Give me one good reason to stop using this

Give me one good reason to stop using this.

>Boot times are significantly faster.
>Most of the privacy options are able to be turned off.
>DirectX12 support.
>Clean minimal flat design.
>RAM is better optimized

Other urls found in this thread:


it doesn't fucking matter what you use, all the retards on here don't even work and they use Linux to show off to their "friends" they can install apps using the terminal

it's not macOS (。>﹏

any improvements are not significantly better than windows 7

you'd be better off just buying and ssd

its hilarious how bad windows looks next to a real OS

your dumb idiot get out of my thread

>Boot times are significantly faster.
No. It's the same.

it's time?

looks like not 1337.
cmon it's Sup Forums you should look like 1337

>RAM is better optimized
[citation needed]

plz link iterm 2 setup

>boot times are faster
WTF am I reading?
I can't tell the difference between my gaming PC with Windows 10 and my old Thinkpad laptop with Windows 7. They both use a SSD.

What a non issue. DX12 sucks by the way, does nothing except make AMD driver suck a little less in some of them. In others it just doesn't even work.
RAM """"""""""optimization"""""""""" is no different from 8 or 7. Oh and the design looks like arse.
Fuckin' pathetic, dude. You clearly work for Microsoft.

>>Boot times are significantly faster.
yeah, no. you're completely wrong. you're a complete fucking moron


There's your reason you gamer faggot.


>RAM is better optimized


Computers suck.


>not Vulkan

Why does anyone care about boot times? How often are Windows PCs crashing?

dumb amd poster

>clean flat design
It's more inconsistent than anything

That dual core and only 16GB memory...
Get the fuck out mac fag, no one is buying what you are trying to sell.

>Boot times are significantly faster.
No. Even Bloatbuntu boots faster
>Most of the privacy options are able to be turned off.
>DirectX12 support.
Just use Vulkan. Or stop playing gayms
>Clean minimal flat design.
Ever heard of ricing on muh Loonix?
>RAM is better optimized
[citation needed]

Great bait I guess

Check out this insane boot time, 4.9 seconds from cold boot! No hybrid hibernation shit!

wh-why are u posting my old desktop

Mio a qt

>that wallpaper
yeah you're better off with windows

btw it boots even faster sometimes

Fuck outta here. DX is actual fucking cancer and whether or not I'm an AMDfag or a NVIDIAfag shouldn't matter. It's proprietary shit that developers are only using because of M$ money. It needs to die a quick death, preferably painful if possible.

how to get that boot time, because everything else I've seen has at least 10 seconds even on SSD, and wangblows is like 20 seconds

This. Also what are you using to get such a nice ricing?

it's just a regular arch install on an 840 evo, i didn't really do anything special
using uefi helps i guess but idk how much of a difference that makes
it's not even a particularly powerful laptop or anything, an older gaming laptop with an i5
openbox + tint2

You could totally sell that rice to girls. Not even fucking kidding. A woman likes nothing better than making other women jealous of her accessories.

m-my mom uses it now (。>﹏

770 packages might have something to do with it, the ones I saw had like 1k+

>Most of the privacy options are able to be turned off
nice freudian slip there mr. microdick pajeet

that doesn't matter at all, it's not like it's loading all those into ram on boot

Amount of packages shouldn't affect boot times.
Your boot options and startup services do.

seriously? yeah it doesn't have to do with telemetry uses %100 of hard drive, or it can't be because i didn't like the new design of windows 10, or it doesn't have to do with automatic updates
you're just playing yourself, the only reason why you don't use linux is probably you are too stupid to boot it from usb, even though children can do it
>but muh gayming, muh photoshop cc 2017
dual boot is always an easy option, well, maybe not for you

this. I'm using W7 right now but damn mac OS looks good.

Post a real desktop if you want us to compare, not that garbage

>GPU: Iris
>Not even a dedicated AMD Polaris gpu. What are you, a poor fag?

who are you quoting

His desktop but I fucked up formatting. Whoops.

its shit

I have to switch back from macOS to Windows and it's pretty sad. I don't know which version to use.

7 is dated
No one recommends 8.1 for some reason
10 can't be made to look at least decent

it's all garbage

Nice meme

>Just use Vulkan.
that one game supporting vulcan? advice worthy of linux fan

Windows 10 looks professional as fuck


Who cares, few games use it and vulkan will give equal experience

Kill yourself pajeet and tell microsoft to fuck off.

>shitty knockoff linux
>real OS

>who cares

i have a full time job working at one of the biggest shipping companies in Scandinavia. I use Arch Linux with a mixture of Virtualbox and qemu depending on the purpose. It only feels natural since i've used it as a daily driver for ~2 years at home. Everything just fucking works and if it doesn't, then i reinstall and edit my fstab to use my home partition which i obviously created separately, load my vm's from the HDD and then I'm back in businesses. How about you learn to use a real operating system instead of spending your time shilling that piece of garbage - oh right you have plenty of time since "Windows is preparing your computer".

eat shit, Pajeet

i honestly said windows 10 was mistake

but there's no choice
90% of normie and noob only able to use windows and lot of major job uses windows too (just my assume)
besides win7 Support will be discontinued 8 and 8.1 is shit too

promblem of linux is it's not retard friendly that's the only problem linux is way more light and no bullshit

mac is for hipster so i'm not gonna mention it

I think from all your desktop spamming I like your Arch the best.


dem so big honkers

>boot times are 2 seconds faster
>even if you set your privacy options to not send anything it still sends literally everything to microshit
>directx12 support, which doesn't matter because in 1-2 years everything will use vulkan
>everything looks like shit compared to windows 7
>still uses half of your ram no matter how much you have


why do you have a tomato colored background

>UNIX is GNU/Linux
What do you have to ingest to become this retarded?

