Changing to CS

Hey guys, Im applying to switch programs to computer science and I need to write a paragraph or two about why I like the course and my passion about it, etc. Problem is I know nothing about computer science and programming. Thoughts & help?

Sounds like you're in the wrong major, fag

You fucking idiot.

constructive replies only, I do understand the basics but not much beyond a superficial understanding (alike the majority of the freshman)

what was your old major? how do you not know what you like about it? Just say your expectations and what it can do for you.

you will only waste your time

back to >>Sup Forums

I was in IT for one year, then made a few "hello world" type programs in Python. Presto.

>i like camputerz n shiet
>automating people's jobs in 10 years sounds like a fun thing to do, get fucked lmao
pretty much what i said, and it got me into cambride

You mind if I copy paste this?

What do you want to do with it? Write about that. Computer science isn't as hard as it looks you just have to find a niche within the field that keeps it interesting for you.

who is this ugly bitch you are posting???????

op, copy this and send it in binary with "ggez" at the end.

If you don't know how to program by the time you get to uni, there is no point; this is for two reasons. No university teaches programming very well at all. The industry changes every year, what people want to hire changes every year. Most reputable companies don't want a degree they want people who aren't jackasses who know how to program. The second reason is that you lack any passion or drive for it. You wont be able to learn anything on your own or otherwise because you are used to doing homework and following instructions to get good grades. That is not how every industry works. Some, like CS, require you to be a critical thinker.

There might actually a third reason, you're clearly fucking retarded. Coming here of all places to ask for help, instead of actually researching computer science or something about it you're interested in.

tl;dr this is probably bait but if it's not you're a fucking idiot.

Apologize to my waifu, NOW!

>my waifu is some spoiled little cunt who got out of her parents house and started acting "tough" and fooled me hook line and sinker

she would cry and beg the first time someone threatened her and you know it

Very well thought out response, kudos to you, but I was simply shitposting for an expected knee-jerk reaction from this pessimistic cesspool.

tl;dr yes it's bait

I will "protect" her ;^)

go ahead senpai
obviously fluff it up a little, say it's good for the global economy, that it drives humanity forward, that people were opposed to steam engines in factories too but look at what happened, etc.

Copying and pasting shit from stack exchange doesn't exactly require critical thinking. Every problem you face in CS has a wealth of solutions online. This isn't rocket science anymore pal, the shit is dumbed down by high level languages and libraries.


You couldn't protect yourself from anything stronger than a small child, what makes you think you'll be able to protect others as well?

Because I got Brains & Brawn buddy

You've the intellect of a lobotomized downs syndrome patient, and the brawn of an 80 year old woman fresh out of her 70 year coma.

True enough.

how come movies deaths never look like this the character being taken to his death never has this expression on his face its always solemn and he is always accepting of his fate never do they go crying and frustrated with their fate like this just to die in internal torment

Post up mayne

Isn't this the girl who admitted to fucking her brother?

i hope the camera guy didnt get hurt

>CS requires critical thinking
>CS can and is outsourced to pajeets

pick one.

You fucking Mongolian


I'm an IT/Network Admin major and I've been thinking of doing the same thing but i also want to do cyber. Why are you switching?

Networking is a dying profession, CS is still going strong


So you're going from meme degree to honors meme degree?

>i also want to do cyber.

hey buy me a drink first buddy

in your benevolent opinion user, what exactly does not constitute as a "meme" degree?

He probably feels bad that he did philosophy.