/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous Thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
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Other urls found in this thread:


first for average NoS user's library

These OPs just get worse and worse

third for TCH


>(embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)


Anons, I want serious arguments, if I could choose between getting into Apollo and PTH, which one would it be, and why? What makes one better than the other?

how high will the embed train go?

2nd for superior patrician PTH user

Non-meme answer: get on both

get in both

enjoy the shitload of albums from apollo and the quality rips of pth

Either will do fine

They're both overrated. I suggest Nostream.

Is the first one pedros or hydrazone?


Neither. It's decibel

It's *******l


They have like 2000 torrents. They're trying, but they failed at the critical moment.

What's the domain? decibel****???





why don't people realize music trackers in general are shit?

>no release groups
>no quality assurance
>no accountability
>depends on logs, reporting and comments

it's a joke


nigs i need them frees bro pls let me in nigga!

You are not allowed to know yet.

post filetree of musics plox

there are scene rules for music

but like most scene rules they're shit and overbearing. not 40 5MB .rar files containing a .zip containing a .iso containing an installer, but still not great

>blank album covers

Pick one

How and why?

Sometimes it's just not possible.

I seriously hope you are not the one who just complained about Foobar taking too long to set up correctly (which isn't true btw).

>Sometimes it's just not possible.
It's always possible. Put the work in and have a nice looking library, you ngf

Yeah, it's possible, but it's too much work.


i'm over here manually fixing tags giant compilation albums. it doesn't take that long at all to get some album covers

>How and why?
to look for new musics
windows key+r
cd c:\music_directory\
dir /s /b /o:gn > musics.txt
Or: tree /f > musics.txt
upload somewhere

>Sometimes it's just not possible.
Example? I get if lazy but you should pretty much be able to find any album cover.

PrivateHD worth seeding? I see few HDB encodes but they are late to upload the new ones.

Do NOT execute this, it will seriously fuck up your shit.


Uh, no it won't. It's literally a cmd one-liner.

I don't know, I just use discogs tagger whenever I see something without a cover and with a mood to fix it. I'm more worried about fixing my list of albums with no years and translating albums in russian or japanese characters.

I figured it wouldn't be good, to fishy.

Here. Enjoy.

It's shit


My girlfriend is not fat.

>Here. Enjoy.
Ok, just get all of your music in the player, select all, ctrl+c, paste somewhere and upload.

>Sup Forums can't even figure out what commands do on their own OS


>I figured it wouldn't be good, to fishy.
embarassing honestly

who else /setforlife/

>no AB
absolutely digsuting

>newfies don't know what tree is

You're missing an important one.

rate my taste faggots

>he still watches cartoons

> I Hate Myself
yes you do

>Death Cab For Cutie
lol my girlfriend listens to this

>posting individual files instead of folders

Yhats like 30 albums total if it weren't for you not knowing how2tree




Is anyone setforlyfe on PTH? Is that possible, if yes, how?

>he didn't jump on the mozart torrent the second it was uploaded

>Is anyone setforlyfe on PTH?
yeah man, i have like 50mb up

Got in before the first freeleech and uploaded 250 torrents.

I'm at 5TB+

Jumped on every 100GB+ torrent during the FL

Alright, here you have it. Only artists because tree is cloggy as fuck.
rate me I guess?

shit taste not even memeing

Easy mode if you have some spare income and don't mind pay-to-win: fill a couple high value requests. There was a 250GB request the other day for a 'retail' (BIB definition) e-book that could be bought for around $25, The requester even provided links to buy from.

Anything above 2GB:$1 is a decent value right now -- again, if you don't mind shelling out some cash for a bit of buffer or a rank-up.


i have enough for 200 flacs, or 300 mp3 releases
not a ton but it should last me a while (PTH isn't my main/only source anyway)
i uploaded a couple of requests

>tfw 166,046.49 of ratio on PTH

given top 10 goes as low as 4tb, /marked/

ayy this is pretty good taste I'll give you that, but you need to clean up your library mate

also >Hampus Gronvall

I hope this is ironic

lol we were posting which torrents to pyramid during the FL

get mad pleb

>not loving based hampy
end yourself now

I know my library is a bit messy, but like i said before, I'm focused on fixing dateless albums and albums with russian or japanese symbols.

looks like someone let a curry into pth




im in 100th percentile of data uploaded. just not stupid enough to give out enough information to limit my account to within 6-7 users :^)


s u i c i d e a c c o u nt


Didn't gambit have a APL account? Did he get the name changed? It's not there anymore.

>he fell for the boxset meme

Why are you all out to get each other? Take a chill pill and share.

>can't handle the bantz

Have they made any funny comments or posts

dont try to fucking /mark/ me user

>people actually think APL doesn't /mark/



Shit when did this happen to Blackcats?


Must suck living in an Orwellian society

>it's another user is months behind the times episode

anime is for fags

i dont watch garbage


When you inevitably get your ptp account disabled, what then? Where is your backup

What's a good tracker for feeling suicidal?


wont get disabled though


Tell me when rogue one releases


>chilling with friends
>turn on brand new TV
>put on Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev, freshly downloaded from KG during the freeleech
>confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the mirror of atonality (as a mirror is not an empathic but a reflexive entity, alien to the space and time it reflects and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of human thought, comprehension and consciousness
>reach rational ecstasy
>pleb friend gets up and says "what is this black and white shit, lmao, put some transformers"
>get angry at their alienated subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist white economies, but contain it
>calm myself down by remembering quotes from finnegans wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because i'm a spectator in the society of spectacle

The weak should fear the strong