RIP Firefox

Firefox is dying, Sup Forums. Their marketshare is trending towards zero. All the programmers I know run either Chrome and Safari (I'm from SF). Alpha geeks don't even open Firefox anymore. Most developers don't even extensively test their sites in Firefox.

Should we be concerned about it or is Firefox beyond salvaging?

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the are still in 3rd place, maybe it's not so bad

Linux is at 2% so...

They threw their lot in with the SJWs. They can rot.

>>Should we be concerned about it or is Firefox beyond salvaging?
We should be concerned about you shithead faggots in the bay area, that's what we should be concerned about. Web devs are the source of a lot of the internet's modern problems.

>he cares about market share

What is the problem?
Perhaps, it's the lack of multiprocessing by default? When 99% of FF clients use e10s, the situation might improve.

>implying market share matters

RIP Apple

>make shitty laggy browser
>competition doesn't make shitty laggy browser
>people don't use shitty laggy browser

gee i wonder

I care because Google is now essentially the internet itself. Smartphone usage has been above desktop/laptop usage for months now and Android has something ludicrous like 90% of the smartphone market worldwide. Combine that with Chrome's eternal consumption of Firefox's and IE's marketshare and soon you'll realize that there is no way to escape the botnet.

low marketshare => low profits for Mozilla (or whatever they spell their name now) => no money to pay programmers => even shittier Firefox => even lower marketshare => DEAD

they have plenty of programmers and have for years. The problem is they've spent all their time imitating Chrome instead of being an alternative to Chrome.

Faggotfox can go die in a fire.

They should scrap it, finish Servo and stop shoving opinions in their products. Oh, and fire all sjws, nothing productive will be done as long as they have a say in the development.

Embrace the botnet my friend

It's still used by millions around the world so I'm not worried about the development stopping. I am worried about it having turned to shit but what can you do. Still haven't found a better alternative.

Is this guy right?

>Google is bent on establishing platform domination unlike anything we've ever seen, even from late-1990s Microsoft. Google controls Android, which is winning; Chrome, which is winning; and key Web properties in Search, Youtube, Gmail and Docs, which are all winning. The potential for lock-in is vast and they're already exploiting it, for example by restricting certain Google Docs features (e.g. offline support) to Chrome users, and by writing contracts with Android OEMs forcing them to make Chrome the default browser. Other bad things are happening that I can't even talk about. Individual people and groups want to do the right thing but the corporation routes around them. (E.g. PNaCl and Chromecast avoided Blink's Web standards commitments by declaring themselves not part of Blink.) If Google achieves a state where the Internet is really only accessible through Chrome (or Android apps), that situation will be very difficult to escape from, and it will give Google more power than any company has ever had.

>Microsoft and Apple will try to stop Google but even if they were to succeed, their goal is only to replace one victor with another.

>So if you want an Internet --- which means, in many ways, a world --- that isn't controlled by Google, you must stop using Chrome now and encourage others to do the same. If you don't, and Google wins, then in years to come you'll wish you had a choice and have only yourself to blame for spurning it now.

>Of course, Firefox is the best alternative :-). We have a good browser, and lots of dedicated and brilliant people improving it. Unlike Apple and Microsoft, Mozilla is totally committed to the standards-based Web platform as a long-term strategy against lock-in. And one thing I can say for certain is that of all the contenders, Mozilla is least likely to establish world domination :-).

False dilemma.

how so? he's right

why does everybody keep on whining about the sjws?
>firefox is a browser
>a browser
>i'm using it to browse the internet
so why the fuck should i care about what the ceo thinks of gender diverse emojis?

Well, what do you have to chosse between?


He's only right in that people should drop Chrome.

>last battallion of internet privacy
>wants it to rot because of differing opinion
Stop being a hypocrite, alt-righter.

If firefox cannot compete, it should die.
Community will fork firefox and make it great again, without SJWzilla cucks.

>Stop being a hypocrite, alt-righter.
you're on the wrong site, dirty stinking commie.

be as it may, firefox is still the best browser around.

marketshare means little when most people are tech illiterate.

hey, kiddo, shut the fuck up and go to your edgy friends over at pol.

