Don't use propiertary software

Don't make this cute duck sad

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Quality thread

What the actual duck?

Are contrib packages okay?

firmware blobs ok?

Cute duck is cute

qt! :3!

why do you think it is not ok to use proprietary software but it is ok to use proprietary hardware?

are video games ok?

is Windows okay?

Sorry duck I play flash games.

are websites with non-free javascript ok?

muh games

non-free javascript? What do you mean?

install gentoo, you'll find out

I'm rendering this cute duck on Windows 7 in Chrome. I'm sorry, ducky.

Duck is cute. CUTE!

>Non-free javascript


The kind of javascript you have to screenshot instead of being able to save it directly

Why do you hate my freedom?

JavaScript programs that run in a web browser and don't have a free license. And sometimes you don't even get the source code if it's been minified. You often can't tell it's happening, and browsers provide some amount of sandboxing, but it's still a proprietary program running on your computer.

It's the sole purpose of Sup Forums, mate