Windows 10 is really OS for cucks:

Windows 10 is really OS for cucks:

>Download Da Capo 3 and go to finish job
>go back and want to relax and play Da Capo
>all files are gone and only left is text files

I don't want to switch to Windows 7 cause is shit and I hate metro design in 8.1.

I need my C# VS Studio.

How I stop being a cuck?

wtf I hate windows now.

Why were the files lost?

I get you OP.

Though if I had to choose, I'd choose 8.1. Metro design is shit, but nowhere as shitty as 10, can be changed at least.

>watching anime
there is your only problem

I'm sure OP is referring to the Visual Novel

That's just C++ for retards. Take the redpill and learn C++ with 2017 standards.

C++ crushes C# in every single aspects with no mercy and it is used in real world heavy programs like Autodesk Maya or manchild games.


Literally no reason to learn C++ in this day and age. Maybe back in the 1990s you'd have a point LMAO

>Literally no reason to learn C++ in this day and age
Give me ONE heavy game or a heavy application that runs on C#, I'll wait.

hook shit, user


kill yourself fucking faggot.


I said heavy application

Well, why 7 instead of 8.1?

>even most of wankblows is apparently written in C++ KEK

They know C# will forever be an overly shilled Java Rip off



No wonder it's shit! LOL

>C# Visual Studio
Maybe the cuck should just keep using PajeetOS like a good Microsoft cuck

Get Windows 10 and gut it of all the shit you don't need. Especially cortana.

Every update reinstalls all the shit you don't want.

Then install the education version which isn't allowed to have cortana
