Debian 8.7 released!

Debian 8.7 released!


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how many years behind other distros is it?

Neat. Here's a bump.

Remember when they thought Iceweasel was a good idea? LOL fucking idiots.

Remember when they "fixed" OpenSSL by removing RNG? Awe-inspiring.

9 when?

I think it's supposed to be like another two months.

Depends on the distro.

When compared to Arch, it's literally paleolithic-tier.

How do I get the latest version of xfce (whatever ships with xubuntu) to work with Debian or Devuan ?

Fuggg, just installed 8.6 today.

Did you try the installation guide on the xfce wiki?

yet it's more popular than your special snowflake distro of choice
how could this be possible? Why don't things that matter not want to use Arch? It's SO much better am i rite?


came here to post this

stopped using for personal machines after wheezy went oldstable

21 days until Stretch is frozen.

as in no longer old stable?

the fuck am I talking about? Wheezy is oldstable

so will it finally allow me to install *non-free* gpu drivers without any apt fuckery?

>adding `contrib non-free' to the end of the repository line in sources.list is apt fuckery

Stick with Windows, kiddo.

There's an installation image with the non-free firmware included, too, but you're probably too stupid to find it.

Upgraded all of my systems last night

Probably doesn't boot to desktop on anything made in the last 2 years as usual.

>what is testing
>what us unstable

Distro/package maintainers wanting to make sure that the software and applications they add to the distribution is stable, working and relatively bug free is now a drawback.

Enjoy being beta testers for packages on your meme distros.


That single source distro/package model is total garbage anyways; kernel features, driver support, core system / root utilities, userspace libraries and end-user applications all advance and need updates at drastically different rates.

Tying them all together into these incompetent releases where the desktop can't set the screen brightness or adjust mouse sensitivity because the API changed too fast is why desktop Linux sucks and will continue to suck.

you mean:
>what are backports
stable debian is the real debian.

A terrible halfassed solution that works 50% of the time

werks on my machineā„¢
Also building new packages for stable system is what you should do if you need something newer in an linux ecosystem, since forever, and backports do that without the compiling hassle.

>Debian unstable
>stable as fuck
>windows rtm
>can't even properly update itself


Thanks for the reminder. Updating right now.

What is the recommended way to run Debian for gayming?

>Weird mix of versions and libraries.
>Still not everything available.

>Slower security updates than stable and unstable.

>Half the time unable to install or upgrade due to broken packages or missing requirements.

What are you guys running?

I run Debian Sid and it works just fine for me


is devuan any good? I really dont feel like fucking around with slack or gentoo

i ran stable+backports and testing , both worked ok.

testing gets security updates from unstable if you configure the repos right.

garbage distro

Oh and I wondered why stable suddenly updated 70+ packages.

What about release changes?
Are you supposed to reinstall from a new install media or is there an release-upgrade tool?

stable+backports for sure.

stable provides you the comfort of being able to patch and rebuild a package and not have to do it every week because the package was updated.

emerge @preserved-rebuild

Portage provides you the comfort of not having broken shitty package managers.

It doesn't provide me with the comfort of not having to recompile my entire operating system everytime an upgrade happens.

Nice try thought you attention whore.

Stretch already is frozen. Back in November, transition freeze started so no mass transition of packages are allowed. Early January, soft freeze began so no new packages are allowed unless necessary. Early February is when full freeze happens, no updates of any kind unless necessary.

The great thing about portage is that you don't have to update your entire system.

Well focking hell that's exactly what I want.

Oh wait, not really.
go collect upvotes on gentoo forums or whatever

Gentoo even supports downgrading.
Want to only update packages that are built from HEAD? Yeah guess what it does that too.

*drops mic*

apt fukin #rekt

>>What about release changes?
>Are you supposed to reinstall from a new install media or is there an release-upgrade tool?
Once the release happens, change jessie to stretch in sources.list, then apt update and apt full-upgrade. Debian is one of the few non-rolling distros where a straight upgrade from X to X+1 generally works.

you should still of course have a backup and be prepared to iron out any kinks that might show up.

>*drops mic*
go back to rebbit

Kill yourself

Aaaaand it's outdated software.

I would have thought the hashtag would trigger you more but you are probably a twitter using macfag.

that's also bad but not nearly as bad as using rebbit lingo

you have to go back

Doing the faggy descriptive actions is far more cancerous than hashtags

What are alternatives to X?

*drops mic*
Is a nigger emote that originated from rap battles, it has nothing to do with reddit.

>he thinks apt cannot downgrade
you're quite the memer aren't you

It's a nigger emote that originated from rap battles that was later adopted by the tumblr/reddit community.

It has a lot to do with tumblr/reddit.

Surprise surprise, tripfag loves nigger emotes and nigger speak.

Actually they annoy the shit out of me, I was just using it as a psychological attack.

I migrated my desktop to Devuan no problems.

