Anyone else have macOS installed on a separate partition on a PC? It's nice, I use it when I want to just sit back and browse the internet and play a casual game like Minecraft
It's funny to see just how triggered macfags get by these, pouting and reporting you to apple, are they just mad that you did what cost them $2000 to get while you did the same on generic intel trash?
never bothered, it's not that different from windows
Blake James
why do all hackintosh people gay?
Daniel Morris
>not that different from windows nigger do you even OS?
Oliver Price
I do, but as main OS.
Well, as the only OS currently. It's really functional and it does most of what I want. Most. I still have a few problems I never have on Windows, and to be fairly honest it always feels like the OS isn't using the hardware the right way. It feels sluggish at times, not with any slowdowns, but I wouldn't know how to put it.
But yeah this OS is really, really convenient. I can see why rich faggots use it.
Now, due to circumstances I will switch back to windows, maybe dual boot, although I'm not a fan of the practice to be completely fair. Even less considering the NTFS/HFS support on each. Linux+Windows is less of a headache I guess.
James Walker
i mean from a consumer view
Justin Campbell
>not using windows xp kek
Parker Parker
Aren't hackintosh unstable as hell?
I tried it back in 2009 and it would crash constantly.
Eli Richardson
>Aren't hackintosh unstable as hell? Nope.
Blake Walker
Here is your problem. We are in 2017 grandpa.
Dylan Green
>launchd no thanks
Connor Bennett
Of course it isn't using the hardware properly because macOS doesn't actually support it.
Just buy a mac next time. Hackintosh is explicitly a temporary solution for poorfags until they can afford the real deal. Otherwise you're stuck with an OS that is broken as fuck, and needs extreme maintenance every so often (unless you don't update anything ever AND are using the exact build hackintosh forums suggest).
Hackintosh is even more of a NEET OS than any mainstream linux distro because that shit needs a lot of attention and care.
Jaxson Cox
That's the thing. In 2009 it was a terrible thing. I couldn't get sound to work and even a chinese distro would run better.
Today though it's like the real thing, I don't have any issues besides not being able to use my line in jack for some fucking reason. Not a terrible loss.
Adrian Walker
I find that sleep (as in S3 suspend) makes it unstable, and when I update I have to make sure there's an update for the nvidia driver too. Other than that, it's pretty good. I'm using it as my main OS and doing commercial iOS dev. Still, if you need 100% fire and forget, get real hardware.
Kayden Powell
it literally just werks, idk what you're talking about
Jordan Ross
been using a real Mac since 2008
but since macs nowadays are fucking shit, i might go the hackintosh way when this mac dies
Colton Long
I have had used Sierra for a while now and updated it. I don't see the maintenance. I just literally don't see it, I have spent maybe 3 months now and I don't remember the last time I was changing something.
You seem to think this is like Arch or some shit. You won't have many problems as long as you don't update to a major release (like El cap > Sierra) and that doesn't exactly happen every 2 months.
James Robinson
Currently on elcap, I'm going to reinstall for Sierra. When I installed the recommendation was to use Clover and manually change settings with Clover Configurator/install some kexts. Is that still the correct general approach?
Mason Adams
>I tried it back in 2009 and it would crash constantly. Man, I ran a OS X on a ThinkPad back in 2007, worked fine if you knew what you where doing and had the proper hardware.
Kevin Lee
I think my 2014 15" i7 MBP will last me for years. After that, if Apple is still doing fucked up shit, I just abandon it.
Easton Mitchell
As I said, you won't see much maintenance if you're using recommended specs. So post yours.
Liam Nelson
I've been using a Hackintosh as my daily driver for at least 3 years. Very stable even using Clover without UEFI, I get more crashes on my work laptop (2015 rMBP) than I do on this installation.
Michael Carter
Nope, it just works.
Daniel Clark
The least headless inducing way of installing OSX is to use Unibeast, despite what InsanelyFags might tell you.
James Price
>It's funny to see just how triggered macfags get by these, pouting and reporting you to apple, are they just mad that you did what cost them $2000 to get while you did the same on generic intel trash?
Desktop Macs suck and Hacintoshes are not worth it. Seriously, a used i7 MBP (with actual ports) is just a few hundred bucks, what's the problem?
macOS is an amazing OS, only on a portable Mac though.
