Should I switch to the RX480

I need to upgrade my GTX 750ti. Both the RX 480 8GB and GTX 1060 8GB are what I'm looking at but cant decide.

I don't use nvidia game stream and can replace shadowplay with nearly anything. I do use Photoshop and Premier but would performance be impacted on AMD since I lose CUDA?

Other urls found in this thread:

>1060 8GB

I meant 6 GB there

How often do you upgrade your GPU or plan to upgrade?

If not within a year and a half then the 480. If you will replace it with the next generation then go 1060.

GTX 1060 owner here. Go with the RX 480

I've had this 750Ti for about 2 years and plan to keep whatever my next card is for a few years.

Rx480 owner here. Go with the GTX1060

What makes you say that?

Get a 470 4gb

Go with the RX 470

the rx480 is terrible value, especially if you live anywhere outside of the US. get the 470 or the 1060 6gb.

Not him, but the new drivers for the RX make it equal to the 1060, also the +2GB VRAM are helpful. The RX will age better than the 1060 will.

>it's this thread again
Could you like not today, Pajeet ?


it's not the drivers, it's the games. the drivers did practically fuck all. ~2% performance boost on average.

I'd go for the 480. It's a bit more future proof.

I've been hearing this from some other people too which is making me lean towards AMD

>GTX 750ti.
What was the last game this was able to play satisfactorily?

not 480 owner but 390 owner. seconding this.

runs most games just fine, even witcher on ultra gets decent frame rates, w/ hairworks off, ofc

GTA 5 and Watchdogs are the largest games that have had graphics issues.

So when will the rx 480 get a price drop?

one of the best selling points over 1060 is freesync, meaning demanding games will run smoothly even on ultra, provided you have a freesync monitor. either one is fine though for the next couple of years if you dont mind having to turn down settings on a few games

Really helpful video thanks.

i'm not saying that. i'm saying the games that have been released this year have been playing better on amd hardware hence the performance reduction between the 1060 and 480. next year will have a different story as did last year and the year before that. it's all about who has the most games sponsorship's.

I have a 480 and recommend it
switched from a 660GTX

Their performance is close enough in most titles for it to not really matter though. As I said in , freesync is the 480's main selling point over the 1060

OP here. Going with the 480.

Will now proceed to piss off my nvidia friends.

from the sounds of it you had already made your decision before you even made the thread. enjoy being laughed at though.

why would he be laughed at? he chose a one of two nearly identical cards. if anyone laughs at him just cause it's amd instead of nvidia, they're morons.

Main difference:

>freesync vs whatever
>8GB VRAM vs 6

>pc gaming
>buying anything that isn't nvidia and not expecting to be bullied for it

480 and 1060 are fairly similar. I game at 4k and have a 1070, and I've never even come close to using over 4GB of VRAM, so 6GB vs 8GB of VRAM is kind of moot. I'd still go for the 480 though. Does somewhat better, but DESU both are solid. Go for whichever is on sale for the lowest amount.

technically, 19 is still a teenager so you aren't wrong, but you also assume I care about bullying.

People shill the fuck out of the 480 here, on leddit and in the comment sections of every hardware or gaming related site yet still nobody is buying them.
Really makes you think.

Thanks for the response. Based on that, I think it should be able to play Witcher 3 and Tomb Raider fairly well.

>I need to
Of course you don't NEED to.

>muh gaymes

fuck off back to

Yeah everyone here buys gaming GPUs to do professional work. Get the fuck out kid adults are talking.

The 480 is the better buy, here's why:

>considerably cheaper than the 1060
>8 gb vram vs 6

>>considerably cheaper than the 1060


>Get the fuck out kid adults are talking.

>plays games
>get out kid

Oh and forgot about freesync >>>>>gsync

>>considerably cheaper than the 1060
Not in every other country in the world that isn't America. They're the same price.
gb vram vs 6
Meaningless at 1080p which the cards are aimed at
>>while >temps are pretty great for an amd card if you get a non-reference card (which you are gonna do anyway).
Temps are okay but power consumption is significantly higher, you'll need to factor in a higher capacity PSU if building around it
>>the much cheaper 4 gb version can run any game at ultra and 1080p almost perfectly, 45 fps at Witcher 3 on ultra is nothing to scoff at.
45fps is not good by any definition

Both of those can use open CL since apple uses AMD

Look up 480 2016 benchmarks on YouTube. The 480 caught up in DX11 and has better scaling in DX12/Vulkan, plus freesync is usually $100 less then G-sync

why do people like you even reply to anyone.

nothing you said is right.

Adults do what they want with their leisure time and don't give a fuck. Only edgy teens think they're too "mature" for games now that they're all grown up and going to college.

The RX480 is better bang for your buck and will still be relevant later on.

Prove any of it wrong then, go on. Even one point.

>Temps are okay but power consumption is significantly higher, you'll need to factor in a higher capacity PSU if building around it

You did not consider that OP was changing GTX750Ti (300W) card, making your point more than irrelevant.

>bang for your buck
>things only amdrones say to justify shit performance

>Not in every other country in the world that isn't America. They're the same price.

In Europe the 1060 is about 40-50 euros more expensive

>Meaningless at 1080p which the cards are aimed at

I agree, therefore I recommend the superior 4 gb version

>Temps are okay but power consumption is significantly higher, you'll need to factor in a higher capacity PSU if building around it

30 TDP, wow

>45fps is not good by any definition

as opposed to the 1060 which is that much better?


are you just pretending to be stupid

>muh 3fps
You can't prove me wrong.