>"Richard Spencer didn't deserve an assault. He just had a differing opinion! :'("
>"SJWfox CEO has differing opinion. Die BIAATCHH!!!"

Honestly, Firefox has a lot of issues with slow loading times and other things, but while Chrome/Chromium is a better browser 9/10's of the time, I can't honestly use something that doesn't at least make passing attempts at abusing my right to privacy.

And people using Safari for desktop use outside of a iOS/mobile dev environment? Safari is a piece of dog shit on the level of Edge. No wonder SF'ers are so brain damaged.


>he thinks different sorts of people visit Sup Forums and Sup Forums
kek'd. you need to go back where you came from, commie trash.

well its a shitty product. git gud.

>back in firefox 28 australis update cloned chrome's design
>Fired the guy they just made CEO who made the language that drives the entire web in a weekend, because sjw found that he privately donated to support his religious beliefs 2 years prior
>tab page ads
>give large amounts of funding to support girls who code
>web development in chrome is better
>chromium is open source

Aside from the god tier web api reference mdn, they can go rot.

is this you?

go back to Sup Forums and never come back faggot

you don't want to support companies being bigoted against males.

I bet if you were a white male and applied to work for Mozilla, they'd discriminate agianst you based on your gender and color of skin

STFU you bigot, Sup Forums is board of piece

your polphobia is disgusting you fucking racist

What's an SF?

>he still uses Cuckfox

Firefox is fucking garbage good only for leftists and SJWs. Move to a real browser, losers.

Firefox is losing marketshare because it's garbage. People have spoken!

So if the key to stop GOOGLE WORLD DOMINATION is dropping chrome, what use then? All other browsers are fucking trash.

Is there a better browser than Nightly (Firefox) 64b.?

All the other browsers I've used are lacklusters in someways.

Pale Moon, qutebrowser, Midori. I think Konqueror got a KDE5 port not too long ago.

>using nightly instead of ESR
I don't want them breaking addons or fucking with the interface every few weeks. Rapid releases are one of the worst trends in modern software development.

False equivalency. Deciding to drop a product does not equal physically assaulting it's creators/developers

What browser would that be, mon-ami?

I don't care about the SJWs. I cared about memory leaks crashing the browser every other day unless you constantly removed it.

I could crash the browser daily just by having a twitch stream open all day. Browse with 4 tabs, hit 2gb 32bit memory limit and fucking explodes like a pile of trash. This continued like 20 firefox versions and many many fresh profiles, gave the fuck up and installed Chrome.

>Safari has 3% market share
>macfags claim it's the best browser

it's the best browser on their shitty OS because if you use any other browser the battery life is halved

I don't know why they don't have a system for saying "when the tab is closed, take all objects in memory or in the JS interpreter owned by that tab, and drop them on the floor"

As a Firefox user I can't wait for it to drop to fucking zero.

This is the only way for Mozilla to realize they dun niggered hard and social projects was not the reason why people used Firefox in the past.

Stupid useless people will get fired for their shit job.
Only dedicated developers will stay.
And those few developers will push Firefox into the new bright age.

Or it will just die.
Either way it will be for the better

Firefox will force PulseAudio with 52, SeaMonkey and ungoogled chromium are the only options left.

>Sup Forumsedditors shittalking
lmao, r/thedonald called, they want all of you back home

Firefox depends on its community to thrive. The smaller the community, the worse off they are.

It'll be good if it dies only if that gets momentum behind a fork. We need it as a browser, it's the Mozilla organization and the people there that we need to get rid of.


Apple on suicide watch.

I used to loved Firefox, I really did...
For me, the last drop has the removal of tab groups

Mozilla going to shit is a legit issue you tard. It's not just Sup Forums that's against Mozilla prioritizing politics over quality.

>le google boogeyman

Yknow mozilla's greatest backer is google right?

>only if that gets momentum behind a fork

It won't. A fork will only attract die-hards and that is a much smaller community than Mozilla has now. Updates will be much slower and will fade far behind Chromium. The fork won't go far.

>Updates will be much slower
you say that like its a bad thing. So many of FF's problems have been because they coded some new thing when they should have just kept what they had.

That includes security updates and optimizations.

Which get provided just fine for ESR, without the new-version-every-six-weeks bullshit.