Parker Baker
Nice optical disk drive lmao >the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen
Lincoln Taylor
too bad they'll be obsolete with the release of APFS in 10.13
Jeremiah Barnes
Using an i5 4460, 280x, 16gb of RAM. The motherboard is a MSI H81M-E33.
Julian Perry
Why would that make them obsolete? No seriously , go ahead.
Jayden Murphy
>$175 thinkpad performs just as well as a $400 MBP
Gavin Turner
Why would anyone get triggered that you claim you are a poorfag? People with actual Macs are just happy for themselves because it's a far better experience.
>t. Mac and hackintosh user since 2006
Jace Myers
>El Capitan >shit trackpad >"just as well"
Carson Davis
It looks like that approach now uses Clover, right? If so I'll go with that. I do want a uefi bootloader.
Evan Taylor
What shit is this? The MBP I'm using right now only cost me 240€ and looks and works perfectly.
Also >no trackpad
Austin Stewart
You can choose between legacy or UEFI
Robert Green
of course they're unstable as hell. I guarantee you all these poorfags scour the tonymac forums, sweating and hoping nothing broke whenever there is a point update.
there just obsessed with how good macOS is that they continue running their unstable shitboxes while not even experiencing the tight integration of iCloud. stick to linux poorfags
Isaac Gutierrez
When 8k monitors become affordable I'm going to build one. How hard was it to get everything working?
Jayden Ross
I agree, Macs aren't that costly, a good MBP ain't much more than a ThinkPad.
>not even experiencing the tight integration of iCloud. I have iCloud disabled tough, don't have any other Apple products, kinda useless.
Owen Baker
>MBP 2012 for 240€
Even 2009 models cost twice that everywhere I looked.
Matthew Reyes
It's not "hard" you fucking dipshit, seriously going to ask such a noob question here?
It's just pointless.
Adam Rivera
Nope. Only thing that has issues is sleep, which I never use. Even on my MBP i rarely use sleep since I don't pay for power here. Literally the only thing. I just set it to display my screensaver after 3 hours.
MPB + Hackintosh user here It's the master race
Jacob Bell
>Where Bother to look properly next time? Seriously people.
>Even 2009 models cost twice that everywhere I looked. Topkek, I literary have a 2009 13" with 8GB of RAM for sale at 200€.
Kevin James
>It's not "hard" you fucking dipshit It's harder than just having MacOS working out of the box. The last time I tried to install OS X a normal computer it never even booted into the installer, despite the hardware apparently being fully supported according to other people (A ThinkPad).
I don't trust when people say things work. According to Sup Forums, PCSX2 is "perfect", even though it's buggy as fuck on most games.
Hunter Turner
>thinking Shiterra is any better >implying i use the trackpad
Similarly specced (8Gb RAM, 250 GB SSD) 13 2011 macbook pros go for $300-500 15 2011 macbook pros go for $300-800 on eBay.
Luis King
Sierra is better than El Cap, subhuman. If you ever used a MBP trackpad, you'd realize are cucked you are hackintoshing on a faggotpad. At least you saved $10, right? Kek, subhuman retard.
Blake Jones
>thinking Shiterra is any better Sierra fixed all the issues of El Cap, you do know that El Cap even had a hard time getting the UNIX certification and Apple fucked up RAID on it? It's buggy as hell.
>implying i use the trackpad Obviously you are not, you don't have a proper trackpad.
James Anderson
how long ago did you try it?
Nicholas Lee
I got my first Mac in 2014, so probably 2013.
Owen Bennett
You didn't even bother doing the MBP trackpad replacement for your ThinkShit?
Hudson Richardson
yeah, you probably weren't using clover. it makes everything super easy
Ian Morris
>comparing a chinkpad to a MBP
David Moore
Obviously it's not compatible, buggy and useless. Ruining the whole point of macOS. But it's not hard, just a few hours of work.
Gavin Hill
Mac shit really excels from a build quality/aesthetic perspective. I'm not the biggest fan of all the other stuff, the OS, the pricing, itunes, etc.
Eventhough the Macbook Air is an often duplicated never replicated meme now its still my favorite laptop design.
Jacob Taylor
I sort of have a Hackintosh. It's a Mac Pro that has been upgraded far beyond Apple's original intentions.
Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to 5,1 2 x 3.46ghz 6 core 32gb ddr3 512gb pcie ssd gtx 970 bluetooth 4.0 3tb hgst hdd for time machine 28in 4k dell monitor
The flash lets you use newer processor architecture. The computer itself was going to be recycled. I brought it home and invested about 1k into it. It benchmarks the same as a base spec latest gen Mac Pro or slightly higher than a current gen 5k iMac (which is what I had before).
The only annoying thing is you have to wait for nvidia to release web drivers when there's a system update, so I usually have to wait a week to update to whatever the latest OSX iteration. Otherwise it's a nice computer.
Nathan Powell
I was using clover. I also tried unibeast or something. I also saw guides where I had to download firmware files to load up or something, though I never got to the point where I would have actually done that. It seemed like a hassle back then.
I had a T510. Various forum posts, Sup Forums retards and even wiki articles said it should have ran OS X natively with DSDT patches or whatever.
Grayson Parker
Mine is compatible and without bugs. It's great. The funny thing is that I built this desktop without even the slightest intention of hackintoshing, but trying to program in windows after being used to NIX tools thanks to my MBP was painful, so I decided to give it a shot. And lo and behold, everything except sleep works. Shit's insane
Jace Smith
>Similarly specced (8Gb RAM, 250 GB SSD) I just got a MBP 2012 13", stock specs, threw in 8GB of RAM from my parts drawer and two 240GB SSDs in RAID0.
Why the fuck would you look on eBay? People jew out on there all the time, don't you have any local pages? Apple retards buy new Macs all the time and stash their old ones away, they are in great condition and people sell them for real cheap if you bother actually looking for one.
Adam Barnes
macOS is great, far better for everyday tasks and home workstation use than Windows or Linux. The only time I use Windows is for "muh gaymes".
Hunter Johnson
I have never seen that, only heard people talking about it on here and i cannot find one post about it using google.
I live in the middle of nowhere. It is truly the land of walmart laptops.
Dylan Thompson
>I have never seen that, only heard people talking about it on here and i cannot find one post about it using google.
Because it's not that hard.
It's a stupid idea anyways, you can get a far better specced MBP than a T420 or X220 for almost the same price, if you're really going to cry over a hundred bucks over a item you want to work and be reliable, then sure, keep Hackintoshing, it's as retarded as ricefags who don't actually use their computers.
Michael Edwards
This entirely. People on Sup Forums claim things work without ever fucking realizing when shit goes wrong. Fuck, most Windows users wouldn't even notice windows explorer STILL has a bug where black boxes appear under the title bar when moving the window around.
Cameron Thomas
>Because it's not that hard. Then why has NOBODY blogged about it?
Jason Wood
Obviously they can't compare it to the real thing if they have never had the real thing. You can say fucking a guys asslhole is the best thing ever if you never actually fucked a womans pussy.
Jack Torres
>Then why has NOBODY blogged about it? Because it's literally just solder on USB leads and remove old trackpad and solder on new one
Juan Cruz
It is for the old shit ones from the non unibodys. The unibody MBP ones have the controller on the logic board itself.
Hunter Gonzalez
>It is for the old shit ones from the non unibodys. The unibody MBP ones have the controller on the logic board itself.
2009-2010 Unibodies had glass multitouch trackpads, same ones used until the MBP that got force touch.
The older MBPs still have the touchpad controller on the touchpad, it merges with the keyboard controllers USB controller.
Alexander Nelson
no, I got a mac
Adam Morris
Topkek, where did "muh desktop thread" go? Wooooops!
Chase Peterson
>Aren't hackintosh unstable as hell? >I tried it back in 2009 and it would crash constantly. kek. they're rock solid. even imessage works.
get one of the mobo's that has been tested & approved by ppl on Tonyx86 site and you're good to go.
Even bluetooth works (something I can't get working under Linux).
Ayden Myers
No thanks, I'll stick with MBPs
Jose Johnson
>lying on the internet why tho
Jackson Gomez
To help him sleep at night for being a idiot.
Lincoln Green
she's not though, everything literally just works
Ethan Kelly
I have a OC'd haswell based hack with a 970. I built it to make music because DAWs tend to be far more stable with "questionable" software than windows. OSX really excels in audio production, they have a ton of exclusive software that is top tier stuff because of apples deal with logic.
