
Why is this shit so popular nowadays? It's just a gamer branded version of Slack. There's nothing that makes it inherently better than Slack, Telegram, or good old IRC and Ventrilo, and yet everyone and their mother has their own server to shill around (which doesn't actually work, you can't even host your own servers

Slack did everything that this program did first, and IRC did it all first anyways.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's better alternative platform to Skype and Steam for file-sharing and voice-chat and chatting in general.

>gamer branded version of Slack

That's ok, Slack is about to go out of business anyway. That snippy little whinefest about how hard their jobs are that they wrote to Microsoft shows that they know it too.

IRC mustardrace

It is literally a Chinese botnet.

Aggressive advertising is the only reason.

Because it's all the good things of other chat programs put together + more

Marketing and it's "free" for anyone to make their own server and it's retard proof, "just click this link and you are in it"

I use it for my gaming friends as a chat service but we still use mumble for audio.

Slack voice chat sucks unless you pay for it

It got a large user base because of Twitch streamers. Discord saw that and ended up developing integration for twitch and more people caught on to how awesome it is. Its also because it's stupid easy to manage a server.
If it had group video chat it'd dominate all other clients.
>Using mumble for "muh low latency"
>Tinfoil hats think its a botnet.

I will never understand faggots like you. Teamspeak was ALWAYS superior to ventrilo. Maybe that's what happened with Discord. People use it because it's what's popular, not what's better. You're in the same boat but in a different generation.

It tracks and sells all your data as per their privacy policy. Why doesn't anyone care?

Because people always move to the new shiny.
When Discord dulls, another will be polished.

>marketed as free
>TS3/MUMBLE costed $5 for a vps or free if you use others servers
>in reality discord costs $5 for a vps for music bot plus nitro for lots of users ~$50/mo+ for most servers

Good goys Seriosly fell for this.

guess you shouldn't care if I don't doubt you but ask for a citation

>g-go look for yourself!

>My data
You mean my tiny little avatar

It's web-based so you don't have to download anything

And it doesn't require registration

Someone just sends you a link and you're there

I think it's very good 2bh

Irc is life boys


i hate TS3 because it shows my fucking country flag

They use Google, M$, FB and all other "free" services as well. People don't care (enough) to pay for the alternatives.

Last time I tried it required Adobe Flash or a browser plugin. Fuck that.

Mumble, IRC, XMPP, etc, seem like the best options currently.

Hah thats a nice one user probably will be me

It does help popular services like discord and even twitch roll their own legit irc or something closely resembling it.

Might want to try it again, or revalidate your memory. I've had no issues with Discord needing flash, and I've been flash free for years.

> More than 10k messages are accessible
> Group voice is much easier
> Business model isn't centered around making you a cuck
> Doesn't hire too many people and then fires them like a nigger
> One managed account for everything
> Isn't limited to integrations (without being a cuck)
> In-Game overlay

I dunno, sure sounds better to me. We use Slack at work simply because it's a million times better than Jabber/XMPP, but it's really easy to see the downsides of Slack, but it's kinda hard to see the downsides of Discord.

Because it just werks and everyone else is using it. Why doesn't Sup Forums understand that no one wants to install yet another app for their obscure autism friendly messaging platforms?

I installed the windows discord app though.

Roger wilco though.
Those were the nice times.

Heh this hits home, still can't understand why anyone would switch to Skype when we were using IRC fine and were meant to be an """"open"""" team, nobody ever even went on mic.

Ah well at least it finally got me out of that group

All there, too much to fit into one post.
>we may share this aggregate data with our affiliates, agents and business partners. We may also disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe our services to current and prospective business partners, and to other third parties
I.e. how and why this service can be "free".
>You may give us permission to collect your information in other services. [..] you may connect a social networking service ("SNS") such as Facebook or Twitter to your Discord account. When you do this, it allows us to obtain information from those accounts (for example, your friends or contacts)
Data collected doesn't pertain just to single-user.
>Third Party Services
More selling of your data with third parties.
>Our Use of Your Information
More third party involvement
>As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale [...] or similar event, your information may be part of the transferred assets
User data is part of company assets.
>We may also share your information with our Related Companies
>We may also share aggregated or non-personally identifiable information with our partners or others for business purposes
More selling of user data.


all I see is "statistics" and "information", though.
what is it?

