Opera 12.15 Sorce Discussion Thread

Let us continue the discussion of Opera 12.15's Source Code.

Other urls found in this thread:


Some links, unsure if these are pre-patched or original:
And some more links in this pastebin:

The IRC Channel is #openopera on irc.anonnet.org and Webchat is available at site.anonnet.org/webirc/.

I'm looking for a new browser, but is this development useful to me at all as just a regular pleb?

Were can I get the installer? I can't compile for shit

wew, at least try to make an effort you retard.

Untouched github archive.

>I only applied the diff from the third post itt. You can do git revert then zip everything and check sha256

Fuck knows what this is.

What happened, did it leak?

>wew, at least try to make an effort you retard.
That's needlessly harsh user, I'm busy trying to do things and just wanted to get the links out there, there's no need to project yourself onto me

Not useful at all. You can look at the source code, but you can't edit it and change it and make your own new browser, because it's still covered by copyright. Although Opera is a pretty decent browser if you feel like a change; it's the perfect middle ground between normie browser and meme.

>Not useful at all. You can look at the source code, but you can't edit it and change it and make your own new browser, because it's still covered by copyright.
That's not entirely true, just look at what people did with the leaked HL2 beta code.

Copyright doesn't mean shit if there's dedicated enough people, and in the end Valve ended up not caring about the stuff from the HL2 beta, and people playing around and messing with it probably factored into their decision, maybe we could do the same with Opera here.

What happened? Leaked?

Leaked on github by based russian leakbro, got pulled pretty quick once Opera found out so they must still care about the codebase a lot

It's not the latest code though, 12.18 was the latest released but only for Windows, leaked version is 12.15, not much different between them though

Hopefully Sup Forums will work out what changed and add it back in, and maybe fix the tons of exploits Opera 12 has too

Anyone found any backdoors yet?

Like they'll matter. Nobody uses Opera

I'm confused, wasn't opera already open source? It was in FreeBSD's ports collection

Opera published builds for FreeBSD for a while, don't think they've done any updates for it in ages though

So when I install opera in ports, what the hell was it compiling? I feel completely lied to, no wonder the opera port "compiled" faster than chromium or FF if it was a blob

Probably just running some scripts to install it, grab the right bin for your architecture etc

Is ports known to have many blobs? I never thought it did, surprising to hear opera was in there 2bh

Yeah man, it's www/opera. I'd see if there's source there myself, but I'm on my phone now. I thought ports had no blobs, too

Yeah, Opera 12.15's source was leaked

You most definitely can, you just can't legally distribute it.

Nope, it was just a port that installed a closed source binary. OpenBSD had it in their ports too, although OpenBSD's was just the Linux version (given this leak maybe I'll finally have native Opera on OpenBSD though)

If Zero3K is still in here I got kicked off the IRC, see my post here

I think you should just not use the Webchat while on Tor then.

That was me by the way. I forgot to fill in the Name field.

Eh I don't really feel like using it without something inbetween, lots of webchats love to give out your real IP as part of the whois.. try typing /whois Zero3K and see if yours comes up

Seems pretty silly for an user IRC to be blocking Tor nodes though.. before I joined earlier I had to cycle through 4 different ones before I found one that wasn't blocked, don't seem to be having that luck this time

I'll figure something out tomorrow, would have just used my VPN but it's been fucky today, hopefully be fine by then though

It adds user-randomstring to the beginning of the hostname when viewing the whois of a user.

The source code is useless other than for curiosity because you can't legally publish it.

Oh nice, guess that's good enough then

Anyway we have lift off ^^ Didn't even need curl for it, gonna try getting curl building tomorrow though so we can build the whole thing, and write up a guide for other winfags to get it working

Ignore the error, that's just to show it's a debug build, pressing ignore lets it work fine

>because you can't legally publish it.

That's why we do the development on Russian servers

Yeah laws have totally stopped all the other illegal stuff on the Internet. I forgot how it was impossible to stock up on cp, buy drugs and weapons, etc. Oh wait.

Nothing will come of this.

>You most definitely can, you just can't legally distribute it.
Chances of it being maintained by dedicated developers are close to zero. Why would anyone pour time into it? You'd need a large team of developers working without compensation on non-free software.


>Chances of it being maintained by dedicated developers are close to zero
Where did I say otherwise?
>Why would anyone pour time into it
Because it's the only good browser and they now have a chance to update it.

Just did a Release compile and it works fine too, but sadly theres no chance of the binaries matching at all - released 12.15 is 20788KB, my compiled 12.15 is 14857KB...

They might have built in a different config though, there's a bunch here to choose from, hopefully it's that and not a load of weird defines being different.

Or could be that the source we have is missing a part, 6MB missing is a lot of code..

Oh I'm an idiot again, comparing x64 to win32 binaries.. kek
Haven't tried building x64 yet, let's hope it goes well

How is this a big deal?
I thought they went open source years before switching to Webkit, so the source should have been out there for a long time.

It's a big deal because you thought wrong

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 21, in
import flow
File "/private/tmp/Unknown/browser-master/platforms/flower/flow.py", line 18, in
import util
File "/private/tmp/Unknown/browser-master/platforms/flower/util.py", line 21, in
import output
File "/private/tmp/Unknown/browser-master/platforms/flower/output.py", line 223, in
_manager = _OutputManager()
File "/private/tmp/Unknown/browser-master/platforms/flower/output.py", line 179, in __init__
self._poll = select.poll()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'poll'

Flower is borked. What do?

