I'm trying to get into programming and such, don't really know where to start

I'm trying to get into programming and such, don't really know where to start.

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Install gentoo

Nice dubs

I don't think I've heard of that I tried this ruby tutorial and got a book on java at the library

step one think about what you want to build
step two write the program in english
step three use compiler of your choice to translate optimize and compile your text into a functioning program
step four profit

What are some things I can build just for shits and giggles

>hasn't gotten out of the "don't really know where to start" phase

Just start retard nigger

I don't know anything dude its hard to get out of the "phase" when I don't know what's going on I understand what it is I just don't know how to use it or apply it or what I can do to practice

What do you want to make?

Not really sure yet open to pretty much anything right now coding always seemed interesting just never had the ability to try it

What language do you want to learn?

I'd like to learn c++ eventually because I'm pretty sure if you learn that you're set but from what I heard it's hard I was think about maybe ruby because I did a tutorial on it or java just because I've heard they're more beginner friendly but again open to whatever

Learn Python

I heard that's good beginner stuff too what're the benifits of it

I don't want to write anything at the moment, I just want to learn how to program.

roll my dear friend roll



I won't do that shit anyways


you will learn shit if you don´t actually apply the stuff
but if you really just want to know the syntax and such stuff then go on and read one of the thousands {insertlanguage} for dummies or equivalent


this is shit rebrowl

Idk what that guy was saying this is op I have java for dummies at the moment I haven't read it yet

Forget these Mutts OP and start with C instead. It's low enough and High enough to give you a little taste of everything. And once you get C, you'll get all of the above and even translate some of what you've learned to what lies beneath. It's like having a liking for traps but not wanting to be a complete fag and you luck out by meeting and marrying a Hermaphrodite. It's kinda like that. Well, I'm off to masturbate to line trap, have a good one OP.

Thank you this is going to be of use when I get the hang of everything

Python a bad choice for a beginner. Language complicated features little work, too little, and for each vacancy dozen macaques. Now every schoolchild learns Python, which is then not know what to do with him. It is better to try Haskell. On it and the competition is lower, and wages more, and the language clear. If you have never engaged in programming, it is better to start with the Haskell - after learning other languages quickly. Full pay fine. According to the books. If you have even a little knowledge of programming, read this: ozon.ru/context/detail/id/30425643/ If you just a beginner, this book goes: ozon.ru/context/detail/ id / 28346038 / Well, a bunch of online tutorials. For example: anton-k.github.io/ru-haskell-book/book/home.html good tutorial, all painted in detail. on it himself studied. I recommend.

Thanks for your input and that good analogy I will look into it is c it's own thing or do you mean c++

>still using accent instead of a real apostroph
>on gee
kys. seriously. How can one be so retarded?

I sadly do not speak Russian my friend

Tomorrow is looking for online book Dive into python. Fuck if you did not understand. Then you go on and study python.org standard library from cover to cover. Then bison, is a bitch, learn by heart the convention for writing python code - PEP8, bounced on to the teeth. When you write your first imageboard, on the way to studying the layout html + css, download and learn any asynchronous a Python web server, or recommend Tornado Gevent. How undone imageboard to issue at least 5 thousand requests per second, you can move on - you'll get a fascinating world hayloada. Apache Hadoop, ultrafast asynchronous key-value store, MapReduce. Hickey vyblyadkov Suction / failures simply type reyfaga or sisyarp / java-cocksucker who suck dick for life will not take long, and after half a year you will receive such amounts, that any woman will flow at the mere mention of your salary

I appreciate you trying to help me but honestly it is hard to understand what you're trying to say I'm sorry

C is its own thing. It is more pure and old than C++

I am not saying, I'm just copypasting frequent russian prog copypasta into google.translate.

If you have to ask "should I start", then the answer is no.
If you cannot read a sticky on any board, then the answer is "kys".
Language is just a tool.
If you want to be a scientist - learn Haskell.
If you want to learn """"""programming"""""" start with Python. A good book is Dive into Python. An easier one is Think Python 2nd Edition.

hitler was good

That's what I thought

1. Im not asking should I start I'm asking how to 2. I'm not sure what you mean about the stickies I'm on mobile and somewhat new to Sup Forums 3. Thank you for the other things

Use C. C++ would be that much easier to learn once you're comfortable C. I didnt say good, I said comfortable.

I guess it's like when you've smoked a spliff for a very first time, and you choke a few times but you're not a quitter so you smoke it again and again, and the high you feel each time is overwhelming the first time, but not so much the second time because you've now gotten the hang of it. Well times all that by a few weeks, maybe three months if you put into learning C at the very least two hours a day, and you should be able to handle it. Just don't be like me and smoke and surf this god awful place and look at trap porn, loli, and ss all day. Don't dilly dally, is what i"m saying. Wish I could be more of a helper for you but at the moment I'm trying to find my ky.

It's good dude I really am enjoying your responses and analogies and i am going to look into c tonight when I get home so Thanks

then read it and create projects
the process of actually writing something will allow you to go deeper into the language than only reading a book

i personally enjoy doing these random programming challenges if i get into a new language

>don't really know where to start
Not here.