>This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any unsolicited information you provide to us through the Services or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, information posted to any public areas of the Services, [..] and other unsolicited submissions (collectively, “Unsolicited Information”). All Unsolicited Information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and we shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such Unsolicited Information to others without limitation or attribution
And now the final kick in the bucket: anything you say, type, or any data you provide of your own accord is deemed "Unsolicited Information", and their entire entity and collective third-parties are free to share and do with it as they please without restriction. You're not only selling anonymous aggregate data by using this service, you're selling everything up to your identity. It popped up out of nowhere with nameless entities behind its funding, was shilled on various forums and gaming websites until the core userbase grew and brought into it, all for the purpose of cashing in on user data. Absolute proprietary trash of a "service". You must be retarded to use this willingly.

I'm loving this part:
>Changes to this Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time without prior notice. Please review this policy periodically, and especially before you provide any information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated above. Your continued use of the Services after any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy shall indicate your agreement with the terms of such revised Privacy Policy.

So, they can change their policy at any time, are not required to inform you about that, and as long as you use their software you implicitly agree to those changes and this policy in general.

Holy fuck.

>Last time I tried it required Adobe Flash or a browser plugin. Fuck that.
Same as this guy says - I've never needed flash, I'm pretty sure it's HTML5 based

It doesn't use 3GB of RAM like Slack.

There are tons of free music bots tho?
literally WHO THE FUCK uses that

>has emojis
>can see posted pics so you don't have to download them
>voice chat with virtually as many people as you require
>private chats and voice chats
>video chat coming soon
>low resource usage

Slack nor Telegram, nor [insert ancient voice-chat platform here] have the features Discord has. Your ass is on backwards if you haven't even tried it yet.

It actually had marketing.

It's popular because it's a startup that's still building a userbase so they can sell out, so they're actually trying to offer a good service without ads and other bullshit.

It will become botnet eventually when it's gearing up to sell to Facebook or some Chinese conglomerate or whatever for a few hundred million dollars.

well you're still downloading them :ok_hand:

it's already a botnet and its owned by a chinese company since day one

It is similar to Slack, but it's meant for everyone else. Slack is very business oriented.

I don't know why it's video game oriented, but it certainly helped them. As that's the most popular and noticeable function of Skype and TeamSpeak. Which Discord makes obvious that it replaces.

"It’s time to ditch Skype and TeamSpeak."

Skype is awful. TeamSpeak charges for their mobile application for some reason. Really didn't help them. Hosting a server is free if you do it from your computer, but it's not efficient. However, this allows communities with poor leadership to abuse their power as they're server owner. Discord fixes many of these issues. Don't like it? Make your own server for free. Easy and no hassle. Works everywhere.

It's the perfect communications tool if you use an online persona. It has everything you need and is dynamic. You can use it as Skype or TeamSpeak. Plus all of the neat features it has. And it uses so little resources that it's almost unbelievable. Especially compared to Skype. It's all-in-one. That's it.

I hated it at first too, but loved it after I tried it. It has some weird quirks... As in the program itself. More like bugs, I'd say, but they'll be fixed soon I'm sure. The only other issue I genuinely have with it is how video game oriented the design is. It's not THAT bad, not even noticeable, but it doesn't appeal to me. But it's got something going for it if that's the only complaint I have about it. Like I said, if you have an online persona, it's pretty amazing. Plus, no more Skype resolvers... Remember that? I remember. If you're using it for real life things... Ehh, I don't know. You're better off using WhatsApp, but that requires a phone number. That's more of an SMS replacement.

Maybe you can use Discord for real life, but I wouldn't suggest it, honestly.

oh no, not all the precious Trump memes I share with my gamer friends, how could they??

>>low resource usage
This is literally incorrect. I'm running this retarded piece of JS ridden ass on a fucking i7 and it looks like this.

I can't even run it at all on my C2D Macbook because it literally spikes one core 100 % and lags to death.

