Ask a freelance WebDev (making 60€/h) proficient in pic related hipster technologies anything
> Angular 2
> Rails
> NodeJS
Ask a freelance WebDev (making 60€/h) proficient in pic related hipster technologies anything
> Angular 2
> Rails
> NodeJS
What's the contents of your private key?
Can you touch your bellybutton with the tip of your erect penis while standing up straight?
how do i lose my virginity
How do we invent antigravity
Why don't you shill or blog in /wdg/ so people can lambast you for your framework?
it's private information
stop being an autistic faggot
visit a black hole and take a chunk out of it
Can I still make bank by mastering HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and SQL?
or do I need to learn all these gay ass frameworks and shit?
why is angular so shit
bank? no. make a living and be a self sustaining adult? yes.
what npm packages do you like or find useful?
I used to think nodejs was just a poor excuse for a language made for people too lazy to learn anything other than javascript.
>freelance developer charging 60/hr, uses ruby
How is it having 2 clients a year?
Is it bad if I can?
leftpad, use it on all my projects.
why is php so popular? is java dead?
programming methods that will get you rich:
A. Be exceptionally good at business/ people management
B. Have a rich dad
C. Be lucky
because you're too dump to master it.
ok so nodejs as a backend is pretty shit imo, i use it mainly for microservices.
If i need a huge, powerful monolith backend, i''l go with rails 5 in --api mode, with devise-token-auth gem for user management, paperclip for file management, etc.
Then ill just hook up the REST API to my angular 2 frontend (using angular services) using angular2-token npm package for user management:
okay, I have no idea what youre doing.
But where do I have to start to become something like you and where do you get your jobs?
Do you freelance or are you hired?
If your freelancing:
How do you find clients?
If your hired:
How did you get the job and how did you aquire the neccasary pre-reqs (schooling? Or self taught?)
pretty good considering one mission can go from 4-6 months
I feel sorry for your clients. It should never take more than 2 weeks to develop any LOB application
>If your freelancing:
>How do you find clients?
usually they find me in LinkedIn, you can check listing in LinkedIn for jobs requiring techs that interest you.
>ruby and JS
I guess some people have to do the dirty work.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years?
>It pads out the lefthand-side of strings with zeroes or spaces
depends on the scale of the project
> why is php so popular?
technical debt, old ass developers telling young blood to use it because that's all they know.
>is java dead?
of course not.
How does your colon taste?
I've been making 40USD/h for almost one year. (Fullstack bro, actually can learn shit by myself, React meme, 4 years doing this)
I know for a fact that a developer on a similar level (but maybe a bit better than me) was earning 60USD until recently in the same job, now he earns even more.
Is it time to go trying to break the 60USD mark? Any advice from your perspective?
whats a good pay to ask for for a part time dev gig?
How could you make 400$/h while here I could only make 180$/month?
Wait I live in a third world country.
>making 60€/h
how do you find work, bro?
how do you learn new technologies? any good resources?
ps: your setup and software skills is exactly what I want to do as well.
Is php really this shit or is it just a meme?
I live in a third world country too, but I work remote
How did you get proficient at angular 2?
>implying getting proficient at angular 2 is hard
not OP btw
Woah there.
What is Angular 2?
>Is it a web server program?
>Is it a language? Markup of scripting
What is Rail?
>Can't guess what it is.
What is NodeJs?
>Is it a web server?
>Is it a client sever?
>Is it a stack framework for web?
How do you do hosting, WHM, cpanel, vps etc?
How do you handle clients domain names?
Me and a friend are thinking of doing something similar. It seems easy enough, but I am a little confused on the hosting/domain/billing side of things.
I wish people like you hadn't ruined Ruby.
>visit a blackhole
you're retarded
just inverse propulsion
Lol you can charge way more. I get $85 an hour salaried ($175k a year if we're being gay)
Do you prefer dick in your mouth or asshole? I know you like both, but which do you prefer?
Which language do to like the most and why? Give an example of each language's use in a practical situation. Faggot. :^)
Why don't you work for a company and make more money?
It's shit. Google "PHP wtf".
Kids who learned Python in grade school think you only need one server side language
Just ignore it, PHP isn't going anywhere
How's the Rails market these days, do the clients consider it a legacy technology?
Have you tried Elixir/Phoenix or Crystal/Kemal? Do you plan on switching to either?
Ask different kind of web experts. Responses with 2 words don't count.
>PHP isn't going anywhere
Duh. That's not the question that was asked, though.
It's a fine language. People who have issues with it are usually syntax retards.
>It's a fine language.
