Now that the dust has settled on windows 10, its shortcomings are pretty glaring. Anyone who has used it for any time can attest to the instability, as well as the annoying popups and inconsistent UX. So tell me Sup Forums, what would you like to see in windows 11?
Windows 11 thread
a 100% win32 compatible gentoo
after windows 10 microsoft is dropping the number and just calling it windows. windows isn't an os as much as it is a service, and major upgrades or revisions are less important. you're going to just see more things like the anniversary update where new features and stuff are added.
I'll start.
>a consistent UI/UX across the desktop experience, with a wholly separate one for tablet mode
>A stable and an unstable branch, so microsoft can roll out updates to the majority of users (unstable), while allowing sysadmins to get access to more mature code.
>Stop forcing edge and cortana down my throat and let me turn them off completely
>A better ecosystem for touch applications
>no more popups, no more telemetry
I know what we are going to see.
Another win7 visual overhaul.
Windows 10-3 masterrace
I have a shortlist but it all boils down to Microsoft removing its existence.
Better GUI
>pic unrelated
>no more telemetry
Nothing wrong with that, just need to make it a normal option like everyfuckingbody else got and not some "yes, spy on me" and "no, please don't spy on me, b-but it's okay if you do it sometimes, I guess."
Also the monolithic kernel is just not acceptable these days.
I want them to build on Vista.
Now that it's been stable for a while they could use it as a platform for Windows 11
There isn't going to be a Windows 11.
>let's copy macOS but skip the fine details that make it actually good
This. I have no issue with telemetry as long as I can turn it off and have it actually stick
If people want to open themselves up to surveilance to get targeted ads and shit, then thats fine with me. Just give customers the ability to opt out (or better, opt-in)
I thought NT wasn't monolithic?
Windows 10 is good, but the popups for updates and the spying need to stop
>inconsistent UX
seems pretty consistent for Windows
Which in turn make it shit
Subjective but I absolutely hate the "flat" icon meme
Remember when GNU/Linux had actually good icons?
There won't be a windows 11.
They're just going to release major updates from now on, much like the anniversary update.
>not 3.1
In a lot of ways its worse than 8. Multiple versions of settings menus with small variations in options is nightmare-inducing
I would only use windows 11 (implying such a thing will ever be released) if it doesn't have such extensive data-mining capabilities.
with previous windows versions, you were the customer, but with 10 you are the product being sold, which is unacceptable.
also 10 looks so awful and inconsistent in general. it's like it was truly designed by rajeet from bombay for 10 rupees.
Fuck microsoft
theme name?
Dunno, default gnome 2 theme?
It's gone now... replaced by flat shit
Even tango is dead :-(
Be prepared to pay for a "service"
It's like mac OS but without all the small details which make it good. Seriously, even using that file manager or just opening an application is a pain
>no more telemetry
But that provides you with the most personalized experience. Also, cortana is best search engine. Idk why faggots keep complaining about this stuff
>t. samefag
Because people don't like the idea of their information being collected without their consent (obviously other than the end user agreement) when they are just trying to use their computer.
targeted ads benefit both parties, but there are major drawbacks to handing over a complex profile of your actions and preferences to potentially insecure and anonymous third parties.
The way ubuntu did it was probably the best way to mitigate risks while still providing a targeted experience, but even then, it should be opt-in rather than opt-out.
You would like BSD.
Mac/Linux/windows are always going to be beholden to legacy applications and users, and that will always bring some bloat with it.
Microsoft is responsible, they give our data to secure companies that only provide us with the best experience. You're a fucking autist commie fuck if you think otherwise. Kill yourself you fucking jew
Hello Pajeet
>If you don't have endless unwarranted trust in Microsoft you are an autist commie jew
Maybe go out and learn what those words mean before you start throwing them around.
Healthy skepticism is what keeps companies culpable for their actions, and capitalism wouldn't be the same without it.
>it's like it was truly designed by rajeet from bombay for 10 rupees
indians dont into minimalism
you have western nu-haus art degree graduates to thank for the minimalist trash that plagues everything today
and even their minimalism isnt original its just a cheap rip off of euro minimalism in design of things like watches, furniture, etc
Looks bland af.
>what would you like to see in windows 11?
First party support for windows style builder.
>So tell me Sup Forums, what would you like to see in windows 11?
Linux kernel and GNU userland.
>I thought NT wasn't monolithic?
NT is hybrid
More support for user customisation of their theme, without using some buggy and obscure programs to modify the shape of the window buttons, for example.
Right now, you can only do this by basically replacing the shell with a modified one. Why is there no support for more customisation of the current theme? You can't even choose to have the start menu tiles coloured differently, they all are coloured according to the accent colour. That's just very limiting and monotonous. Even Win 8.1 had it better.
SRSLY, why is there no support for instant preview of files when you select and press Space (like it has been in OS X for years)?
There isn't even a decent program that can do that. There is a Chinese one which installs some PuP.
Windows support for previews is rather mediocre. You can't directly play a sound file from it's icon for example. You don't even have a preview when you open the file's properties. You just see the same old UI for file properties that's been there for ages.
Live tiles are buggy, sometimes they just stop working for no apparent reason. They stop updating.
One more thing: Windows used to allow you to create your own toolbars on the taskbar then you could have dragged them out of the taskbar and placed them on one of the other sides of the screen, where they could be used like a self-hiding custom toolbar.
This option has been nixed probably in Win8, since the charms bar and active corners were a thing. It would actually be a useful feature.
Why can't you open a folder from the taskbar in a bubble, like OS X has been doing for ages too? It can save you some time. The explorer shell is so limiting and basic in terms of fast navigation (peeking thru a folder without opening it, drag and dropping exploration of a folder then going back to the initial point, etc).
I have a lot more ideas, but you'd have to pay for the really good ones. (Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you an email.)
Those are png, though. Most newer icons are made as svg so that they could be used on high dpi displays. Flatness comes as an unfortunate side effect most of the time.
>NT wasn't monolithic?
>NT is hybrid
At this point who cares any more?
The Windows userland is so fucked up that the kernel is the least of Window's problems
(although the NT kernel is shit too and completely chokes in high memory/high cpu usage situations)
Windows 10 is a rolling release. There is no 11 nor will there ever be.
Window 10 is due to get a design overhaul in late 2017 though.
gigantic faggot
M$ says no windows 11.
>wants windows even more unstable
Kys freetard.
>what would you like to see in windows 11?
- stability (re-hire QA team)
- ability to """turn off""" telemetry easily
- start menu search from windows 7 (ability to search for exe's w/ full indexing) without Cortana
- remove the "Settings" screen and put the options in the control panel
- remove all UWP shit (this would never happen) and return to unified UI
- break updates into granular peices, return update options from windows 7
- option to dissallow windows from overwritting drivers and uninstalling programs which are """incompatible"""
- fix inconsistencies introduced to explorer in windows 10 and add tabbing
- remove unused legacy code and technical debt from kernel (good luck)
- remove onenote.exe and getoffice365.exe integration by default, opt in
- distinguish upgrades from updates. upgrades should be completely optional and require user input to start.
- updates should honor wake timers setting like they did in previous versions
I'm not holding my breath.
What do you need a source for?
It's always the same story with MS
>"$NEXT_WINDOWS_VERSION" will get a complete overhaul and will be the best version of Windows yet
>How can other OS compete with "$NEXT_WINDOWS_VERSION"?
>windows 8
>windows 8.1
>windows phone 8
>windows 10
>windows threshold update
>windows creators update
>hypothetical future windows version or future os service subscription
MS has created the most advanced shilling network in existence
Thanks for destroying the last bit of hope I had