Good thing miranda32.exe there does a much better job at IRC while running fine on a Pentium II under Windows 98.

why are you using windows 7?

Even in the first release ever flash was not needed, theses two are lying as usual on the internet.

IRC may have been first, but its outdated - normies and the younger generation won't care for it, as they didn't grow up with it. besides this, ever notice that people in IRC rooms don't even talk to each other? say its part of the culture all you want, but if you go into a room expecting conversation and nothing happens for 5 hours are so, that is really lame

the first thing you are prompted for is a phone number

I agree

the thing is, discord requires no effort to get started on, its very streamlined, and is simply appealing. i would have agreed with you in the past that new stuff sucks, but i no longer feel the same way about things. there is no reason to be a luddite.

the only thing i feel is concerning about discord is that there is not exactly a way that we can have total trust in them, with what they're doing on their end. i assume it is the same as with other free services - if you are not paying for anything, it is because you are the product

also skype sucks compared to discord

Because I like it.

Very simple
I use irc a lot, or at least use to.
I had to try and teach a tech illiterate friend how to use irc, If you want to know what hell is like, this is it.

Nah, it has chinese investors, and I'm sure it collects everything you type like any other service, but I doubt it makes any money yet. It'll get much worse once they sell out. Screenshot this post.

I don't know OP, let's look at these options we have here:

Proprietary software.
Proprietary software.
Proprietary software.
Proprietary software.
Proprietary software.

Why anyone uses this cancerous freedom-attacking software is beyond me.

>nothing that makes it better than IRC
Top fucking kek
Also yes it's slack but popular. Companies failing to make something popular is nothing new

I prefer vent.

>There's nothing that makes it inherently better than Slack, Telegram, or good old IRC and Ventrilo

Except it just fucking works, and everything is intuitive. Honestly my friends and I don't need extra security or control when we're chatting or playing games together. If we did, we'd use something else, but we don't.

But it feels as good, if not better than skype. And we don't have to fuck around with servers and subscriptions like on Teamspeak. Its just good.

So, they get all my /wsg/ links and trash meme pictures, as well as the occasional anti-semetic joke.

How terrifying. How will I ever recover?

>I care not for freedom, just ease of use for normies to talk to while i gayme
>I want libre software
>Im comparing Discord to something for a completly different audience
>Im a retard
Ventrillio, Teamspeak, Skype, Roger Wilco.

Your "friends" sound like a bunch of chumps. Nothing is intuitive about it, the whole chat interface is unnecessarily convoluted. If you truly didn't need extra security or control then you'd be on the phone doing a conference call, but oh wait nobody does that because it's a pain in the ass.

It's not as bloated and resource heavy as Skype and other people I keep in contact with use it. It's that simple.

It's sick.
Yes, you retards have nothing immediate to lose, nor see anything wrong with willingly handing over all information, so I suppose that makes Discord's business model completely OK - brilliant argument. Convenience at the expense of freedom, brought on by sheer consumer ignorance. But go on, continue using such anti-user services and letting them thrive.


You freetards are worse than any feminazi or Tumblr SJW. If you need 'free as in freedom' and 'privacy from muh gubbermint'. Then develop your own methods. How could you ever come across as genuine when, I bet, you've never inspected source code in your fucking life.

>handing over all information
Sure, because I'm putting my physical address, my phone number, my bank account details. I also uploaded my birth certificate the other day to discord, as well as a picture of my drivers licence, and all of my email passwords. I also uploaded my political party preference, with my preference in the senate too.

I'm well aware that they can take any and all information that I post. So I don't post information I don't want them to see. In other words, I would be just as happy to be sitting in a park talking with my friends in public as I would in Discord. I don't fucking care. And I'm not obliged to fulfill the whims of a basement-dwelling agoraphobic man-child just because they need affirmation of their own needs from any and everybody. Nothing is fucking private except what I don't upload. pic related

You are a sad, sad person. I hope one day you consider reading some books.


It actually uses 10 times more with working set allocation

Fucking c3 is better than this, desu.

Because normies.

More features than Slack but for text chat they're similar. Literally everything else you're talking about doesn't come anywhere close to the feature set, work as well, or is as easy to use.