>not updating to 10.2.3
I don't understand you, user

>Boot times are significantly faster.
I'll never understand why people care about this as a measurement of an OS. I mean, how often do you reboot? Even on my mobile devices I either sleep or hibernate them. reboots are rare. So Win 10 takes 30 seconds less every few days/weeks. Who fucking cares?

>im so edgy cuz i have wall-e characterss on my desktop xxD with COMMAANNNZZZ nexy to them XXd

e b i n

absolutely shit interface, full of redundant menus and certain windows programs want access to my microphone and web cam. Why the fuck does the mail app or the calendar app want access to my microphone and webcam?

Also the fucking update system is shit I don't want my computer updating without my permission installing shit like candy crush without my permission and restarting my computer when ever it wants without my permission

I reboot every fucking day


because a computer even in sleep uses electricity and theres nothing wrong with restarting it every day

I would actually like to use W10 but the automatic updates and hidden uploads are too much for my shitty internet.


Or are you on Linux where Hibernation is still flaky 15 years on?

>why do you need this

average bait

Why put it into hibernation when it takes the same time to wake up as restarting the computer

but I can't fully into gaming on some shitty ass Mac or Linux. Can you even put a new graphics card on some proprietary piece of trash Apple computer?

Compared to 7 they are faster....but at the same time we're talking a difference of seconds on a SSD so who really gives a fuck.

There's zero difference to 8

Takes less time to boot since its reading from a sequential place on your harddrive along with returning you to the exact context of which your programs were already at where you last left them, less time for weighting for background services to load, applications, websites, etc, since they're already loaded

LTSB N is the only serviceable version of Windows 10. All others are trash, including Enterprise and Education, because of the fucking store and UWP "apps"

>Boot times are significantly faster.

Who gives a shit about boot times these days. I reboot a few times a week. But hey just think of all the activities you could get done with those extra 4 seconds.

>Most of the privacy options are able to be turned off.

No they can't. Some are backed in, adding blocks to host files and changing regs does fuck all.

Its barely noticeable on my SSD, restarting is simply habitual and easy as shit

>yea theres totally nothing wrong with the mail app wanting access to your webcam and microphone


WHY MUST WE LIVE IN THIS WORLD of shitty windows n linux oses n mac

fuck i just want a nice desktop n browsers for gaming n browsing

windows sucks n has ads n shit n bad design n linux bad design too but sexy in some ways and more secure.. my ideal OS would be an improved linux with game support but thers like a million distros so it sux ass n hobbyist OS fk.. n mac idk

fk its hard being a gamer.. n all the browsers suck chrome is the best but its still sluggyish n not the best design n idkdkdidkd

the pirate bay is down right now where can I get a torrent?


n n n n n n n n n n n n

I ran pacman -Syu on Arch and after a few mins of updating, the screen goes black

what do

no directx13

try switching to tty

you know that's a good question

what happened to OSs? Wasn't there a run for a new paradigm in the Firefox and Chrome OSs? Why is no one else trying to make something new?

Wasn't there a Sup Forums project OS where everyone shared filed hashes with each other and every OS acted as a node or something?

>implying linux doesn't have faster boot times, DX12 support, a minimal design and RAM optimization
>thinking wangblows privacy options actually "turn off"
>implying windows 10 isn't just a reskinned windows 7

Here's your (you).
Fuck you, the only reason to use Windows is for muh gaymes.

[spoiler] Install Solus [/spoiler]

>caring about boot times
Unless it's in the scale of minutes/hours, the fuck does it even matter? It's not like you're rebooting your computer every half hour.

And if you are, I'd say the boot time is the least of your problems.

Hackintosh, you fucking retard.

>It's not like you're rebooting your computer every half hour.
Go easy, dude. He may be on Windows, poor bastard.

You were Saiyan?

>>but muh gayming, muh photoshop cc 2017
>dual boot is always an easy option, well, maybe not for you

>Everything productive you do can and is done with windows, but you should still put linux on your computer with no legitimate reason other than so you can use the terminal to install apps and show your """friends""" how much of a leet hacker you are.
I don't understand you linux fags.

linux is good for servers. Thats it. As an OS it's useless unless you enjoy all 3 of the apps that are supported by it.

>disabled telemetry, never had any 100% harddrive issues
>I am ok with the design, it's better than the glossy bullshit vista and 7 had
>disabled automatic restart for updates
Why would I dual boot when I can run every relevant linux application natively on windows?

>tfw 8.1 + Start8
I just don't see any actual reason to switch to 10. I hate how inconsistent it looks and the amount of shit I have to do on a clean install, even with LTSB. 8.1 just works and I haven't really had any issues with it.