I haven't had any problems whatsoever, ive actually had more problems with windows than my hack. Sleep state works great, rock solid stable, working bluetooth, I use carbon copy to create a bootable backup of my system drive for when I make changes. If something really goes to shit I can rebuild the entire machine from scratch in an hour using an internal drive with time machine. The only thing that was difficult was generating a patch for the power states for an overclocked CPU because it only allows a max clock multiplier of 42 instead of 45 like i needed with my 4.5ghz hack.
The thing benches better than a 5 thousand dollar iMac, I don't game anymore so who gives a shit about MAH FPS but it does get decent FPS in games but nowhere near windows levels. Anyone who isn't hackintosh masterrace and says its shit is trying to justify the fact they are too lazy to make it work properly.
Jaxon Price
why continue lying tho pls seek mental help
Brayden Watson
>Sleep state works great, >he's still lying in 2017 grow up man
Lincoln Campbell
I wanted to go this route but fuckers caught wind that those Mac Pros can be upgraded with best in socket CPUs, SSDs and Ram and now they sell for like $1000 bucks minimum. I tried to scope a deal on craigslist but pajeets on there are constantly posting wanted ads to pay like 700 bucks for them. I am keeping my eye out for one thats going to the garbage but ill never find one.
Ryder Adams
I have a hackintosh x220 and the only problem is the shit IPS screen. I'm gonna buy a 2016 mbp (no meme touchbar) and just put linux on my x220 mounted to a dock with a 4K monitor
Jackson Collins
Keep justifying your inferior pleb tier OS wincuck.
Carter Smith
kek it just doesn't fucking work. i tried for over a week with absolutely no success because macOS hates my motherboard's USB ports.
Josiah Hughes
what am I lying about exactly?
there's literally thousands of videos on YT showing you how easy it is to build a hackintosh.
you can even build a small hackintosh of the slightly larger than Mac mini.
I run a Hackintosh because I make apps for App Store. That;s my primary source of income now.
Kevin Jackson
> Can't even install Mac OS in a virtual machine because ayymd > I need to use Xcode this semester End my fucking life familia
James Stewart
Funny thing is my windows sleep state never worked because I installed a multi monitor manager and the thing fucking broke sleep state and even after uninstalling I couldn't get sleep states back. I had to reformat just to sleep my computer again.
Wincucks on suicide watch.
James Thompson
If I was to hackintosh my desktop PC, would it just werk like my macbook pro?
Michael Perez
Most likely, desktops usually have less issues than laptops for that specific purpose.
Kayden Howard
It will work just like it aside from some minor bullshit that is gimmicky as fuck like airdrop, imessage and handoff. They can be made to work, imessage is pretty simple fix if you spend the time. airdrop and handoff needs 40 dollar official wifi card adapter combo to work perfectly. I never bothered since I will just take my phone calls on my phone, not my desktop.
Samuel Green
Ever since I switched to hackintosh, I have more tools, less time, less patience and I'm a bit lazier.
I'm not sure.
Lucas Bell
is that a 21.5" or a 27" model?
Bentley Edwards
It would. However, it depends on your hardware if it works at all. There are a lot of hardware guides online. Just check one out of you're interested. If anything causes problems, it's most likely the GPU. I couldn't get OSX to run on my Radeon 6870 for example (Yes, I'm a poorfag. Bought it 6 years ago and still use it). Also, don't use an AMD CPU.
Leo Russell
got an i7 4790k and no gpu
Cameron James
honestly if your using and AMD CPU you shouldn't be on this board
Carter Williams
Has to be a 27. The keyboard would be way wider than the 21.5
Austin Turner
Install an older version of macOS with a AMD patched kernel? Do you need the latest and greatest Xcode?
Jordan Butler
You have a MBP, what's the need for a desktop "mac"?
Angel Rogers
How does that work out?
Luis Price
>Sup Forums is full of faggots trying to get most out of the least money, like THIS thread or /tpg/ >DON'T USE AMDDDDD REEEE
Jaxon Nelson
I quite like macOS, have nothing in particular that I *need* to use windows for
Would only go for a hackintosh if it's stable and just werks though, can't be arsed with having to spend time fixing obsurce issues with my machine anymore