When will multicore support finally come? I'm tired of Firefox freezing at only 25% CPU.


Who's the semen demon

Isnt Penn a horsefucker?

I imagine he means San Francisco.

dont forget that AMP shit
I see more and more sites using it everyday

I use Edge

doesnt it already have that?
though it only works when you use compatible addons, which most arent.

firefox can't die because of it's addon.
Mozila is going to shit.
But I seriously worry about it. Mozila trying to deprecate XUL XPCOM addon just for speed. Then most of addon will not work >> firefox have no advantage >> really die.
I'm not using firefox for speed but for addon. Mozila want to copy inferior chrome. This make firefox worese than worse.

>which most arent.

Which is a very big problem. Mozilla should announce plans to discontinue XUL extensions (which are not sandboxed nor capable with multicore) far enough ahead to give developers the push to port their extensions to the new WebExtensions platform.

I have a feeling that if Mozilla keeps allowing XUL, extension developers who are still using XUL will continue to slack off and the browser ecosystem will stagnate, putting Firefox far behind everyone else.

what's the alternative?
where's my tab mix plus for chrome? where's downthemall?

I switched to Chrome because it literally renders 100x faster even with FF vanilla. Don't know what the fuck they're doing but they need to quit adding retarded shit like Pocket and focus on fixing their engine.
Also, FF takes a lot more time to open.

i dont like firefox

but i hate chrome even more

so i just use firefox

>Yknow mozilla's greatest backer is google right?


>15k to run a script

>Firefox is dying

Good. Took long enough.

sed -i 's/slave/something' *
wheres my 15k?

They turned me off with their stealth ads and apparently, telemetry.

If they cut that shit out I might come back.

>Android has something ludicrous like 90% of the smartphone market
Don't say that famalam, you'll rustle the apple cocksuckers whose job it is to make bullshit apple threads all day on here.

Google used to be, they don't back them anymore and it was for Firefox to default to Google search. They pulled out their resources a few years ago and that's when Mozilla switched to yahoo as default and started pulling desperate moves like adding pocket and other bullshit addons, and going full SJW.


^^^ this.
they got most of their money from Yahoo.

after they went full-SJW, I gave up on them. even their developers like the whole SJW team are communists and SJW proponents.

>dat text
I'd fucking immediately rm that shit browser from my machine if it showed me that garbage.

That was so fucking stupid what they did. I used to love that feature.

Edge fucking sucks ass. It's still buggy and freezes randomly. It's pop up blocker just flat out doesn't work at all.

>Firefox is dying

About fucking time. It has done nothing but get worse in every version since 14.

You'd have to suffer from some sort of mental disability to still be using that garbage today.

go back to your containment board you fucking sperg

Well, you have to decide what your priorities are. Seeing feminist propaganda one time before you change your homepage, or sharing your data with some assholes any time you're browsing.. It's a hard one gotta admit that

>he thinks diff people visit Sup Forums and Sup Forums
kek'd at your stupidity, fag. you even quote like a fucking plebbitard. time for you to go back to plebbit... you dumb piece of pig shit.

why is everyone an asshole at this board?

hahaha... fucking newfag. this isn't your safe space, retard. try tumblr.

>implying people use Chrome because it's better

Fuck off. Normies don't use Chrome because it's better, normies use Chrome because they trust Google, they browse the Internet through Google and when Google tells them every time they do a web search "hey buddy, install Chrome. It's better!" They don't think "shove your spam up your ass, Google" they think "gee, thanks buddy!" And proceed to install Chrome.

If Google told them to get an enema and drink the liquid diarrhea that comes out of their ass, they would because they trust Google blindly.

I actually use Private browsing so I don't always see it. However if I restart the browser to enable or disable e10 I get that on fresh installation. Changing homepage doesn't change the fact that its a SJW browser.

thanks for the tip


Provide people to switch away from Chrome instead of using your retarded flavor of the month meme and maybe the situation will improve.

"Hmm I like using Chrome and I find the account syncing between devices to be very convenient. Having the ability to see what tabs are open on each of my devices is a great feature that I use all the time.

But you said the word botnet so I'll switch to Firefox asap, thanks!"

Provide people reasons*