>he pirates with torrents
He pirates with torrents
i have access to NSAs mainframe so i just get it from there
>he pirates
what do you use then
>he uses Linux despite no real advantages
Look at him and laugh!
Why don't you try to teach someone something instead of being a massive faggot?
what is there besides torrents?
XDCC 4 lyfe
Fuck off back to Usenet dad
Works perfectly
Pirated New Vegas, Hunie Pop, Fallout 4, Need For Speed, etc with torrents when I'm pirating.
What's wrong with it, please tell me?
>he uses computers
Falling for memes.
Hosting sites can be an option
I have never bought software in my entire life. Genesis cartridges don't count, they are hardware.
>he still posts the normie frog
>he still posts
>he still lives
>spoopy boggeyman
>being able to actually write programs and browse the internet with only 1GiB of RAM isn't a real advantage
You do realize that the APA and NCAA monitor this board, right?
you do realize simply visiting this site puts you on a list right?
Torrents are the most efficient way to distribute large files, prove me wrong.
>He lives in a """"""free"""""" country where torrenting can get him in trouble
>1GiB of RAM isn't a real advantage
Too poor to afford more? Even having 32GB this day and age, free RAM is wasted RAM, that's what YOU Linux faggots have been saying for years.
This, hes only butthurt because he can get in trouble for it, my ISP and country don't give a shit about torrenting.
>he doesn't manually write exact copies of software to the disk by hand using a needle
it's magnetic you dipshit, you don't even touch the platter
>magnetic needles
>in 2017
what the fuck are you talking about needles for? a hard drive is not a record player you dipshit
>he doesnt use a record player as a HDD
>his hard drive doesnt use a needle for read/write
its 2017 user its time to upgrade
t. Buttmad pajeet
this triggered me
he said magnetic needle you fuck, record players use needles to read information, they're saying you would use a magnetised needle to write binary information to the disk (which is a joke but also not wrong as far as hard disks go)
copies and floppys
shooting other ships is bad
>he uses the internet
5 years ago I would have endorsed piracy with usenet but fuck that
9 in 10 files I download have missing parts or have been removed completely by the government. Even new files like GoT get fucked so quickly there's no advantage whatsoever over torrents
So I just go to HTTPS.com?
> country where torrenting can get him in trouble
What communist shithole are we talking about?
what game's that picture from? I can't remember the name
hell yea nigga, thanks
I love how this meme works every time
>not using the hardware you paid for is an advantage
Switzerland, nigger
>Using public trackers
You only have yourself to blame.
to say nothing of the GNAA
The ratio always give it away
this bitch does not have a single feminine feature
There really aren't disadvantages if you don't need Windows for anything specific. Dual booting in 2017 is just dum.
Usenet. Everything is 40 rars.
Keked hard
Are they still active?
Their problems were with usenet, nerfherder.
Checkity checked!
Welcome to Sup Forums
Seriously you must be new here. Asking any sort of inquiry or help will get you flamed by socially awkward nerds who this is their only opportunity to feel superior as in their day to day lives others walk all over them and shit on them.
Best bet is to just keep lurking and eventually you will find the answers you seek.
>paying for overpriced hardware when a 2010 netbook still works
Generic as fuck and still going strong. GNU/Linux distributions that focus on small footprint are best.