I thought I read that there are two versions, one original and one with some unknown additions. The script you are running seems to be one of those. Did you examine the contents before you executed it, possibly blindly.

x64 compiled fine :)
>Build: 12 succeeded, 2 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped
Again just need libcurl for those 2 failed but they aren't important atm.

Sadly my Opera.dll is 19695KB while official Opera.dll is 20788KB... so close, yet so far...

I'll have to try experimenting with the build types tomorrow, and maybe try installing the VS2010 service packs, I'm sure we can eventually get a matching binary somehow.

I just got here. For those who have dug through the code, how's it look? Is it feasible to do something like BSD did with AT&T Unix and rewrite absolutely everything to be free of the old copyrighted code? I know OpenBSD has done this with several Linux device drivers, but a web browser seems like it has many more moving parts.

Any legalfags here? What's the legality of publishing a pile of just-a-pile-of-patches against some unseen source base? Didn't the LAME MP3 encoder get away with this for years?

>What's the legality of publishing a pile of just-a-pile-of-patches against some unseen source base
I was wondering the same thing. It's like how emulators come without the system's BIOS

Oh shit I forgot about the Rich header in exe files (which says the version of the compiler used to build it)

Just being there confirms it was built with VC, but decrypting it shows them using version 40219, while mine is using 30319, so they definitely have a service pack installed.

Also 12.18 also uses the same 40219 compiler, so comparing the binaries should hopefully be a breeze

How did it leak exactly?

Russians AFAIK, googling the github shows it was posted on russian sites at first anyway

Could somebody pull a BSD and make it over again with entirely different code?

The package is about 480MB unzipped, if you strip away say a generous 80% of that for binaries and unused/unneeded parts etc that still leaves about ~96MB of copyrighted code

Would take a pretty large team to work on rewriting that, and all the while they'd be viewing the code illegally, so it's doubtful you'd be able to put together a good enough team for it

Is it possible? Yea, but is it probable? Not really

opera should just do the right thing now that the codes out


Not to mention that this would be for a browser that was dead even when it was alive. Why would anyone want to resurrect a browser that couldn't even render correctly when you can just fork Chromium which does?

isn't it large because of revision control history?

>a browser that couldn't even render correctly

This meme will never get old

I haven't really seen anything like that in here besides a gitignore file, kinda wish it did have history since it would have been neat to go through.

Obviously it was originally a git repo since the gitignore is tailored for it, but the guy who leaked it seems to have just copied the files to a new repo and set the date on all the files to 1995 for some reason

>get opera on my old Windows XP PC, some version from 2006
>opens Youtube
>PC starts crawling
>downloads Firefox from around the same date
>works just fine
Opera was never been good

If there were any Chromium forks that were even close to as good as Opera I'd be using one of them instead of Opera 12.16.

>have one bad experience with a browser a decade ago
>it sucks for its entire existence guise, trust me, I used it for like 5 minutes

vivaldi comes VERY close

they've even fixed the lag problems

It was last week, and the browser still sucks when compared to its competitors or its chromium version

>they've even fixed the lag problems
After experiencing them first hand in almost every part of the browser I somehow doubt this

user please, it hurts to laugh this hard

So you were running a browser from 2006 on an OS from 2001 in 2017 and think that somehow has any indication of how the browser is over the course of its history?
>the browser still sucks when compared to its competitors or its chromium version
But that's blatantly false. There is nothing better than Opera 12.

>There is nothing better than Opera 12
So you are retarded? Got it

>he said something I don't like, he's a tard lmao xDDD
Wow user, you sure got me.

Stop it already. This is just nostalgia. That engine was riddled with decade-old bugs, incompatibilities, and inconsistencies. Not to mention it looked like shit.

Eat a dick

The web needs to be brought back to 2005 levels at a minimum

>There is nothing better than Opera 12

What a well thought out retort, you sure showed me!

do u have autism

Man you're just full of memes, aren't you?

Not an argument

People will play with it for a while, maybe even produce a patch or two, then they will realize it's riddled with security holes and it's impossible to catch up without funding, which they won't get because it's illegal, then give up, and the Opera source code will live only in the archives of collectors.

>he dared to reply with an image rather than addressing me personally with a thought-out argument—in a japanese cartoon image forum!


That's more like Linux than BSD.

No, it's definitely more BSD.

Tell me all about Opera and how IRC is the best communication tool EVER. Oh and user, do you have an Ubuntu Live CD I can borrow?

The fuck are you on about?

>inb4 not an argument

>There is nothing better than Opera 12

I've never been able to get into IRC and I usually load OS images on usb drives....

>that one anti-opera samefag

Nice argument

are you ok user

>There is nothing better than Opera 12

You're free to stop shitposting at any time.

I think one or two more should do it



How're you browsing this thread in 2009?

Pretty sure ports includes things like nvidia-driver which is certainly not open source

Kinda, that's my S2

Not an argument.

You'd need to provide a retort before I can rebut it.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Do you think you are on a debate? wtf m8

Not an argument

Doesn't looks like an argument to me

Is this Sup Forums's schizophrenic hour or something

You must be new here.

There was nothing for me to argue, it was just a worthless shitpost.

Just a few autists sperging out, nothing new.

Yes, I meant what I said, it's only whenever this faggot comes on
At least he's contained in this thread for now I guess

Not an argument