He's got a point ya know

He's got a point ya know...


I don't understand this. Is this an advertisement for Mc Donalds?


But the mac is the fixed menu of expensive food..
Pc is eat all the correct things I choose for a better price...



Typical Macfag. Ignoring the fact that Apple has been using standard PC hardware for over 10 years now.

i remember when i used to say that and then i got my first mac and realized that actually its windows that doesn't let you customize much.


Yeah, he's got the OPPOSITE point. You have to make some effort to "cook" your PC, while Mac is "convenient" aka just werkz. Also Mc is literally Mac.

Neither does OSX. Although it is a lot more consistent.

>implying Windows is the only OS that runs on non-Apple hardware

You can actually compile your own Darwin kernel to use with OS X on your Mac.

PC != windows

I am using HP Computers my whole life, never had any problems. I am comfortable with the Linux/NT ecosystem, I don't see any reason to get a Mac. It serves no purpose for me other than letting people know I failed Finance 101 in college and can't invest my money properly.

just werks

Cook is a flaming faggot that needs to be fired. Ever since he took over they have completely neglected macs and only focus on iphones/ipads. Apple used to be great at making computers but they are slowly deteriorating.

once upon a time Windows was a lot better about that
MS engaged in this weird race to the bottom where now you can't fucking customize more than like 5 UI elements, and that's only if you turn on "I can't see" mode

ok, maybe there are points that can be taken from this that were relevant 5+ years ago, but anything I can think of is no longer true or as a big of a deal.

Imagine being at comouters

Come to think of it, I feel like Microsoft was slowly but surely being infected with 'agents' whose goals were to make them worse than their competitors. Look at Mattrick and the Xbox, he singlehandedly killed the brand.

Needs a aux dongle so the earphones can be plugged in also.

I sorta like the enterprise vibe Microsoft used to have. Now everything they do just feels extremely unprofessional.

It almost feels deliberate.

So if i took the bigmac and made it cost $1000 it would be better?

What's the cheapest Mac that can drive two monitors of text? Are any Mac monitors PWM-free?

I thought he meant MAC address because he capitalized the whole thing. What is this comic from 2001 or something?

I've been using Windows since 3.1 and it's always been pretty awful. The tech sector is chock full of companies that made it big because of "right place right time" and no company epitomizes that more than Microsoft.

I don't get the apple (fanboi) retards and I don't get the apple haters.

People buy macs because they are guaranteed to not be utter shit not because they are the best on the market.
You guys compare apple with the best available laptops but most consumers don't shop around that much they just buy some random junk because they have no idea what they need. Apple to them is the safe choice. Nobody has been fired for buying IBM.

It almost feels designated Indian shitting office.


This is areally shitty comic
I mean, I know a lot about computers and know that macs are the best, but this degenerate fat body is fucking up the brand

>good investment