>In Europe the 1060 is about 40-50 euros more expensive

euro here. the 1060 is equivalent to about 15 bucks cheaper here.

300W min whole system, didn't make that clear.

while both 1060 and 480 are 450W

>45fps at witcher 3 ultra. it easily gets 60 on my system lol

forgot to answer this

>It's better in literally exactly 4 (four) games.

This is what the 1060 will be a year from now

Equivalent cards about still neck on neck

the 750 ti consumes significantly less power than both to the point it doesn't need a power connector. stop spouting retarded shit.

Nice trips but you're comparing solid facts to your speculation now.

>I'm an adult now so anything goes, like shitting in diapers and playing video games

OK, but dx12 is doing far better on rx480. That's a solid fact.

> the new drivers for the RX make it equal to the 1060*, also the +2GB VRAM are helpful.**
*Only on windows 10
**Only at resolutions greater than 1080p which you should not be using this card for anyway.

RX 480 here, no you don't unless you cut shadows or grass or some shit.

My kids do plenty of diaper shitting already, no need for me to join in. Don't worry when you get into your 30s you'll stop caring what dumb teens think too.

nope. even the famous hardware canucks article only put it at about 6% faster in dx12. that's practically margin of error shit.

you replied with cartoons on purpose right?

Just pick the one thats less expensive, you will have a nice experience with both of them.
Also Photoshop and Premiere have OpenCL support on AMD cards.

RX 480 is much better for newer games, preforms better in pretty much all DX12 games.

it's not about sponsorship, RX 480 is doing better even in Nvidia titles

no, it's not. hardware unboxed did the comparison.

Yea, 300W min recommanded PSU, as in whole system, 75W for a card

while both RX480 and GTX1060 need 450W PSU

>8gb vram on a 1080p chip
literally nothing but marketing to idiots

Its for when you crossfire or run heavy game mods or do productivity work like 3D modeling

OpenCL is the counterpart for CUDA in AMD. The 480 will be slightly faster just from sheer thoroughput in both applications, but it isn't that big of a difference, even from pure CPU rendering. Both are nice cards and trade blows in most games with the exception of edge cases like Overwatch, GTA V (nV favored), and Titanfall 2, CoD IW, the Division (AMD favored). The 480 has a lot more OpenCL thoroughput if you're interested in HPC applications or mining, at the cost of a lot more power consumption on the norm (some 30% higher power consumption), and it's cheaper in the US. The 1060 on the other hand has higher overclocking headroom (at least without messing with modified firmware which is now not allowed by Relive drivers) and consumes less power, and can be found in smaller form factors. Both are nice cards and will be a good purchase if you can find a good deal on either, and I have both cards (one was a gift because I am a manchild xDDDD).

I routinely use over 6 GB for rendering, there are other uses for graphics cards beside gaming

>Should I switch to the RX480.

Yes. Specifically the Nitro+ OC.

If that's the same comparison I saw, the end result was about dead even, across all titles. The deciding factor is awfully hard to find at this point it seems.

looks like both get shit fps

OP save your money and get a 1070

>~2% performance boost on average.
2% per driver update is a lot, considering that we've had like five of them so far.

how big of a upgrade is the 480 gb from a 660 ti? I'll be switching to windows 10 for dx12 as well.

Or just go for the RX 480 8GB. Because its cheaper and faster anyways, regardless of how often you upgrade.

rx480 is the best gpu for money

go with 470 if its too much overpowered


which is better for forza horizon 3?

You're probably fine with either, but I'd play it safe and say RX480 as it has more vram and Horizon gets all stuttery if you don't have enough.

To be fair, only idiots select presets. But it is misleading to simply say "ultra" as if tweaking the settings is the same thing.

when it comes to dx11 games, they both perform roughly the same, that's if "fine wine technology" does not pull some magic frames out of nowhere in the future. as of right now, I would go with the 480. I go with it mainly because of the higher vram in both rx 480 models as I fear more games will start eating up more than 4gbs of vram, especially on higher settings.

I went from a 750ti to a 1060 6gb. No complaints, has run everything I've played on it at 1080p 60fps on either high or ultra

europoor here, cheapest versions:
1060 3gb - 245USD
480 4gb - 247USD
1060 6gb - 300USD
480 8gb - 299USD
price with taxes ofc

Get whichever is cheaper. People will tell you the 480 is more future proof but if that ever makes any kind of a small difference you would likely be moving on to a new card by then anyway. Don't sweat a couple of frames either way

480 RX is literally worse 1060 gtx OP. Same performance, same price if you want anything that even comes close to Nvidia in terms of temperatures and noise and worse features.

>Asking absolutely gaming tech illiterate Sup Forums about gaymen hardware

Oh OP you silly arse. Majority of people in here don't even play games. AMD is better by default because of freetards.

>ayymd housefire who needs nuclear power plant to operate
No thanks

your meme is outdated, take that shit somewhere else

>10 less fps than the 1060
>explodes your motherboard anyway


Rx 480 heats up to 90 celsius and throttles immediatly. It also draws 600 watts through your motherboard thus destroying it. Then when you call costumer service Pajeet will shit on your carpet

again, your meme is outdated and that's just one game out of many. go back to Sup Forums if you're going to act retarded.

Sure thing Rajeet

the motherboard issue has been long fixed and the temp issue really only exist on the g1 card.