If your client dictates your choice of language, you can make do, sure. In that sense it's fine. If you need a redundant array of commodity Pakistani programmers, once again, sure. (But you're probably mistaken that you need one.) If you can deploy existing code PHP instead of writing your own code in any language, sure for the third time. But there is very little to no reason to start a new, nontrivial project without this kind of constrains from scratch in PHP. You'll do yourself, your client and your code's future maintainers a disservice. And no, PHP 7 doesn't change that.
>People who have issues with it are usually syntax retards.
In my experience they tend to be more "predictable semantics retards" or "security retards" or "business logic correctness retards".
Are you currently learning another mv* js framework?
Please list 2 active security issues of PHP that you remember.
It's puerile hate from fagtrons who are stuck to feature-crippled sublanguages like Python or Ruby. None of those even come close to PHP feature-wise. Ruby doesn't even have interfaces. And damn, Python doesn't even have proper object orientation at all!
PHP7 and Laravel are fine you elitist faggot
>believing in security as a product
Wanna know how I know you're a security toddler?
i hate web developers because they all treat you like shit if you don't use the absolute newest languages and libraries and tons of reactive shit for everything even if all you're doing is displaying some photos on an otherwise blank element of a page
i hate users because theyre super fucking entitled and expect you to do shit like translate their sites or do sales footwork for them
fuck 100% of tech field development and everyone who asks for it
>expect you to do shit like translate their sites or do sales footwork for them
Why not do it (or subcontract it) and charge appropriately for your services?
How did you start? What books did you read? What websites did you use? What other resources did you use?
I don't know about him, but I don't do it because I don't speak any language other than English. Why would I need to learn some subhuman shitskin language?
You don't. You can charge for being the middleman between your client and translators know it.
>implying you'll get paid for it
Can I brag about the things I lack?
>using "elitist" as an insult
Let me guess, you were either a Trump or a Hillary supporter?
He's living in a 3rd world country and his local companies probably pay less than foreign clients.
Are you a pajeet OP?
>perceiving elitist as anything other than an insulat
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but pretentious faggots like you are repulsive and insufferable
Why does /wdg/ keep dying?
I made a thread that expired within 2 hours. There must be some serious post increases on Sup Forums.
>60 euronotes
Is that good? I'm billing out around 50 dollaridoos/hr to do odd jobs in python. Seems I always have more offers than I can do. Am I lowballing?
>pretentious faggots like you are repulsive and insufferable
Look at this effete aesthete.
What matters is that elitism builds civilizations (or even just imageboards) and egalitarianism destroys everything it touches. But it's true that you can look cool, with it, and not pretentious at all while on the destroying team.
You should be adjusting your price to where you have just the right amount of work.
Bump to 55 and if it's still too much then go for 60. The sky is the limit. Give yourself 3 months between each increase to gauge properly.
Awesome job getting that much work btw.
How many hours a week do you work? The average full-time web dev in america makes like $35-50/hr
Kek keep tipping your Fedora and jerking off your 3 inch prick in the back of your community college philosophy class. If posting on a Cambodian pictogram consortium gives you a false sense of accomplishment, who am I to stop you.
13 or 15 macbook pro for web dev?
This isn't that good in Australia, I'd bump it up to $70-$100, especially if it's odd jobs.
>making 60€/h
What do you pull down a year, roughly?
Would you pivot to another profession in tech? Like sysadmin or developer for other languages?
thats what i would like to know too
>web dev
>needing a fucking $1500 facebook machine
it's probably just for one fucking program (xcode)
the rest you can do in notepad/textpad/plan 9
I've been hesitant to bump my bill up because I like being able to turn people down, but you're right I probably could get away with going up by a fiver.
~45hr/week average, depends on how much I feel like taking on.
Sry for the confusion m8, i meant american dollaridoos.
>I've been hesitant to bump my bill up because I like being able to turn people down
Stop being a poor businessman. Ego kills things. Your blood should be built of profit and time management. Do it this way and don't die a sucker.
This. I charged $20 for a WHOLE JOB when I started and I'm now charging more than 4x that per hour. I'm not a guru code wizard or a business genius. I just keep uping the ante as contracts come in and more people spread the word that I can finish a contract to spec in good time.
Self-employment can be fucking amazing if you let go of the idea that your time is worth X and just let the market handle that estimating for you.
You're smart. I'm happy to hear it.
Sorry for late response, it was night in Europe, this was my last response I'm going to start answering the most interesting questions starting from there, the most retarded (or not detailed enough, already answered) questions will be ignored.
I read and code a lot all the time (dedicate a fixed amount of time for self improvement every day, and follow it religiously), plus I have educational background in Software Engineering and Maths.
Follow the technologies you're interested in closely on twitter, their blogs, subreddits, github, newsletters, etc.
Code projects using these technologies that solve a real problem, post them on github even if they're shit.