>I was only pretending to be retarded


It's a containment group with no real power.

Isn't devuan still in beta?

>muh linux should be a white obese virgin secret club only

have you tried visiting their website?

>SJW apologists will defend this

How does maintenance compare with for example Fedora, Arch or whatever you have experience with?
Is it more bleeding edge or less?

Sane defaults > patching myself.

Bigoted authoritarian sexist drivel.

>for Debian event organizers willing to have an anti-harassment policy

>not mandatory

based if you ask me.

Again, they have no real power.

>angry beta manchild will get triggered by this

wtf i hate debian now

It doesn't matter, seeing those policies displayed prominently guarantees that they have no morals.

if developers allow this to be placed on their website that says something about them

>Debian stretch comes out this year
>Devuan is based off jessie
I seriously hope they update quickly to be up to date with stretch stable.

systemd cucks

>How does maintenance compare with for example Fedora, Arch or whatever you have experience with?
>Is it more bleeding edge or less?
It's pretty cutting edge, most of the packages follow the last released version, and some are beta versions if you pull from experimental (e.g. I run firefox beta usually).

The cool thing is that those are still standard high quality Debian packages, since they are meant to flow into testing and then stable, so it's less breakage-prone than Arch for example from what I've seen.

Now I update everyday and I pull several things from the experimental repos, and I do get broken package problems every year or so. That's always easily solved by reinstalling a previous version, but I can see how that would be annoying for casual users, so if you want rock solid stability of course run testing or stable instead of sid/eperimental.

i used devuan, its stable and works well, no matter if its beta, its beta 2 though...

Some "random" picks:

>Arch: 4.8.13-1
>Debian Sid: linux-image-amd64 (4.9+78) or 4.9.0-1
>Fedora: kernel-4.9.3

Nvidia proprietary driver:
>Arch: 375.26-1
>Debian Sid: 375.26-1
>Fedora: 375.26-6

>Arch: 3.22.1
>Debian Sid: 3.20+3
>Fedora: 3.22.2

>Arch: 5.8-1
>Debian Sid: 5:91
>Fedora: 5.8.5-1

I wouldn't have guessed that Fedora has newer versions than Debian Sid and Arch is behind on both.

>>Debian Sid: 3.20+3
Uh, that's interesting because my gnome-shell is at 3.22.2 too:

>Package: gnome-shell
>Version: 3.22.2-1

But maybe some of the smaller gnome packages are still at 3.20 so they didn't update the metapackage. I guess.


Kernel: git lol

Nvidia 375.26 zzz

Gnome git lol

KDE oh shit! git lol


$ git: Segmentation Fault

It would seem it has indeed.
>47 packages can be upgraded.

why would anyone use bleeding edge software, it's like you want to troubleshoot your OS all day

You don't need to.

Gentoo still supports running KDE 4 man.

that's what arch is for.

debian is for servers and work related stuff

>47 packages can be upgraded.
can you lis tthe packages?

Debian: I need to get shit done with production software
Arch: "I have a very open schedule"

Windows 10:

No one talking about Ubuntu in here? What the fuck, man. Every time I turn around people are usually all up Ubuntu's ass. This is different...

>debian is for servers

I'm not so sure I'd use Debian for a server, or any distro that likes to come with a bunch of shit packaged in. I think I'd take Arch or Gentoo over Debian for a server any day.

Debian is the cooler distro. Use ubuntu if you want to install the system once two years (or 9 months if you are a gamer) and have new software, and not care about the rest.

if your server is a box in the corner streaming videos to you and your two roommates, fine. The reason you don't often see Arch or Gentoo in a datacenter, and why you do see Debian, RHEL/CentOS, and Ubuntu LTS, is that the more servers you have and the more users you're supporting, the less you want to fuck around with rolling your own. You want something that comes with a standard set of sane defaults and that requires as little of your time and effort to maintain, update, and fix as is humanly possible. You'll gladly sacrifice a tiny bit of leanness or minimalism to get that. You also see every updated package not as "ooh boy, the very latest and greatest!" but as "Fuck, I hope this doesn't break something. Do I really have to?"

Reminder: seed the new torrent.

So far Debian and Fedora seem to work better out of the box for me. On Ubuntu I've had missing WiFi drivers or non-maintained packages too often.

Especially since CentOS has 10y LTS instead of 5y.

>I'm not so sure I'd use Debian for a server
But then again, you're a basement dwelling neet, so your opinion isn't exactly that important

>Reminder: seed the new torrent.
My seedbox will be overtime the next few hours

I am up-to-date: stable and secure.

Whats with this pathetic brightness and mouse acceleration meme you shills have been hauling? This hasn't been a problem the whole 8 years ive been using *nix.

Is that lesbo?


fedora has consistently had newer versions for years, arch is a meme

What are you using to browse Sup Forums?

linux mint is all the way to 18.1 already.