Screenfetch thread?
screenfetch thread.
Winfags need not apply
Screenfetch thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
>inb4 hackerman
>installing memes
No thanks
Clearly a desktop thread.
what irc client is that?
What part of "screenfetch thread" compelled you stupid fucks to post your whole desktops?
>I'm a faggot! Please notice me!
Nice blog you got there, fag.
Not an argument, Satan.
>having such a shitty desktop that nobody wants to watch
here's why you haven't posted yours
too drunk to crop, but it's near the top left
I have a plain grey wallpaper and no bells or whistles because I'm not autistic. This is a screenfetch thread, not a desktop thread.
Jordan, you attention whoring piece of shit.
When are you going to kill yourself?
Just please do it now
This is my thread and I say what this is, you little shit.
>plain grey wallpaper and no bells or whistles
>claims he's not autistic.
>not wanting to use the best package manager known to man
Won't even both copy/pasting it this time you hateful piece of CRAP
you mean apt?
omg you retard, dpkg is the package manager
apt is just a tool to manage dpkg
Well, you said it's a screenfetch thread. Shit or get off the pot.
>riced out anime desktop
>not autistic
>lacking attention so much that you have to show off on anonymous image board for pedophiles
kys you trash
>show off
showing off what exactly mate?
Just posted a screenfetch and you attacked
Derp Derp.
you always post a picture with your name on it. ALWAYS
Wallpaper pls
So is this the way to get around the desktop thread ban? I honestly don't care, there are more cancerous threads on Sup Forums the mods should actually give a shit about. Keeping the ricing autists in one thread was nice and sometimes these threads are comfy.
pretty common in a SCREENFETCH thread which shows your username lol
>tripfag circlejerk is somehow comfy
getting your panties twisted over ricers is retarded anyways. They're just people having fun customizing shit and sharing pretty pictures they set up. If you have a deep burning hatred of anime and those who watch it and throw a hissy fit when someone posts loli you should just go to reddit or SA, if its about avatar/trip/other-forms-of-identity-fagging, stop being so obsessive about it. Yeah, keeping an identity on Sup Forums is stupid, just ignore it or hide them if it bothers you.
also, when did we decide that having any kind of interest in anything was "autistic"? Its worse than the use of "cringe."
on topic, screenfetch and only screenfetch.
"I can't install Arch"
>fizzbuzz.c fizzbuzz helloworld.c helloworld
My other computer is a minimal "DIY" "Built up from scratch" install. Not arch, but its not like that kinda thing is different in other distros.
My other fuckaround laptop is openBSD.
sasuga clover-san.
not even a fizzbuzz, you overestimate me.
Im not trying to insinuate im a hardcore C programmer by taking it from my C directory, its just the one that happened to be open on that terminal.
good on you, honest
I did it for the (You)s (。>﹏
It would pleasure me to see you fags die due to an aortic aneurysm.
>tries to make his computer look and feel like macOS
>other people are fags
muh packages
One shitpost deserves another
Is there a distro that makes watching hd anime possible on this dinosaur?
Screenfetch thread?
I dont think theres an operating system that makes it viable to watch 1920x1080 on 1024x768, no.
First time ricing, how did I do ?
that wallpaper art style is disgusting trash and you should feel ashamed of yourself for downloading it.
This thread is sure to get deleted if it turns into the desktop thread, though.
>winfags need not apply
Why not terrarium, are there differences worth noting?
An aquarium holds water
Yeah but isn't it worse being a fish than a lizard?
It's possible, but in this case I said I was the aquarium, not the animals inside of it
Point taken.
I unironically use arch. Is this okay?
Where can I get that openboc theme?
Here's not the openbox theme but a Sup Forums CSS:
From my netbook. I'll post my other laptop in a minute. Gotta reboot it to Fedora.
How do I use this? Is it just for the browser or the wm?
U can stylize websights with stylrrrr for firefox
I understand that bit, but I meant the terminal window; the Ikaflat border style, how can I apply that to openbox? Sorry for being a dumb ass.
install gentoo
what audio player and file browser? I like them both!
>hates anime
>posts on anime board
>uses toy operating system
>saves anti-anime copypasta
>not living the minimal life
>tor-browser_en-US on the desktop
10/10 for spookyness.
0/0 for using frakendebian.
nice background
i am the ⎡ L I N UX H A C K A ⎦, my favorite softwares is htop, screenfetch, cmatrix, and VIM, better editor than EMACS
please rate the gentoo desktop politely
and from my laptop.
Link to wallpaper? Also what's the font used in the top bar.
install Arc theme. And install one of the better icon themes.
Audio player is ncmpcpp + mpd and file browser is ranger.
here is wallpaper:
font is aerial
>Audio player is ncmpcpp + mpd
damn. it looks nothing like mine. what kind of custom stuff do I need?
More semicolons
Alternative mode, hide columns, (iirc that's what they're called, could be wrong) and change characters for progress bar.. those should be easy to find by searching the config file.
i kinda like the simplicity of yours too.
interesting. any good conf files on github you'd recommend as a starting point?
;™ is a copyright of Ftubuntu Heavy Industries.
what kind of cock-mongling aspie fuck would "ironically" use a certain operating system?
also, what kind of visualizer do you use? mine's the default one and it seems to be an FFT visualizer. Yours looks like some kind of a sinusoidal wave thingy... not even sure if that's set in MPD.
I think there is an example config file somewhere provided with ncmpcpp that you can copy to ~/.ncmpcpp or ~/.config/ncmpcpp
Should be in /usr/share/doc/ncmpcpp assuming it installed sanely.
It's one built into ncmpcpp, in the config do: visualizer_type = wave_filled