So Sup Forums is this real?

So Sup Forums is this real?

>300$ pc build = 720p gaming

>500$ pc build = 1080p gaming

>700$ pc build = 1440p gaming

>1000$ pc build = 4K gaming

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it's not that easy. some games in 4k require a $1500 setup to run at 60fps like witcher 3.

I know, but can you say that this is the average for most games?

Its retarded, but correct

Thats pretty low desu. I'd add $200-300 on each level.

I just spent $1300 on a 1440p 100hz build. (i7 7700k + GTX1080)

But the GTX 1080 is for 4k, the 1070 is the one you need for 1440p.

Does the 1070 ever go on sale? Like around BFFriday or something?

Maybe at 60fps, but to deliver 100+ fps at 1440p you'll need more power.

>300$ pc build = 720p gaming
If we talk about console framerates and no ability to upgrade.

>500$ pc build = 1080p gaming
Should be doable for 60fps too but not for all games.

>700$ pc build = 1440p gaming
Easy. The step from 1080p to 1440p is pretty small while 200 bucks more allows to spend on a much better GPU. Will have a shitty FX 6300 though, just like previous build.

>1000$ pc build = 4K gaming
Eh, at 30FPS maybe. The step from 1440p is massive and 300 bucks barely buys you one mid class card.

>i7 7700k
Hopefully you didn't buy it just for vidya...

no, after $500 the price begins to increase significantly for diminishing returns.

I literally challenge anyone to build a 4K machine for no more than 1000 dollars, that will run modern games on their intended settings at 60fps.

here just take my build op i know you want it

I would say this:
>500$ 720p
>800$ 1080p
>1200$ 1440p
>1800$ 4k

No. More accurately, it's:

>$400 for 720
>$700 for 1080
>$1000 for 1440p
>$1400 for 4k

$1800 is rather high considering, maybe more like $1600.

My 550 eurobucks build from 2013 runs games at 1080p no problem.

This is more like it yeah, I can't see anyone building a gaming PC at 300$, the quality of that would be utter shit.

This happens to be identical to my setup, apart from the ripjaws. Why two different brands of ram? Is that even compatible? Is that even your setup? I life but a dream?

Pretty close yeah, for 60fps

Especially those $500 and $700 price points

This happens to be identical to my setup, apart from the ripjaws. Why two different brands of ram? Is that even compatible? Is that even your setup? Is life but a dream?

Nope. 4K isn't just two times more expensive than 1080p because of diminishing returns.

This at max settings, new games 60fps
A $300 computer is a facebook machine

Depends how many pop tarts are involved

Please tell me it's a link thing, but that link just sends me to my actual build. And based off what the guys saying I think I'm being sent to the wrong place. But I'm just hoping people are posting my set up as some kind of meme.

Ausfag here. Triple those prices and you have a more accurate list.

$700 for my build

i5-6500 and 1060 3GB

I think it's a link thing. It links to /list on pc part picker which don't look like no pc part picker build link too me. I almost thought my setup was a meme too

I would say no. Unless your willing to skimp on important stuff like storage, motherboard quality and features, and psu quality. Raise the bar to 100 a level and your still stretching(unless using used gear) and if your running Windows, get fucked. So expensive.

4K will cost you $700 in GPU alone.

Lol, not in the general case for AAA games. You really don't understand how many quality options there are do you? If you have want consistent framerate with high quality textures/lighting/shadows amd you don't want jagged edges fucking uo every scene, a 1080 is perfect for a 1440p monitor with ss at 4k(in some games, most games at 4k will still eat up a 1080) and this isn't taking into account panels with frame rates over 60fps.
There's alot of nuance. Even the newest Nvidia stuff doesn't tackle 4k super well.

>on their intended settings
Now that's a whole other can of worms. Are you implying that the ultra settings are where it's meant to be played, even though some games crank things up to retarded amounts just because they can, or because they're trying to be relevant for benchmarking/dickwaving?

for a "good" 1080p build you would have to spend $800 at least. You can easily blow $400 just on a cpu + mobo if you want to play GTA 5 online on ultra at 60fps

I've seen it below $400 quite a bit, and a couple times close to $350.

Have you tried this? just I have 2x1080s and a single 1 running feels suited for 144hz 1440p.
I dont think the 1070 has the power in honesty

A 300$ build wont get you even 720p

A 500$ will get you a 720p