Cause gamers are fickle minded idiots.

>Nothing is intuitive about it

Dude, what? This passes the "can normies use it without you teaching them anything" test with flying colors.

What makes the chat interface convoluted, exactly? It's very simple.

> but oh wait nobody does that because it's a pain in the ass.

Right, which is why people use software to do this, like Discord. You didn't really think that one through.

- Free "servers"
- Global friendlist+PMs
- Does what TS does
- Does what IRC does
- Is not Skype
- Has a decent API for bots
- Doesn't look like it was dev'd for Windows XP
- Browser version allows you to lurk from work

tl;dr good 'nough

>Proprietary software
Telegram is free software; it's the servers that are proprietary, so if you use private chat then it's entirely free

>Using anything other than curse voice 2017

I find it funny that /k/ has discord channels, but haven't seen one on Sup Forums yet.

there were some channels back a few months ago
one was managed reasonably by some swamp german while others died out

the ones we have are basically limited to csg and wdg now

ez for dumping porn (not as much for viewing tho)

is the logo supposed to look like miku?
it looks like it was designed by pinocchioP.

reminder that we have this thread constantly and it literally has paid discord shills in it.


tfw no discord servers to join

Thoughts on Riot?

>Slack except group calls are free
>all platforms
>doesn't require an account
>doesn't require an email address for an account
>end-to-end encrypted
>video calls

It seems like it fixes everything wrong with Slack and Discord.

Nothing to hide

Marked to gamers, and gamers are retarded and can't think for themselves. That's pretty much why it is so popular. It's a bloated piece of shit.

Literally IRC but worst

Have you seen the "gaming" screen wipes?
Those dudes are so into themselves.

>all I see is "statistics" and "information", though.
That's just corporate talk for "selling your information to governments and ad companies worldwide"

This. Pretty simple

Uh no it's anyways been html5 and JavaScript

It's facebook messenger in disguise, that's why. With the only difference being the UI and:
>discord unavailable on Linux
>fb messenger actually much better on Linux than it is on winshit

Shit audio quality.

>discord unavailable on Linux
it is available though? check the download section on their website

Because its good, especially for gaming.

>Because its good, especially for gaming.
You seem to not understand what these graphs are showing. We are talking about a 100ms difference between the slowest non-meme VOIP software and the fastest.

When did this happen? I was on the website 3 days ago and it was still unavailable.
So fb messenger is still better unless you use windows. Meaning discord is unnecessary?

I don't use Linux so I have no idea. How the hell are you recommending trash like FB Messenger over it though? I'm not going to add people on Facebook so I can have comfy chat rooms, share cute anime girls and jump on voice chat to play games. I doubt it can even do half of those.

Personal preference, really. Everyone I know is on FB so making a discord acc is unnecessary for me. Both discord and messenger are based on the same IM engine. They're the same "app" on PC just with different skins. Discord even connects silently to Facebook for some reason, at least the mobile app does. And preventing connection to Facebook crashes discord or doesn't let you connect.

>I doubt it can even do half of those
As I've said, they're the same. Discord is based on fb messenger. You can post images, text, videos, youtube vids, make calls and group calls. So yeah, nothing is missing. The only difference is windows version doesn't support calls or videocalls (you must use a browser), and doesn't let you disable seen/typing statuses so others can't see if you've checked their messages.

im sorry that your software is irrelevant

>why is Sup Forums so popular
>why is reddit so popular

Moral of the story: make something that is easy to use even easier to use, and Sup Forumstards will flock to it like flies on a turd.

It just werks

It has a stable linux build as of earlier this week, and it had a beta release for some 6-12 months now? And are you really comparing Discord to fucking Facebook messenger? It must be tough being ignorant AND autistic.

because its ACTUALLY free with no server rent bullshit like vent and mumble

inb4 Sup Forums autism over free as in freedom
but this is true. it just werks and it's free. and people actually use it.

How do you go from
Free > +$5/mo (no one pays for music bots you retard) > +$5/mo = ~$50/mo?

there are countless free vent/mumble/ts servers out there.
that's not the reason. the reason is ease of use, because let's be real, most gaymurs are retards.