If technology might get you a good salary, don't hesitate to invest in learning ressources, (books, videos courses, etc), I invested in some Udemy courses especially like this Udemy Course which teaches you from beginner to production grade Angular developer:
ABC: Always be codin'
it's shit, you need to understand that there are better and more fun technologies out there to work with.
>no proof of anything
ok user, sure you are
Read a lot of tutorials and followed video courses online, fucked with already existing open source apps on Github, here is a good resource to get started with:
I'm pretty good at Linux administration so I usually configure and setup my own hosting Virtual Linux servers on debian/ubuntu (as well as Continuous Integration/Delivery servers) on services like OVH and digital ocean for small to medium sized projects.
For something more hardcore that needs to be scaled easily and quickly, I use AWS of course.
For cloud infrastructure billing you could setup separate accounts for each client, and simply use the metrics from these accounts to bill.
>How do you handle clients domain names?
OVH is fine (in Europe)
> It seems easy enough
It's not.
worked for a company, made 4 times as less money.
Rails is fine.
>Have you tried Elixir/Phoenix or Crystal/Kemal? Do you plan on switching to either?
No because Rails is keeping up with current technologies, huge community, is battle tested, does everything I need (even more), and it's very fun to work with.
>Are you currently learning another mv* js framework?
Yes react+redux, but I prefer angular way more, too much boilerplate in react, I also use NativeScript+Angular for making native cross platform apps:
25 y/o now, started to get interested in computers at age of 12, started coding at 15, did software engineering and maths at university (while studying worked on sideprojects during free time to learn more), it's very important to get a good internship and a good mentor during you student years.
For techs and frameworks, mainly used free online tutorials to get the bases, for more in depths stuff and production grade quality used paid online courses on egghead and udemy.
Never used any books to be honest.
Macbook Pro is good for webdev, it has all the advantages of Linux, it has all the quality software that makes your workflow more pleasant and more efficient, plus macOS is a pretty sweet OS in itself. Personally I use 15 retina.
Depends if it's a good year or not, depends on the scale of projects and mission duration, bad year might get you around 30-40k euros, good year around 100k euros, it's very unstable, depends on your clientele, and skills of course.
>Would you pivot to another profession in tech
> Like sysadmin
God no, I'm not good with networking and don't enjoy it one bit
>developer for other languages?
Maybe native Swift development on iOS, would be pretty dope.
I'm looking to become a full stack web dev, and I'm not sure what backend lang/framework to commit to.
If you were starting again today, would you still choose Rails?
Also, is it worth committing to any frontend JS framework, or am I better off waiting until the dust settles? Right now almost everything I do is with vanilla JS.
> If you were starting again today, would you still choose Rails?
I absolutely would, it's very powerful and very solid, Rails core devs are awesome and very committed to it, and Rails open source community is huge and fantastic, we don't deserve having so many quality powerful Ruby Gems for free.
I can't speak for other frameworks like you mentioned, Elixir/Phoenix seems to be pretty good, people say a lot of good things about it, Crystal is pretty young and I think it's developed by a lone dev, not sure if the open source community is as massive as Ruby/Rails', to be honest I've never felt the need to use any of those with Rails for massive projects, when I need something small and fast i use nodejs (with express if needed).
for the second question
> Also, is it worth committing to any frontend JS framework, or am I better off waiting until the dust settles
On frontend frameworks there is a battle right now between react and angular (that's also where the jobs are, vue.js is fine but no jobs), dust settled on angular after angular 1, the switched to semantic versioning 2.0 and minimal breaking changes and each major version update, to give an idea, angular 4 is in beta right now (they've skipped 3 for reasons not important), i've tested most of my ng 2 apps on ng4, and there was zero retro compatibly issues.
Angular is for huge projects with a lot of moving parts and information flowing from all sides that needs to be handled quickly and update the UI accordingly in realtime. Do not use it for simple ass projects.
The biggest difference between react and angular? react is a library, you need to combine it with other libs to make a fully fledged app, you have the liberty and flexibity to chose your own style and architecture.
While Angular is an entire framework, where you have everything you need to make an app bundled in, you have specific set of rules and architecture style to follow on every project, I prefer it because it's easier to work with in teams, everyone follows the same style and architecture, and it's easier to pickup an existing project, you know what to expect.
What orm would I use with a node js web server and postgresql? Thanks
Pic unrelated
Why don't you get a real job doing real programming?
Why don't you?
Because I like what i do and i like money.
>Real programmer™
what a toxic filth
Is Vue.js a replacement for things like React/Angular, or a replacement for jQuery?
react/angular, but check if there are jobs with vue.js first, i personally haven't seen big demand.
considering the vast majority of programmers use languages that actually compile, then it is obvious why a /dpt/ thread is always up while /wdg/ keeps dying without reaching bump limit.
>unironically using the term webdev
>hipster faggot
here's my question: how can you live with yourself?