What editor to use as a starter?

should i use vim emacs or atom ?

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Atom, Emacs and vim are for autistic hipsters who don't get anything done.

Use Emacs but don't try to setup your own configuration. If you like the ideas of vi you can use Spacemacs as your configuration.


I used to use Emacs, but now I use PyCharm. The debugging support with breakpoints, lexical convention checking and dependency management is great. But the biggest benefit is that I don't need to deal with emacs on win32.

>Use Emacs but don't try to setup your own configuration.
Well that's pretty shit logic. If you're using Emacs but are purposefully avoiding interaction with elisp, you've essentially restricted yourself to do only the things other editors will let you do. And if you're going to do that, you might as well just install Atom or Sublime and at least have fully functional code folding.

I use vim. But I am a fat, autistic neckbeard.

Best advice: do not use vim. I don't like emacs but its prob the best of the three you mentioned OP.

what do you reccomned ?

joe master race

>If you're using Emacs but are purposefully avoiding interaction with elisp, you've essentially restricted yourself to do only the things other editors will let you do.
True, but: as many people have already created good software for Emacs one should apply the software development rules to Emacs too (use libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel). The same applies to the configuration. I didn't say that he should not dive into EmacsLisp but it's insane to waste much time starting your configuration from scratch if you can just tweak a well written one.

I've heard Joe is very simple. How is it compared to nano?

>asks for a text editor
>is considering a lisp interpreter and a browser

>having to press multi key keybinds to begin to enter text
>text editor

If you don't know why you would want or might find emacs or vim useful, then you probably don't need either at this time. Just use nano, leafpad, ee, whatever really until you get to a point where emacs/vim actually offer you a clear benefit.

Just so you know, both are rather complicated. If you are trying to learn how to program, trying to learn either is going to frustrate, discourage, and slow you down, while giving you no real advantage over simple and basic editors.


I would seriously recommend vim if you're a UNIX/Linux person.

vim is ALWAYS available, and it's full-featured.

Even on Windows, you can just drop in vim.exe and you've got it there too.

vim has a learning curve, but it's well worth it in the long term if you're going to have a broad exposure to different systems.

For me, personally, it seems like Linux has completely taken over the world. VPS systems, Raspberry Pis, shared web hosting accounts, rescue DVDs, etc. -- it's always Linux.

And everywhere Linux exists, vim is always available.

It might be different for me if I just spent 100% of my time on a Windows desktop. But I'm far too adventurous for that. Whenever you venture away from your Windows desktop, you will almost always find yourself on Linux. And there's three commands I always end up needing on every single Linux system I use: "cd", "ls", and "vim".

I recommend the standard editor.

give a try to gedit



Personally I use vim. Mainly because Vi is included in pretty much everything and it's convenient to know all the keybindings and commands.

Never tried Emacs.

Atom and similar software is slow, because it basically is a text editor running in Chrome.

In the end it probably doesn't really matter. Vim and Emacs have been around a lot longer than editors like Atom and will be in the future. Therefore I would recommend Vim or Emacs over Atom.


you normie pleb!

Use Vim but only if you promise to avoid the faggotry displayed in the pic you posted


onli atom

people that use vim or emacs are very based humans

that still exists?

he is a based neckandertal

not enought white

gedit is fine do but needs more plugins to be somthing viable

use emacs

here's what you should do:
make a list of possible text editor options
take a random number generator and decide what editor you'll use based on that

your choice of editor doesn't matter as much as you think

>nmap . :wq
I'm sorry

Vim, and complete vim tutor before making a decision about whether you like it or not

Vs code


you normie pleb!


All you need to start to i and :wq and its just like any other editor if you have mouse enabled.

Over time you acquire small shortcuts, add things from other people's vimrc's, learn new commands, etc. 5 years later you're a vim god.

