What's their endgame?

What's their endgame?

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To land this spacecraft with all passengers unharmed.

Warp drive

Literally this.

Make Mars Great Again

propel earth out of the solar system and land it again in the solar system

>SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.
>ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.

Early game is to setup a Mars colony.
Early-midgame is to have autonomous asteroid mining and a space elevator on Mars, and use it as an industrial planet.
Midgame is to build a space elevator on earth.
Late-midgame is to overthrow mars from earth's political rule and start a new state.
Early-endgame is to use mars as a base of operations for extra-solar space travel using von Neumann probes
Endgame is to send colony ships to the viable planets found, and expand their space empire.

bring elon musk back to its home planet


the stars, and Elon Musk's immortality.

Crashing this rocket...

Those boys will be huge once they get their shit working properly before anyone else can get theirs running.
They'll be the filthy rich Microsoft of space transport.

To launch a rocket without it exploding

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

Science victory.

>once they get their shit working properly
Which never happens.
Are you ready to pay for shuttle 2.0, murricans?

my best friend from middle school / highschool works for them. If thats any indicament of what they utilize as philosophical standards then they are probably on terranials expansion through the use of security forces and their deuces.

I actually believe they want cultural victory. If it was science victory they would...actually alpha centauri is science victory isnt it. Still, i say culture.

Total annihilation of the african American population

Scamming the government out of billions whilst not actually doing anything.

its a meme
only neets like u believe to hide your existantial crisis