BYE BYE Gnome3/Fedora cucks! I'm jumping off this Titanic! Gnome3 should consider committing suicide.
BYE BYE Gnome3/Fedora cucks! I'm jumping off this Titanic! Gnome3 should consider committing suicide
>can't take a screenshot
You should consider Winfows 10.
>implying I'm not posting from phone because my dynamic ip is banned thanks to some shitposter & I'm too lazy to restart the router
Do you use Fedora too, friend?
>he doesn't use linux 16.04
Ubuntu 16.04, on both desktop and laptop.
I tried xubuntu but boot repair and jp ime wouldn't work. Back to gnome.
>linux 16.04
>linux, version 16.04
that's THE UGLIEST POINTER on the face of the earth. I fucking dare you to find an uglier pointer.
>I need to download and install a new distro to change DE
$ dnf group list hidden -v|grep env
# dnf group install @xfce-desktop-environment
Here's your (You)
you know it doesn't really matter what DE you use, right? Like, no one on here is going to seriously at the end of the day care about what you choose to get your job done. They'll argue about objective states and personal philosophies, but if at the end of the day you prefer Unity or XFCE or anything, that's totally fine man.
I love gnome3, and avoided it like the plague because Sup Forums seemed to be so against it. But I actually love it and it works great for me, and so that's that.
Because you're a cuck
That is, by the way a Thinkpad X220.
Translation: I got my home IP address banned from shiposting so much. Btw, what you're doing is ban evasion, a bannable offense.
no one asked you anything you fucking retard
There is some cool stuff that Gnome 3 does like exposé but KDE has that now too.
I think the only thing Gnome has over the other DE's is its extension system.
Just jump off linux completely. You can still use it on windows.
Why don't you just install Xfce on Fedora?
>on x86
what a NOOB
>Not getting Manjaro Xfce instead.
By basically STILL getting oobontoo Xfce Skinned Edition, you're making a mistake, op.
>installing a different distro to change DE
"ubuntu on windows 10" doesn't use linux
Stop crying and install them all.
>he thinks he using linux
Sup, spic.
Sup below 80 IQ
linux is free because your time has zero value
>doesn't like the wm
>torrents another distro
You debian based fags are fucking disgusting
this is literally my biggest pet peeve, because even some linux "administrators" can't seem to get pas the fact that the distro isn't tied to the DE. ffs. consider me triggered
>Not just installing XFCE on top of your current distro, then removing Gnome3
Fedora is fine senpai.
>reinstalling your operating system instead of just removing your DE and installing a new DE
That doesn't even make sense. I use Linux because it saves me time. Using Windows or OS X I have to constantly fight the operating system to perform basic tasks and i have to restart the system to install updates whereas on linux they just install in the background while I am using the computer.
>shitty acronyms
I partially blame canonical for this, since they marketed "kubuntu", "xubuntu" et cetera as "separate distros" from ubuntu itself
Look at this idiot. So stupid that he saves thumbnails.
desperately trying all linux distros and not finding a good one
Step one: stop trying ubuntu with different desktop enviroments lol
Step two: find a reason to use linux, if you cant find it kill yourself cause using windows is worse
Install openSUSE
Give me one good (and it better be good) reason you're not installing Win10 instead, I'll wait.
>i change distros because of their prepackaged DE
go away daniel
back to the /bst/ discord
Bans can be pretty dumb sometimes.
I got banned for posting fart noises in reply to high-test images the other day.
You know you can use your package manager to install new desktop environments, right?