That is what I think I'm going to do now

Haha I know it's not the best place but worth the shot

Wow thanks dude

learn vim right away

So Java is the best?

What's that

Yes my son Welcome aboard team Java. It is the best. Don't listen to the C truthers and various web devs preaching their interpreted languages.

But that's the backtick.

text editor.

protip: learn2google

Trash. Scala and Kotlin both have it beat. Java jobs are going away

Figured I'd take a definition from a human being who might be able to explain better than just a standard definition

>Python a bad choice for a beginner.

Yes, that's why all the Ivy League schools, Stanford, MIT, etc use it as the beginner programming language.

We know you, an anonymous poster, is far more knowledgeable than all the PHds and professors out there.


fuck yea

What do you want to make?
What do you already know?
What is your current feeling towards programming?
How good are you at computers?

I want to sort numbers between 1 and 9 and print fizz and buzz when appropriate.

What language?


you're welcome.

I started out with Python because it's easily read by humans. Python is almost objectively easier than other languages, it's basically like building with legos. Even still, using Python I was able to learn basic programming fundamentals:

Object Oriented Programming
iteration (for/while) loops
data structures
input / output
list comprehensions

Now that Python has taught me these building blocks, I've gone back and started using C++ for shits and giggles. And guess what? It's not that fucking hard. It's just another language with a different syntax. However, if you had introduced me to C++ as my first language, I would've looked at the syntax, barfed and said what the fuck is this shit?

Python definitely has training wheels, like managing memory for you, but a base in Python allows you to try other languages later and be able to deal with them. There's less new stuff to learn because the basics of programming are the same.

I'm open to make anything really, I just know obviously that they make things and I'd like to be able to make things too creatively (I know it sounds dumb), my feelings are that it seems very interesting and something that has my curiosity peeked, and honestly not too good with computers but I'm trying to learn things because well I want to learn them

I do want to learn other languages if need be, I'm not sure how things change when you know other languages but i still would like to so I'm definitely going to keep this in mind

I'd like to learn how to program aswell, how do I learn shit like robotics for the pi?

what's "and such", guess that's the interesting bit.

anyways, learn lisp, understand the gorram kernel, lex-yacc a compiler, spend a day googleing physical map of the internet and related history, unfortunately: understand what java is about, then get into machine learning and do something that will benefit mankind.

there is no such thing as programming 'languages'. those fuckers are tools, utilities just like any other. getting into programming is mostly just learning about what computers and computing actually is.

so python-fags are just as retarded as c-fags. know one, know any.

difference between c and c++ is just that c is an actual applicable language for kernel and low-tier development, and c++ is faggy shit for retards.


This looks like fun, lets roll!

Not really what I'm looking for in terms of projects, reluctantly re-rolling.

Make a minecraft mod for 1.6.2, then figure out why the context works. Also follow the guide and use MCP with Eclipse IDE, and then also use Forge not modloader.
If you have minecraft.

they pick it because intro courses are 85% people who won't become programmers/computer scientists, and python is the only language that they can ensure everyone learns in one semester, and is actually useful with only one semester worth of knowledge. plenty of CS faculty at these schools would prefer to teach the intro course with SICP/Java/Haskell, but they know that the administration would not be too happy about that.

source: go to one of these schools

That... That's actually quite helpful. I have never pre-programmed before. Always just winged it. Thanks.


keep on rollin

Listen to me

If you have no previous programming experience at all, download Swift Playgrounds on an iPad and use that. Every language tutorial/starter guide on the internet is great for learning the language, but almost always only covers the syntax.

If you're new to programming, you have to intuitively think like a programmer. Swift Playgrounds is the best resource that will build that, and then moving onto another language will be a lot easier.


>sound synthesis
kek, no

Roooooooll another one


Rolling away



dey see me rollin'

If you just want to start making some programs then the easiest way to start is learn a Lisp, either Common Lisp, Scheme/Racket because you can fire off some pretty impressive programs quickly and by yourself.

A good place to start is with this course:

By the end of it you can make all kinds of shit no problem. Another good place to start is Land of Lisp book (libgen.io to get it) landoflisp.com/

There's also Zed Shaw's book on Python obviously learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ but remember the point is to learn to ***program**** first, the language doesn't fucking matter you can pick up any lang in a weekend to get shit done with it and be fully competent within a few weeks after hacking away with it's full spec open beside you but only after you learn all the fundamentals first.

Lot's of schools still teach SICP, MIT still uses it as an 'advanced' course now.

It is the best book anybody can read that wants to fill in all the blanks from not having a CS degree, it gives you everything and is perfect for self studying.

The 'Instructor's Manual t/a Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs' is also awesome and you can buy it used, contains many more exercises and a whole outline of why they structured the book why they did which is a great read should anybody wish to write their own technical book one day.

All this is missing is the book "All of Stats" which any compsci grad can easily finish in a few weeks and is pretty much vital for everyday work

write in C :)

rollin. dubs get

Rolling. Why not?