>mfw unplugging all the peripherals in the computer lab
>mfw unplugging all the peripherals in the computer lab
>tfw removing flash drive without ejecting
>community college around the corner
>hear from a friend they have gbit lines there
>take laptop and external hard drive there
>find one of the massive study halls
>take ethernet cable out of one of the computers, plug it in my laptop
>pepper my angus for some massive downloading from torrents and usenet
>been doing that for years
>never been a student there
In my programming class I frequently open up an infinite loop program to run onscreen right before I leave so the person at the computer in the next period has to go through the effort of closing the IDE and re-opening it.
they must have really shitty admins, my uni blocks all torrents
Do you use a VPN? Haha
>sell child porn on satoshibox
>its not actually child porn
>have made thousands on bitcoins doing this
haha you pedos are so gullible
What shit IDE are you using that you cant just close the program
Furthermore what shit University are you at that you don't have a personal account you do you work on?
>at library
>go to computer
>open notepad
>type nigger
heheheh hohohoho
wew lad
>see an unattended phone/laptop at the airport charging
>unplug it
mine has personal accounts for every student, but that doesn't stop people from forgetting to logout. Someone, in one of our classes, left their account open and every time he would try to login his computer would shutdown. It was probably some batch script someone quickly wrote up and set to execute on start up. He had to contact the System Admin to remove the file.
>can afford usenet but not bandwidth
sounds about right
gibb back the phone/laptop, Timmy
Visiting Fry's or Best Buy with this thing.
Im now trying to think of some way you can scam a warranty with this
not him but
some schools teach C# or Java in shitty slow PCs, so opening visual studio/other IDE can take some 5 minutes
That's easy to get around
pulled out a discrete gpu while the pc was still on
I though PCIe was hotpluggable?
i meant that i *plugged* a gpu in with the pc on, but it did freeze
It would be pretty easy to tell that you did by looking at the security camera history
change desktop wallpaper and icons of labmaster's computer to gay shit (yes, dicks)
>mfw putting balls in all of the laser mice
>Middle school computer lab
>spam the shift key
>computer makes shrill sound
>gets friends to do it
>pisses off teacher every time
>Not fully reading the EULA
>Clicking Agree
>back in the day trolling meant something...
>middle school computer lab pcs ran windows 98
>rename WIN.COM to whatever
>computers won't boot into windows anymore
>nobody seems to know why or be able to fix it
>replace WIN.COM with DUKE3D.EXE
>maximum shits and giggles
our old win98 middle school machines had some file system protection that would reset any critical system files upon reboot so that wouldnt work.
but going into cmd and typing deltree/c: was somewhat lower level and would nuke the machines to a black screen and would need to be reimaged
we once nuked 30 computers in the etire lab
i also once got an entire class suspended by putting the jolly roger cookbook on the classes shared network drive remotely.
These mischief threads are always reddit cancer, go back to /r9k/ or just kill yourselves.
Here's a classic:
>take screenshot of desktop
>make background
>hide icons
>read the "Terms and Conditions" and fully agree with the material mentioned thereof
>click disagree
Fucking hardcore.
>elite 14 year old hacker tiem
>use cain & abel to hacksaw all school user accounts
>modify or delete peoples files
>plant disgusting porn on girls network drives
>use teachers account to print out dirty images and messages to classrooms
>baleet random shit on server until everything stops working
The incompetent IT guys life was suffering
It's in the spec but it's rarely implemented in actual hardware.
Been to quite a few universities, most just have the username as "student" and password as "123" or something ridiculous like that, and every student uses that same account. Might be biased -- hope I am and it's actually done right in most places.
it's arseholes like you who make my job a misery.
>Seed rare torrent to 0.99
>Close it
My computer lab has alarm systems against it.
Satan everyone. Satan.
>thousands of bitcoins
Wtf I hate bitcoins now
>start a defrag and then start rocking the pc back and forth
>mfw opening and closing the CD repeatedly tray till it jams
>plant a vis basic script in the startup folder that opens and shuts the cd drive repeatedly
This entire thread is fucking gold.
>Parents refuse to use anything other than Chrome to use the internet
>Uninstall Chrome
>Install Iridium
>Change its icon and name to Chrome
>Install uBlock and HTTPS everywhere
>hide it from toolbar
They will never know. I'm the silent protector from botnet.
