I'll start.
Post low tier Computer Scientist
Other urls found in this thread:
>IT is computer science
Doesn't this guy have a PHD and make easily six figures?
>low tier computer scientist
OP back to arch tinkering you retard.
>Doesn't this guy have a PHD
He's a self-admitted drop-out of multiple colleges
I just started watching this guy, dude is the saltiest fucker ive ever seen. classic fucking nerd rage, Freudian analysis would show that dude aint getting no pussy and hes venting hard
This. He makes some good points but they're buried under hours of him being generally angry.
What is my degree says computer science and information technology :3
He's a repair tech monkey who is a college drop out. He got his job by reading (illegally obtained) schematics for Apple products and performing simple soldering.
If you asked him he'd say the same thing, he's really nothing special.
idk I know lots of people from New York who act exactly like him about anything
Who the fuck watches that guy? The man never smiles, is angry 99% of the time and has bipolar disorder and he hates his life.
You;ll go mental just after watching him for few hours. Enjoy your psych ward visit.
>lots of people from New York who act exactly like him about anything
I like watching him ramble about random stuff
>You;ll go mental just after watching him for few hours. Enjoy your psych ward visit.
If that is how you actually experience the world, you probably belong there user.
>Mental illness
Do people actually get my tax money sitting home claiming depression? Fucking degenerates.
The article reads like a fifth grader wrote it.
>I like watching him ramble about random stuff
when you fill your life with negativity, you become a negative person too.
If I had to fix Apple computers for a living I would be angry too.
Yeah, New York Jews.
But I am a negative person. People complain about it all the time, ever since I was a kid. I don't give a fuck.
>generalizing NYC
>half these people think Manhattan is synonymous with NYC
Please stop retards.
OP is very salty today... did he call you a retard on live stream?
You have to legitimately be retarded to think someone who does board repair is a computer scientist.
Then again you did make a thread to try and shit on some youtuber so I don't know what else I expected from you to be honest...
Everything Rossman comes up a lot of salty anons say he's nothing special just a college drop out, yet he's living a pretty nice existence. He has probably done more with his life than your average Sup Forumsentooman, that's what makes you fuckers so god damn salty about him.
He still makes a fuck load of money, which means he provides a service to the economy more than 99.9% of Sup Forums. Not to even mention his youtube channel. I'm sure he makes above 200k
Who gives a fuck if he has a paper from a school.
the channel makes him 10-20k annually, so he really does it for fun
>$10k to 20k is just pocket change
You are salty as fuck
for manhattan, doofus.
Does it not provide advertising for his business?
I'd bet the value of that is much, much more than immediate ad profit.
He is pretty insightful, I could see why some find him off-putting though.
Link low tier bait
I'll start
well he's not putting up banner ads on Sup Forums, I can tell you that much.
basically he uses the videos to vent
louis pls
he claims he uses it mostly for therapeutic reasons, but the extra cash and advertising is nice too
You made bread shitting on youtuber.
Youtuber who doesn't even have advertising on his videos he literally does it for himself and for advertising
Makes a good living in one of the most expensive cities in the world
Has a nice home
Likes tech gear
Knows how to fix tech gear at the component level
You are here shitting on him what are you doing with your life user?
Stop acting like a baby and do something with your life. Maybe you actually should watch some of his ramblings on life they may actually help you.
that's just how people from new york are
>Freudian analysis would show that dude aint getting no pussy and hes venting hard
you tell him, Dale!
Oh shit. Slug does IT on the side? SHEEEIITTT
a video from around a month ago, I think.
I left college and got a job where no one gave a fuck about caring about ESD or soldering temps. After 4 years at school having heard multiple times a day every day to do things a certain way.
And everyone there didn't care at all, like OP's pic, and got shit done. 10/10 would drop out of college if I could go back to the past.
So you're saying that there's nothing that you wouldn't have learned otherwise during the job you wouldn't have applied for without your degree that positively affected your current life status?
Having a degree in my curriculum helps to get a job.
But I learned more in the month I spent working at that job than what I did at college.
I spent most of my college learning about my own stuff. There are a lot of things I learned that I wouldn't have learn by myself. Instead, if I would have spend my money on certain machines, broken stuff and designing my own I could have a curriculum much greater than fresh out of college.
Every idiot that is a computer science or engineering professor at a college or university.
Considering most are older, if they were any good they would be making a lot more money in the real world.
Degree is pretty much worthless after your first job.
I wouldn't mind the peace of mind of being at a college/university instead of the real world. Less moneis at the end of the month, but once you get a proper position there you will be keeping that income barely working for the rest of your life. One of the IT guys at my college runs two companies while he does his job.
Isn't he a service electrician?
Which is a good job, and props to him and all, but why are you calling him a computer scientist?
You wish.
>The man never smiles
Well clearly you don't watch him.
>illegally obtained
the alternative is people throwing away perfectly good computers because apple wants to jew them into buying new ones more often than they need to, so don't start getting all judgemental and shit
Not sure what actually he is.
Is this some next level apple pajeet difamation campaign against based Louise
>the alternative is people throwing away perfectly good computers
Or you know, getting them fixed by Apple Authorised Service Providers.
He's not a scientist, he's an alchemist.
Hes said it lost him money due to more competitors learning from his videos
>Or you know, getting them fixed by Apple Authorised Service Providers.
Oh you.
"fixing" and fixing are not the same.
fuck off r9k