Seriously, If you even have to make a quick change to something over ssh - It's the only way to go

Vim is really easy to handle, just use vimperator for 3 days with a cheatsheet and you'll be comfortable

no that would be nano

Nano is not always available unlike Vi.

vim. it's a good idea to use it for a few weeks even if you don't plan on sticking with it forever. So many things use vim style shortcuts

"sed -r s/\\(vi\\)m/\\\\1/g" t t)

I don't leave my house anyway

Emacs is different from normal software; if you aren't heavily customizing it, you aren't getting the true value. You can't truly customize it if you don't understand all of the elisp you are borrowing from someone else's config.

You can use published packages (libraries), but don't use other people's configs.

I started with Notepad++ when I first started programming. That was in my gmod/lua days.

Now I program C/C++ on arch with vim


vim negros will tell you that vi is better because lightweight but to get vim to a quarter of usability of emacs you have to bloat it with plugins on top of plugins on top of plugins and by then what's the fucking point.

emacs is your text editor
it's your mail client
it's your word processor
it's your journal
it's your browser
it's your fucking Sup Forums reader

>it's your mail client
>it's your word processor
>it's your journal
>it's your browser
>it's your fucking Sup Forums reader

but not your editor

>If you even have to make a quick change to something over ssh - It's the only way to go

someone never heard of tramp mode

learn to read, i clearly said editor

that doesn't make it true

>I use vi therefore emacs is not an editor
reconsider your life bub

>>I use vi therefore emacs is not an editor
I don't use vi

oh wow its not just fanboyism youre just dumb.

but do please tell me how emacs is not an editor because it doesn't fit your overly autistic definition of an editor

ayyy lmao le funny meme agagagagaga xDDDD

do emacs users always get this triggered?

do tell me

If you are a hippy liberal use vim, emacs, sublime, atom

If you want to get shit done use visual studio code

im not but im a NEETcore emacs user who is just here to giggle at shitposts.

So, no, not quite all of us.

Emacs is good. It takes a while to learn and setup but the keybindings are applicable to the terminal.

vi is installed everywhere so knowing 'vi' (not vim) keybindings is really useful. VIM has more mindshare right now so it has some pretty nice plugins that emacs doesn't have.

Atom is fine but doesn't run in the terminal so you still need to learn vi. Atom has some nice features and shit works more like you probably expect.

Overall I prefer emacs for server-mode which lets me ssh into my work computer, type emacsclient and access all my buffers, I can do ssh -X and run emacsclient over X if I want the gui.

Sure you can run vim in tmux and do this but it's not quite as comfy. emacs will be running for weeks because I can just create more frames and access them from anywhere.

Either way user you're gonna have to learn at least basic vi usage.

You mean vi is always available. vim is sometimes installed.

Big difference.

>vim is ALWAYS available
This is how you tell someone is at the mount stupid stage.

I wish someone would make a graphical version of vim that isn't shit.

I want vim to have cool status bars like emacs has

to be fair, most implementations of vi comes from a part of the vim codebase. Most, not all.

>that still exists?
Of course it does

Notepad++ gets the job done, but other editors get more attention because of some chumps of their respective userbase are in perpetual need of acceptance

The statuslines you see in emacs are inspired by the vim ones. Powerline for emacs is, as far as I know, a *fork* of vim's powerline.

I'm not sure what you mean desu. Vim and emacs both can rice the statuslines.

>Vim and emacs both can rice the statuslines.
Vim uses fonts rather than drawing directly to the window like emacs does. Vim usually has alignment problems unless you are using a bitmap font, and it is 2017, no one uses bitmap fonts anymore

also, it is easy to change the style of statusline in emacs, whereas in vim, you need to edit the font you're using

oh. you weren't kidding.

I had assumed powerline for emacs was doing weird font shit too

It has a feature set of vim, but without the setup.
If you are already efficient in vim, just use that, but most people grew up with the ctrl+first letter hotkey deal that most gui applications use, so little to no learning curve.
Compared to atom and sublime, it is just a better application.
It is also highly modular, so you can easily make your own application that uses kate as the editor while having extra features specific to a use case, good examples are kile and kdevelop.

