What the FUCK is their problem?

What the FUCK is their problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


>$200+ billion company

What problem?

other manufacturers make garbage hardware so they feel the need to step up their game

ummm nothing?
their easily the best

no problem. do you have a problem mr poorfag?

reported to FBI fuckin pedo

>not buying overpriced iToys means i'm poor

>fictional little girls
>real life pedo
How's special class treatin' ya?

>poorfags cant deal with the fact that they cant afford a superior product



Nothing, they make hands-down the best products on the market.

>good design
>good build quality
>best OS, mostly without Sup Forums toddlers
>computing classics
>"I can't save money"

>richfags cant deal with the fact that they bought a shitty expensive meme product

How is standard x86-hardware in an ugly thinmeme case superior?!

dude you're getting seriously fucking creepy

That they don't use this logo anymore

my nigga

Someone get her a clean pair of panties. She seems quite distraught.

>32 GB RAM
Kill yourself

Shit for free is still shit

All standard parts, Apple hasn't been using POWER in over 10 years.

>one port
>thermal throttles
>shit file system, can't even merge folders
>nothing like based 90's apple
>"I like wasting money on fashion accesories"

suicide is recommended

Because the autists at IBM couldn't push PPC over the 2 GHz mark until 2005, except for the highest end 2004 model
That's why Apple and Motorola backed out of the deal and Apple proceeded to use intel.

8-bit guy made a great video on the PowerMac G5:

It's enough to put you on their watch list or arrest you on some countries

explains Linux

> (You)
>>one port
>using one product to refer to the whole company
>>thermal throttles
See previous answer
>>shit file system, can't even merge folders
It can, since Mavericks (10.9)
>>nothing like based 90's apple
You mean the horrendous Performa series?

They make products for hipsters, faggots and the lbgt community that pay $100 for organic socks.

Not in mine, so I don't give a shit

>Apple proceeded to use intel
What's the point then? You might as well buy any other cheaper hardware that's just the same.


I'm not a hipster, gay or eco-friendly in any way though

>>Apple proceeded to use intel
Becausw of less power consumption. Running a G5 for normal use 5 hours a day cost you $60 a year. It uses 355 Watts
>What's the point then? You might as well buy any other cheaper hardware that's just the same.
Everything ARM is meme shit.
Whose processors should they have gotten then?

Anything but fucking x86.

They don't use x86 at least since 10.8 though.
That's why the Mac pro 1,1 only got 10.7. They loaded a 32-bit EFI on there.

>being forward thinking, inclusive, and respectful for our environment is a bad thing
neo-Sup Forums everybody

>They don't use x86 at least since 10.8 though.
Really? What arch do they use now then?

SSE 4.2


That's an extension set for x86 dumbass.

They figured out how to milk off retards out of their money by releasing overpriced by the factor of 10x underperforming chink garbage in a tin frame, presented as a premium product in a circus grandeur by the team of self-absorbed hacks. The plebs thaw when they hear that they're being catered to and feel obliged to go with their annual ritual of disposing money on the newest iShit.

That's not how you spell AMD64

"The customer is never right"

Premium products for premium people.

Doesn't matter, same shit.

amd64 is also an extension set for x86, dumbass

>being this mad


Their problem is that they don't have a good picture viewer in the OS or in the store.

Seriously, open a picture in Preview or whatever it is, and there are no controls to jump to the next or previous image in the folder

t. iPajeet

>needing GUI buttons
winfags everybody
unix is a lot more powerful than you would think

do you want a product for the masses or
a product for a select "elite"

They got another sugar water salesman as CEO.

t. Lintoddler

You misunderstood.

Spacebar won't take you forward, backspace won't take you back. There is no way to browse through images with the viewer.

I hope to god this is some shitty attempt at trolling and there aren't actually people on Sup Forums who are this technologically illiterate.

They can't be successful without Steve Jobs

t. maccuck

Jonny Ive should've become the new CEO tbqh.

Yes, there is you brain damaged wintard. You select a group of pictures and navigate between them in the viewer using hot keys or the gallery on the left.

>Seriously, open a picture in Preview or whatever it is, and there are no controls to jump to the next or previous image in the folder

Because you only chose to open a single image. Why would an application open another file without you asking it to do so?

On the other hand, you could just use Quick Look to quickly cycle through the contents of a folder.

>mfw he makes crapple thinner financially every fiscal year

The viewers in Windows and Linux don't have this problem, by the way.

Quick Look is pretty retarded too.


t. Lintoddler

Windows and Linux should never be held up as examples of good design.

Indeed, so isn't it sad when they "just work" better than mac?

You'd think something like an image viewer would be a simple thing to get right, but no.

A good application follows the user's explicit requests. If you requested to open only a single image file, then the image viewer should show only that file and nothing else.

If you want to preview a bunch of files in a folder, then go to the Finder and use Quick Look. That's what it's there for.

It's a clear separation of functionality. An image viewer is not a filesystem browser.

>A good application follows the user's explicit requests
I can't explicitly request it to jump to the next file because that functionality doesn't exist

It does in Windows and Linux, by the way

It's almost as if the designers thought that if the user wants to view a picture, they might eventually want to view the next one too? And so they gave the user the controls to do just that without going back to the file manager

Quick Look is still retarded, the arrow keys move the selection around in the finder window (which is behind the preview anyway so not visible). I just wanted previous/next functions

Irfanview or ACDSee for mac when?

>I can't explicitly request it to jump to the next file because that functionality doesn't exist

You can if you open that next file along with the current one.

You can even configure Preview so that any images you open later go into that same window.

...You do know you can open more than one file at the same time, don't you?

Wozniak, but he likely just wants to sit in his rocking chair


Too bad he changed the website design appearantly. Old one was basically a chan. Download Xee 2, it's super fast.

Preview is only for PDF

Pander to the cool-hipster-numale-starbucks-feminist audience, and expect that all the world is agree in everything they do. Basically selling more crap to their products.
And use cheap tactis like discussing with neckbeards or presume economic supeiority to trigger jaleousy or something like that.

If Wozniak were in charge, Apple would have collapsed under the mounting pressure of the DOS / Windows PC clone market during the late 80s and early 90s, just like Commodore and Atari and, later on, Be.

He knew how to make computers that his hobbyist buddies would like, not computers for the masses like Jobs wanted to make.

Sure I do

>go porn folder, select all, open preview
>takes a while to open
>quite slow to change picture
>wait, now it's working faster....
>stuck, beachballing
>a couple minutes later it works again
>can't set default to be zoom to fit

It's just not a good experience vs. Windows or Linux

>file deleted
wow rude


Now this I can get behind. I knew I could count on Sup Forums for a solution.

>What the FUCK is their problem?

You're now describing a performance issue, not a functionality or UI issue (except for the last part). Maybe it's HFS+ or maybe your Mac is just old and slow.

Well it is a mid-2010 mini so it is kinda old and slow.

But no matter, to the rescue