Year of the Pixel

>Year of the Pixel
>Still sold out since birth

This is why iPhone is still winning.

Other urls found in this thread: slow

Not any more. Enjoy your ilag.

>Trusting some random shitskin who puts dubstep as background music for his videos

>literally trusting Pajeet

t. paid apple shill

he's not pajeet and I though apple was full of pajeets?


>muh ram
Literal memephone

Well this memephone shit all over the latest iphone, let that sink in.


OP3 owner in the UK.

Phone is glorious, feels as good as when I got the nexus 5 3-4 years ago.

Overpriced Status symbol for people with no creative potential

Haj sure, because when it's sold out it means that Google sells less phones.
If the demand is bigger then it means that people are actually buing the phone. Not like the iPhone.

t.fucking apple shill, idiot.

Not its not.

iPhone is winning because android literally lags


>loading times
Yeah, that proves nothing..

I owned multiple android phones, they all lag and crash randomly. Specially after some time of use.

Not to mention they all get abandoned without software updates a few months after release because planned obsolescence.

iPhones are smooth, pretty and stable. And apple takes care of your phone with constant updates.

>tfw I got a pixel xl within a week of it releasing

The pixel gets OS updates as soon as Google releases them.

>The pixel gets OS updates as soon as Google releases them.
For how long?

Just like the Droid....oh wait I mean that's not right, oh yeah the Pixel! Surely this also won't get abandoned.

Like 2 years

>durr why doesn't my G1 have Nougat?


>And apple takes care of your phone with constant updates.
They sure do.

Yeah I had to cancel my order from Google and pay about a hundred bux more from a 3rd party seller on Newegg to get mine. Google said I'd get mine January 18 or 19 when I ordered it in December, but I just couldn't go that long without a phone. Ordered from and got it the next day!

Nice try poorfag slow

see and pic related, ipoor

So the next iOS update will probably cripple all previous generations? Or is it because the iPhone SE is selling too well?

t. iToddler

>same price as ishit dollar for dollar in US so you're paying 700+ USD to run lagdroid on hardware that will be officially forgotten in two years
>brings no actual new features to the table
>clear design copy of the ishit (subjectively ugly and poorly designed), because it's that hard to have a simple original design
Their stocking issue is the least of their worries
Google is delusional to think that a rebrand puts them on par with the itoy in the US and they can suddenly start charging the exact same amount.


wow. 24 months financing without interest.

damn, I kinda wanna do that. I need a new smart phone, but im too poor to drop $300 right now.

Should I finance this? I can afford like $70 a month to pay it off quickly.

Get he oneplus 3t
costs like $200 less and has better specs and doesn't lag

>mobile OS """""benchmarks"""""
>actual reflection of real world usage
Ahaha, you're pretending right? Better specs in Lagdroid is to offset the extremely poor optimization because development is so fragmented

Not like the itoy is any better but that's besides the point

That is real world usage you mong. Also the JVM in android 6.0 and better is very fast, almost as fast as C++ code turned to native code on an x86 processor.

>That is real world usage you mong.
whatever you say shill

>D-delete this! : The post.

>iThing unavailable

>other thing unavailable

Take a nap, Trump. You need to stay up to watch and cry about Saturday Night Live tonight.

>analog audio output is no longer supported in iOS11