Can anyone read up on radio frequency house arrest braclets...

can anyone read up on radio frequency house arrest braclets. Specifically the PTX2 I want to duplicate the radio frequency my bracket is emitting to be able to go outside.

I will buy the parts to make the device and PayPal money to anyone who can message me and work with me on this


What is an oscilloscope.

You seem to know a little bit about duplicating this frequency,the frequency it is in encrypted will it still duplicate? Can we work through this , message my email?

You'd have better luck interfacing with the receiver box that's connected to your phone line as there's less tamper traps to deal with.

I still haven't finished my CE major but try asking /diy/'s /ohm/ general

Anyone wanting to work on breaking this with me , [email protected]

Get at me on here if you need another contact

you sound like a federal agent my man

I'm not even my man. I don't think I would... nevermind

Ever watched the first Saw movie?

You pedo criminal

Do your shit by the book unless you want to stay on paper for the rest of your life, you stupid fucking retard

Homieee what ?

What did you do

>Being such a shit human that you end up tagged like an animal

Sold these car keys I had found

give it back jamal

well im by no means an expert; but to start you would need a RF spectrum analyser to see what band it's operating at.
Then you would need to probe that band to capture any packets it transmits between the bracelet and the receiver.
once you have that, you build a device that transmits the same data over the same frequency band.

but if you're asking "can anyone read up on radio frequency house arrest braclets." on Sup Forums it's probably beyond your ability.

In Finland that happens if you don't go to army

>his govt put a slave collar on him

Don't countries with mandatory army service have alternatives you can do?

It's mandatory.... how can you have an alternative to something you have to do?? that's like asking if anyone has any alternatives to breathing.

Do downs syndrome people have to go to army?

>mandatory army service
Yes yes yes train to die for israel goy.

I know for a fact that some countries with mandatory military service have alternatives you can do instead of joining the military. That's what i'm asking about.

yes? It is used by governments to keep down the tard population. i can pass your name on if you wish?

You can complete the service in some civilian job like simple bookkeeping or taking care of old people, but this was considered very unmanly until recently and you might still get shunned by "patriots".
Not sure if you still need to present proof of some philosophical issue you have with the military or not. It also takes longer this way.

If you're retarded or crippled enough you'll be freed from service either during peacetime, or even unconditionally.
Not sure how many healthy people want this badge of shame.

If I'm not wrong Israel has mandatory service as well but you can postpone it and go to college instead.
>tfw no military trained qt to do everything for me

>but you can postpone it and go to college instead.
Don't think you can, a friend of mine did mandatory service when he lived over there and started college after it.
He told me they used to play CS1.6 all the time at the barracks between rocket sirens which went off like 5 times a day.
He got bored of Israel and came back soon after, most of the people in the IDF were complete wackos as well according to him.

>badge of shame
>literally no way to tell unless brought up in a conversation
You did military service, you should know what a badge is you retard.

I wish my country had mandatory military service.
Then I might not be such a fat shit.

reporting this to the goverment, they will subponema google to obtain your ip and screw you HARDER, thanks for the laughts OP

That was a metaphor, in case you're too sperged to get it.

And who doesn't talk about their service and all the stupid shit that happened during it? People with nobody to talk to?

badge of shame refers to something that is easy to see on a person, it's incorrect to use it for something that has to be mentioned by the guy.
Wouldn't know how often people talk about it in one of those "swedes but more mongols in denial" countries since our country came up with something less retarded for military stuff

except this is most definitely local government related and the feds won't give two fucks

>and who doesn't talk about their service

I don't you piece of shit it's not a big deal or something to be used to feel superior to others

can you take the home base station, attach to some sort of battery, and take that with you

>except this is most definitely local government related
And to who I said I was reporting this?
Why do you bring up the "feds"?

>Legally obligated to be a shut-in
>Wanting to go outside, ever

It can be a pretty memorable thing, and something common between men (except the hipster granny diaper swappers).

Great subject for starting a conversation in a no-small-talk culture.

I've seen this photo before.

Your shit thread was already deleted from Sup Forums. Why do you come here?
Nobody is going to help you, you fucking car stealing nigger subhuman trash.
Shoot yourself immediately.

Considering what seems like the extent of your knowledge on radio, it'll be much faster to do the time rather than impersonating your security bracelet

Work those calves that shit will pop right off

And what makes you think it repeatedly sends THE SAME encrypted data?
It might be sending numbers ascending to prevent such situations.
Also OP is a car stealing nigger and you should not help him. He deserves to be killed

Can you use an SDR?

i never said it did