WTF happened to Youtube comments? Now, when you click that bell at the top when you have a message, you get this screen and you can't reply and when you click, you get the video page and if you try to reply, you get an error... until you reload the page.
What's going on?
Eli Butler
>reading youtube comments
Anthony Hughes
On consumer tech reviews, common comments are about how poor he (person posting comment) is and he should get the device for free.
When a person complains about a product in the comments, some guy will start begging for the product. "Give it to me :P". It's disgusting.
Liam Cruz
>reading/making youtube comments
Christopher Johnson
meh, I like to fuck with people. I usually leave nonsensical comments that get people riled up.
anyway, do the rest of you have these new comments or old ones?
Luke Sullivan
>meh, I like to fuck with people. as noted by you fucking with your own life wasting time 'riling people up' on youtube :)
Ian Carter
Because YouTube just couldn't leave the fucking UI alone after they already had it right in 2007. That's the major problem of many programmers, they keep making little changes to something that was good until it ends up becoming a steaming pile of dog shit.
Levi Ramirez
why don't you fuck off back to Sup Forums and or Sup Forums then
Gavin Stewart
Dunno user >like if you listen to this in >I came from / >wow I remember watching this ago
Youtube comments are cancer.
Landon Thomas
If you have to view the video again there is a chance for more ads to load.
Jason Russell
TOPKEK you sound like a plbbitard.
Robert Sanchez
I have uBlockO. haven't seen a YT ad in years. I bet they're even more obnoxious now than before.
Joseph Rogers
I block them with umatrix, got tired of cringing at retards. Life improved a lot.
Nathaniel Long
What site do you block to get rid of comments? It's not obvious which server handles them.....
Dylan Lewis
everything except first party stuff on firefox, on chrome/chromium it's harder i think cause of the jewgle integration
Cooper Rogers
oh yeah i forgot, on i also allow googlevideo and s.ytimg to get the video and thumbnails
Jonathan Clark
thanks. I might block them at some point but I like interacting with few people on there who've I've gotten to know better.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
You people complain about youtube comments yet you post on Sup Forums. Do you even realize how fucking laughable your comments are?!
Gavin Williams
think how bad youtube comments must be if people who can tolerate Sup Forums think they're shit
Jackson Morris
YouTube's UI was shit in 2007.
Julian Kelly
>You people *giggles*
Carter Cruz
Just because we behave like idiots doesn't excuse you behaving like idiots