-mount their cooler including thermal paste but you should have some on hand and they probably need to do it anyway.


fuck u talking to?

>Z170 board
why the fuck didnt you just buy a Z270 board?

>buying Kaby Lake
you deserve what you got

this, my X99 board has dual BIOS as well, so even if you fuck up flashing one of them you have a backup