(meant to post this)

vim should be graphical, no reason not to be.
how fucking retarded is to do terminal dropdown
also, vim user here

Prove it. Name a Linux distro that doesn't have vim as a standard package installed.


Definitely more.

Vim is not vi.

>Im far too adventurous for that
*tips subtly*

user, you should really write your own editor if you want to use one. I recommend starting with basic principles: an editor written in assembly.

It's ZZ fucking mong

Vi(m) is for assburgers.
Emacs is for autistards.

Since the post was titled "what editor to use as a starter?", the answer is:

Use Gedit and get a life.

Mind as well use Notepad. Even nano had decent keybindings

windows - visual studio code
linux - geany for ide or nano for simple edits
mac - lol


that's an autocomplete plugin for vim, i think it actually does make sense in this context to have the choice to what to actually complete

can microshit code do this?


>coding on a wangblows with no *nix shell

Windows - visual studio code
Mac - xcode
Linux w/ gnome - gnome builder


yep, if vim or emacs were used by anyone productive they would be more popular and vim keys would be supported in more applications.

I beg to differ

>complains about plugins
>links a plugin
>thinks a text editor needs a Sup Forums reader to be """ usable"""
Nice OS kiddo

ICECoder, Codiad with Koding or Jenkins is fucking great.
Must haves locally are Virtualbox, Visual Studio Code, Notepad ++, nano of some sort, Git for windows or whatever you rock, etc.

Whatever feels natural. If you have been in the game a long time, do your VIM thing or emacs thing. Its the code itself that needs to get done, not the comfy-fucking environments.
>>pic-related. Just get the f*king job done.

I did not know emacs did all that. Mega cool.
Enjoy, but I seriously don't get how to use that. Any modern/good resources for learning it? I just need an ADHD on-ramp for it to learn basics without combing dictionaries.

Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text 3, or Brackets.

honest advice, this is how it went for me
>use sublime, get confortable with the concept of plugins
>try to use vim, understand the 2 different basic modes
>copy a vimrc file that you like that is well documented
>get comfortable with vim plugins
>use vim forever

fuck off macfag

>Google chrome not found for live preview
What the fuck?

how different are vi (which is "tiny vi" I take it?), and vim?

>visual studio "code"
Pajeet please don't make me laught. Sublime is the way to go

>he pays to edit text files

He can;t afford to spend 30 bucks for the superior product

>being this much of a scrub

Why not configure configs?

>mfw Debian Jessie aliases vi to vim, but doesn't run vim
I was so confused when I couldn't use vim during install

Atom is cool, try it out, maybe you'll like it.

damn I like that pic. Kind of sexy

Emacs is my mail client, my word processor, my journal, my browser, my Sup Forums reader, my tetris machine and my operating system, but my editor is vim through evil-mode

> openwrt
> any embedded linux

Pretty sure debian ships with only vi. (no just because vim is aliased to vi doesn't make it vim - and the reverse is true too )

I'm an experienced vimmer who sits around #vim in freenode. People come in claiming one of the million plugins they have installed shits itself (OPs pic is related).

Vim is very complete but has a steep learning curve. If you're lazy and can't bother reading the manuals, you'll end up getting plugins for functionality which vim already has.

Also, when using vim you should follow the UNIX philosophy:

>Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate old programs by adding new "features".
>Expect the output of every program to become the input to another, as yet unknown, program. Don't clutter output with extraneous information. Avoid stringently columnar or binary input formats. Don't insist on interactive input.
>Design and build software, even operating systems, to be tried early, ideally within weeks. Don't hesitate to throw away the clumsy parts and rebuild them.
>Use tools in preference to unskilled help to lighten a programming task, even if you have to detour to build the tools and expect to throw some of them out after you've finished using them.

Really, if what you need is an IDE, you should download an IDE and download some plugin to emulate the vim keystrokes.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, it's just a copy of Vim, which emulates vi (with all its bugs) when it detects that its executable was named "vi."

Brackets is comfy