>change hosts file to redirect to meatspin
>pull usb cords out at full tilt and damage the usb port
fun in libraries because then they have to buy new computers just for the usb ports LOL
>"go to Pen Island it's a great site for ordering pens & pencils"
>put a link to tranny porn in the startup folder
>install bonzibuddy
we just return it to vendor as defective you dumb slut. or, if were feeling really cheeky, "customer worn demo". that's if we can't vendor charge them to just repair it ourselves.
>.bat file with countdown til the computer shuts down.
i have never heard of this
>boss calls me at home, tells me to go straight to his golf buddy's office
>accounting firm, 30 PCs
>arrive, staff freaking out
>every PC has display rotated 180
>my faith in humanity down a notch
>make a screenshot of desktop
>delete all shortcuts
>turn off taskbar
>set screenshot as wallpaper
>take screenshot of desktop
>set as background
>hide desktop icons
Forgive me padre
>high school
>windows 2000/xp network
>abusing net send
We had so much fun until some faggot didn't realiz he was net sending the entire network and ended up filling the principal's screen with shit. Then, after a little shitstorm, they figured out how to block it.
>open task manager
>end process
>screenshot friend's desktop
>set screenshot as desktop wallpaper
>hide only half the shortcuts on the screen
>being between the ages of 12 and 14
>Laughing Ranma ½ screensaver
>password protected
This is a mischief thread not a good guy thread
>go I to computer lab
>Someone forgot to log out
>look who it is
>it's the president of the student council
>had so many files
>lots of stuff for student council as well as English and what not
>Wipe all of his files
>create some new folders
>Nigger porn, burnt Jews, big titty teachers, gay anal
>download a bunch of porn and racist shit and save it in his drive
I heard he got in alot of trouble for that and nobody ever found out it was me
>About to leave computer room, everyone logged off
>Type "User Name" in the user name box
>Next person to use the pc has to delete it
I added a bunch of common words to the Word autocorrect to change them to misspelled versions, and then later did so with a few individual letters.
>classmate gets up to use the photocopier
>set his desktop wallpaper to Nic Cage
>Unplug network cable from pc
>plug into empty port on wall
>hide it
>entire school was down for a week
>high school gets chromebooks
>messing around, trying to get developer mode
>discover shortcut to wipe and brick chromebooks
>me and my friend did it to 15+ laptops
>mfw they never found out it was me
>enter network room
>blug in laptop
>school network routes through vpn
>every school in district on private network
>eigrp used everywhere
>dynamic routing tables?
>insert freshly reset router that was not used
>move cables to incorporate new router
>plug in random pc
>insert ssl stripper
>insert web traffic modification
>broadcast finely crafted routing table saying random pc is the new path out
>every picture replaced with dickbutt
>every word replaced with "Chicken"
>District wide, across 30 campuses.
>run, run fast
>shared folder accesible by every school PC
>create shutoff batch file
>disguise it as Internet Explorer
It'll only punish the one's deserving it
>install program
>prompt show up asking me to restart now or do it later
>click later
>launch the program
>it works fine
Someone post the DHCP guy crushing the IP request comic.
>in electronics store
>see macbooks
What does this do?
accessibility shortcut that inverts screen colors
Emergency wipe combination
this is not fucking okay
can't afford 50 cents a year?
>being in highschool whilst Google is even a thing
You need to be 18 to post here faggot
>mfw ctrl+shift+w
Keep spending 50 cents a year and you will never be rich user.
>have phone with IR blaster
>go around stores and turn off monitors
>an error has occurred. Do you wish to send a report?
>select No
Break into a friend's laptop, making a Python script to fill his desktop and start menu with garbage files and program a task to run this script about one week later.
You win the thread
alias cd='eject'
alias apt-get='eject'
i think you mean chromebooks, but we'll give you a pass oldfag.
Hoa, what phone is that? i thought irda ports were close-range.
>spend 50 cents
>obtain $3000 in content for free
>save $2999.50
What content you can find on Usenet and not on torrents?
>mfw deleting a bunch of imac hard drives at my high school with a bunch of friends as a way of protesting them using macs.
>mfw assembly because IT teacher was pissed as fuck
>mfw we got through 9-12th gade and never got caught.
>mfw on graduation day we sent the teacher an email telling him it was us.
>mfw the fat faggot got fired anyway for being a fat faggot child rapist.
>mfw opening it and putting my cock through the hole it has and then closing it repeatedly until i cum on the case.
>before leaving computer classroom
>ctrl + alt + F4
>enter default user & pass
>sleep 200; while true; do eject; eject -t; done
>ctrl + alt + F7