>tfw I fell for this meme
Fuck you Sup Forums
>tfw I fell for this meme
Fuck you Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>abloo bloo i bought a machine i don't even know how to use correctly!!
Look at the R18 chip on it, it is trying to tell you you need to be 18 to use it.
Everyone on /g says to not buy one of these shitty micro computers unless you know what you are going to do with it.
Everyone's making ARM boards, I just want one powerpc or mips board.
Forgive my ignorance but what's the purpose of micro computers?
Everything that isn't the RasPi gets support dropped after a while.
That sentiment holds true for all things, brainiac.
And it's not like it was expensive either.
For MIPS, see the Creator Ci20.
That's really all there is that's even close to good. It's also only 32-bit despite 64-bit MIPS being around longer than anything else.
It's the natural evolution of computing
>less efficient
>less powerful
>50% of silicon dedicated to proprietary hypervisor and encryption routines
>unstable, slow unreliable main storage
>non-addressable modems with mandatory ota updates
>tfw there will never be a nonshit SBC
Whatever you want them to do
It only supports 720p and 1080p resolution... let that sink in for a while.
Thats a nice paper weight bro. take that 15 bucks and get drunk while you stare at it
>implying there's a use for it
We keep telling you fucks not to buy this useless junk
>abloo bloo it doesn't support muh cinema 8k monitor so i can't jack off to muh anime grills!!!
fuck off, dude
Anything but general purpose computing
Good answer
Source of webm?
There actually are many uses for it.
>50% of silicon dedicated to proprietary hypervisor and encryption routines
>non-addressable modems with mandatory ota updates
What the fuck?
I've got a Ci20, it's great. There's also the Ci40, it has a dual-core MIPS32 CPU with SMT. Lower clocks and mainly intended to be used as a router and IoT things
Also there are PowerPC SBCs but they're expensive and not aimed at the hobbyist market.
Why is there no myanimelist for this anime? Well there is one, but it's blank.
It's "tech illiterate buys something he doesn't even know how to use and blames others" episode.
>usb 2.0 only
Disappointing to be quite honest
These little ARM boards could become really cool plug-and-play NAS boxes if only they had USB 3.0
Why is it so hard to have USB 3.0 on these boards?
So that's why Sup Forums hates Apple.
shame they dont make them with intel chips
Lol why the fuck would you want them to?
Enjoy your $200 board that's weaker than a RPi
Why would you want that?
It's not about supporting higher res monitor, more about I don't want to be connecting this thing to a TV or otherwise fixed TV format monitor.
I had a project recently with a 4:3 monitor, and this didn't work for that, which sucked, I had to find something else that worked instead.
x86 obviously oheses and applications
No shit, Captain Obvious. Which us back to my original question. Why would you want that?
Jesus Christ you autistic fucking faggot, its not even worth replying to you
What applications would you run on a SBC that isn't available for arm platforms?
Well now that you put it that way I totally understand why you'd want to run x86 software on an SBC.
Lmao nice come back retard. Fuck off already youre wasting my time
That still doesn't explain why x86 is important on a SBC...
>I'm wasting your time
>meanwhile you're prancing around the qestion post after post
I'm not forcing you to do anything, you're free to close the thread at any time, you fucking dumbass.
What are people doing with RPi and things like this that wouldn't be done better with either a cheap, low end x86 PC or an MCU?
Lmao youre basically cringe incarnate arent you? Just stop posting faggot
>still prancing around the question
Power consumption is usually much lower on ARM. I'm running an AD domain controller and DNS on a Rpi and it's using practially no power compared to my older PC.
I bought an organge pi because it had better specs than rapsberry pi, but turns out it's some chinese fork with no community.
Will the raspberry pi documentation work or am I fucked?
fucking maggot
>trying this hard to get a last word in
>trying this hard to get a last word in
Says the maggot who wont stop posting
Upboard mang
>two hours later
>still can't answer a simple question
>believing anything the hipsters on Sup Forums tell you
you should have known to abandon this place like all the old users did about 5 years. now its just full of reddit "social coder" tier faggots who buy garbage like raspberry pi and chinkpads because its so epic and trendy.
>post count goes up after i post
i wonder why